When it all comes down to it, all the PS3 has to do is keep pace whith the 360. Almost all of the good games that are coming out are multi-platform right?
Well, umm, yes.
As long as MOST of the good games that come out for the 360, still comes out for PS3, it could be a soon-to-be closed door on the future of the 360, as far as future console sales are concerned.
Sony is holding on to- over 100 million+ PS2 users. (xbox 360 sales= 10 million, only 6 million ahead of PS3) All along, Cultivating, massaging, and prepping them for you know what. The PS3.
What's going to happen in late 08' and beyond when the 150 million+ PS2 users look to upgrade from their aging ps2?
It's going to be like millions of salmon all swimming back to their fertile breeding grounds, or some other huge comparable migration of sorts.
As long as the 360 doesn't have a whole boat load of great exclusives, meaning that if nearly every good game that is out on the 360 is also on the ps3.... well, you know.
And not only that, the price will have dropped by then... maybe around $400.00, or below.
Then there's product loyalty... well that speaks for its self.
Sony's not dead yet. Not yet.
They say- slow and steady wins the race. I don't know, I guess we will all have to wait and see huh?
Hey Cows, here's to "waiting.":P
But, hey, I could be wrong. Untill then, I guess I'll be playing my PS2 and my Xbox 360.
On a side note, I have to say- Nintendo is rockin' and rollin' right now!.
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