[QUOTE="MBirdy88"] Oh elaborate on how they are doing this... give me the laugh.MBirdy88
5.2 introduced an area that features rare spawns that you will get credit for killing if you start to attack, as well as giving everyone else credit whether you are part of the party or not. They will scale for as many players as there are actively attacking it. They also introduced an area that is entirely dedicated to platforming and jumping around to find various rewards. They also introduced solo instanced quests, where you can travel through the established environment with a different set of enemies and story lines by yourself.With 5.3, they introduced a weekly quest, where you travel through the barrens and collect a whole lot of certain items. By the way, you can collect them from the caravans that spawn randomly and everyone who helps escort it will receive a reward. Also they added more world bosses that scale and offer shared rewards.
Honestly I won't be surprised in the next expansion introduces activated dodging and WvW. It's only a matter of time as far as I can tell.
1) You mean like Rift, Warhammer ect? this was inevitable. those rarespawns funnily enough while not as flashy actually matter towards progression, where as in Guild Wars thye are all challengless little exp bonuses. are we going to say Guild Wars copied Rift/Warhammer now while we are at it.? or shall we go back to final fantasy 11 which also did this several years ago.
2) Jump rewards - heavily tacked on. Rift also did it and many people have done it for over a year with housing now. but GW2 does that best there is no doubt. but are you seriously suggesting this is a big deal? that damn WoW engine wasn't built for it.
3) Instanced... story.... mode.... quests... have... been... around... for over 10 years. shall we say guild wars 2 copied phasing?
this is stupid.
It truly is grasping.... they took little exp boosting and random encounter features that have been in developement for a few years now. maybe GW2 influenced the decision, maybe not.... probably more of a colaborative since WoW's numbers are now dropping they are trying new things. big whoop. if you think that is a win for Guild Wars 2 then more power to you.
I however played that game. the game with no endgame, the game which decided fractals was a good idea (f*in pathetic) the game that marketed level syncing in zones (FF11 did it optionally years ago... big whoop) and making out thats end game (when its not.... nothing challenging or rewarding about it).... the game that removed the trinity and made a spam fest which incredibly poor balance... but its ok right because nobody liked healing or tanking :roll: mindless.
Did they copy the god awful massive down grade from Guild Wars 1 character custimization or PvP lobbies?
Did they copy the incredibly horrific dungeon design?
Did they make it so you could buy the best stat gear in the game for a few gold?
No... because those things are an abysmal.
Do you seriously think it's a coincidence that those things have been around, and yet they just so happen to be adding them with this expansion that just so happens to be released next to a title that just so happens to include this various set of tropes? A set of tropes you were only able to very poorly refute 3 of, by the way. Sorry I think you're just refusing to admit it. Also I think it's hilarious that you brought up the dungeon thing, because they just added heroic scenario's into the game, challenging version of instances that don't need strict tanks, healers, or dps to complete.
No need to be so butthurt about it.
Also... are you serious about the downgrade to GW1 character customization? Please me that was a troll. Maybe you meant the skill system?
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