-the combat is more varied thanks to weapons, rails and vigors
-the enemies are more vared and more fun to fight against
-Has advancement system
-the story is both better written as well as better told
Columbia is more unique and much more varied setting
-The companion adds new unique mechanics into the game, can't say the same about Spec Ops' buddies
Both games have pacing issues so this is a weaknes
-the combat is more varied thanks to weapons, rails and vigors
Guns are generic and boring in both
Rails were a neat idea but you barely get to use themÂ
Vigors didnt really add much
-the enemies are more vared and more fun to fight against
This was a weakness for both games. Infinite had a few special enemies but they almost never show up Crow, Fire, Handyman
-Has advancement system
It doesnt significantly change anything
-the story is both better written as well as better told
Infinites story telling is crap. It has terrible pacing. Nothing happens like 70% of the game then there is a 20 minute cutsecene telling you everything that happened. Also a story as convuluted as Infinite is not well written. I felt like I was supposed to hate Comstock but I dont know why I should. Also Ifinite uses one of the most annoying tactics in games the old princess is in another castle trick. "He get the ship and we are free!" You get attacked. "Hey get the gun smith" He is dead so you have to jump through 10 dimensions. Spec Ops story is not great but it gets the job down.
-Columbia is more unique and much more varied setting
I think Columbia does have some bright spots but as a whole its kinda weak. Its supposed to be this great citybut you spend most the game walking in straight lines. Spec Ops doesnt have the highs Infinite does(Like the begining) but as a whole it is much more consisitant Also Vigors made no sense in that world
-The companion adds new unique mechanics into the game, can't say the same about Spec Ops' buddies
The companion wasnt that great
I am not saying Spec Ops should be called the greatest game ever cause Infinite is. The point is why is one rated so highly over another if they are so similar in what they do well and fail
texas alt confirmed, fuking long walls of texts telling you how your opinion is wrong and his right with some incredibly dumb arguments even after you took the time to explain it to this clown.
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