Tool is better then anything you listent too... I'd love to be able to express myself but I'll get insta banned. Tool is one of the most innovative, unique, creative and original bands of the last couple of decades, just cause you noobs don't "get it" doesn't mean it sucks, your the same type of people that call great movies boring, and great literature boring, educate yourself. Now go listen to MTV trash and go watch whatever cliche comedy is about to hit theatres and rave about how osum that is...
Edit: Misread, seems the TC actually does have good taste :P I get defensive when I think people are attacking "quality" cause of plain ignorance, which is not the TC's case at all, so sry for that. Anyway take what I said as a response to the people the TC described :P Oh and Half Life 1 = Revolutionary, Half Life 2 = Superb but not as important for it's time, still a mark in gaming.
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