[QUOTE="silentobi"][QUOTE="Weapons_Free"] The series has outstanding music and an addictive multiplayer. Thats all it has going for it.
The enemy AI is atrocious, especially in Halo 3 where you don't have to deal with the Elites who would actually engage you in past games.
The friendly AI is non-existent. Your marine teammates do nothing but crack retarded jokes that completely remove any immersion you are experiencing from the game. The series is supposed to be "epic" but it comes across as a parody.
The environments are grossly repetitive. Huge open spaces that are very bland and sterile looking. Very little details.
The ending was one of the worst I've ever seen in a videogame, especially because it went against every logical conclusion to the series. Complete cop-out hack garbage.
The warthogs were cool, especially in the first one, because of what they allowed you to do as a team, even when playing single player with your worthless NPCs, but every other vehicle is unnecessary.
The graphics have never been the series strongpoint. And considering how little detail exists in the games, thats pretty sad, almost inexcusable.
When did you play halo C.E.? Because when It first came out it had some of the best A.I ever and it had pretty slick graphics. The rest of your reasons were opinions.Best AI ever? No, not even close. For all intents and purposes the enemies in Halo are squad based. They travel in packs, even when you encounter them while they aren't patrolling they still stay together. The grunts and jackals are supposedly led by the Elites or whatever. So why do they not engage you as a group? They hardly ever come after you and do not try and flush you out of hiding spots. This is especially true in Halo 3, where you don't have to deal with Elites carrying energy swords. Its because of this that LEGENDARY poses no difficulty whatsoever as long as you have patience.
And the rest of my statements are opinion and FACTS.
The friendly NPC AI is atrocious. Thats a fact.
The environments are sadly lacking. Thats a fact. Almost no textures whatsoever, its all repeated over and over again. There is no such thing as furniture or anything of that sort while moving through most of the levels. They just aren't detailed. Compare that to any above-average FPS. They have locations that look occupied and lived in. Not a bunch of architecture placed on a barren landscape.
And whoever doesn't agree that the ending sucked has their own opinion, thats true. But its crap. Bungie didn't have the balls to kill off the main character. His mission is over, he stopped the threat, he's supposed to die. But no, they took the easy way out and had him "die" only not. Hellllooooo sequels! Take a note from Kojima and MGS4, that guy actually has the guts to kill off an icon, and knows how to bring closure to a series. Game is supposed to be epic, it fails to do that in so many ways.
And don't bring up the past Halo games either, considering the fact that The Flood is one of the most widely accepted "bad ideas" in the history of videogaming. When one the complaints against your game is the complete lack of enemy variety, don't have a level where you send an endless swarm of the most aggravating (AND NON ORIGINAL) enemies at the player as he slowly moves through the same blue/gray hexagonal corridor over and over again.
Halo C.E did had some pretty darn good A.I and graphicsfor it's time did you just played the game yesterday? Here's some quotes form the review "It's so good that you'll find yourself looking forward to playing the game over again before you even beat it the first time, and the excellent AI and variety of options for accomplishing your goals will ensure that you'll have unique experiences every time you do."
And lets not forget about those graphics.
"Halo's a stunning-looking game, full of huge environments that are packed with eye candy. Turn on your flashlight in a hallway, and you'll see a plastic reflective sheen to the wall. Walk up close to a marine, and you'll notice that the visor on his helmet reflects light too. Throw a grenade outside, and the explosion will send up a cloud of dust. Turn your jeep sharply, and clumps of dirt go flying. The game isn't as hyperdetailed as Quake III Arena, but its immense levels, excellent textures, and great special effects put it in the same class."
That's for Halo 1 now let's get to the graphics and for Halo 3
"Halo has always had a very strong artistic vision, and the graphics have always been just good enough to convey the necessary imagery without becoming huge technical powerhouses. That's not to say that the game isn't technically impressive, because it maintains a smooth frame rate throughout, and looks very sharp overall with plenty of great lighting and other nice effects. But the visual design overpowers its technical side and really stands out. Given that the game takes place in a wider range of locales than the previous two games, you'll see a lot of different, colorful environments, including deserts, snow, jungle settings, great-looking building interiors, and more. The enemies, many of which are returning from past games, also look great."
Seriously the only thing I could agree with you is the friendly A.I. The rest are opinions.
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