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- Panorama Cotton
- Panzer Dragoon II: Zwei
- Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight
- Progear no Arashi
- Jet Set Radio
Just to name some.
Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario 64, Far Cry, Half-Life 2, Gears of War, and Bioshock all made me go "Wow, awesome graphics.
half life 2 for me was just heads and shoulders above every opening I had seen in a videogame. The chilling prologue by the G-Man, first walking around the station, listening to all the stories the people were telling you and all the while feeling the incredible sense of dread that exerted from every scene of the opening.
But it's perhaps the little things that really make your mouth fall open. If you turn left after getting off the train, your immediate perception of the place your living in suddenly changes. you see a chained vortigon being made to pick up litter. not a big thing in itslef, but considering these were your main enemies in the first game the sense of mystery is suddenly hugely expanded. but it doesn's stop there.Being made to pick up a can may not be alot, but for explaining the game'scontrols and showing the depth of characters that you would be encountering it was a huge thing to experiance for the first time. there are so many things that i could also go into; the brief flash of the interrigation room,your first glance at the strider, seeing the newspaper pinned to a wall explaining what has happened, Breen's "reproduction talk" and so many more.
Opening scene in Halo takes it for me. When you see the covies overun the guy working the controls.
That was amazing
yeah that was a great one also! God of war 2 was AMAZING in that the PS2 could pull that off.Soul Calibur on the DC. Great intro.
God Of War I: The beginning was awesome, we are introduced to a menu screen show casing the impressive graphics, then the game begins with our hero jumping off a bridge in an attempt to commit suicide. Thats starting with a bang!
God Of War II: The whole collossus battle is a boss battle that puts the final boss battles in many games to shame. I mean just the graphics alone will astound you, but when u realize that all this work has been put into the first 15 minutes of the game, you know that you are in for a real treat. And the boss battles just keep getting better with time.
Recently, it would have to be metroid prime 3, it was just so much better than prime 2 was, and (spoiler) the ridley bossfight was just amazing
and god of war 2, which just started out amazing and didn't stop
Probably Spartan total warrior for the Xbox. 300 spartans REALLY ripped off that game. :(armake21
How could it? It's based on agraphic novel that was done in the 90's!! If anything...thatgame riped off the novel!!
The opening to Homeworld.
I was being assaulted emotionally by the haunting music when the ship was launching. Everything felt so desolate, and you really did feel like humanity's last hope for the future. God I love that game.
We are talking about what amazed you about some games, so *** SPOILER ALERT!! ***
I have two. The first time I played Super Mario 64 for sure was one. Bioshock was the other. At first I didnt even know the game had started, I thought it was still the opening cut sceen. Amazing is alls I can say ......
I remember being amazed at the levels in Super Mario World (how so many had more than one goal, the sheer size of some of them, being able to fly through, etc.), I also remember being taken by the intro to the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. More recently, Super Mario 64 blew me away by introducing Mario to 3D, and FFVII's intro movie made me feel like I was watching a Hollywood production. Shenmue seemed like a living, breathing world when I first played, and most recently Gears of War floored me with its combination of incredible graphics and fun gameplay. I'd say there's probably one or two games per generation that really stand out and show me why I bought a new system.
edit: I can't believe I forgot to mention Metroid Prime for the GC. Sorry, Samus ;)
FFVIII CGI made me go WOW. At that time I was like: OMG! This looks so real.
And also when I was littler I had this snes and loved it and all... didn't even know for the PS3, and I used to listen to satelite TV, and saw an advertisement of Mario 64, first 3D game I saw and I was wow
GTA 3. picked it up, drove around, found a gun, killed everyone, got busted....that game was revolutionary, and my hopes are even higher for gta4Awinagainovyeah that game was pretty revolutionary for me. I think that was the first ps2 game i saw in action. Compared to the N64 i was amazed.
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