been pretty hyped for both the collection and TLG. I was even thinking of replaying ICO and SOTC so I can ease myself some trophies and compare/contrast the PS2/PS3 versions :D
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[QUOTE="dog_dirt"]Everything has it's limits.LIES!!!! we all know the cell has no limits
Batman has no limits.
[spoiler] Couldn't help it :P [/spoiler]
At TC, I'm excited for TLG :D
If someone can do it its Team Ico. They pushed the limits of the last generation with shadow of the colossus being probably the most technically advanced game from gen 6, even tho the PS2's hardware was weaker than xbox.
yeah, but when the hell is this game coming out? is it even comfirmed for this year? also, when is the ico collection releasing? amazon has it releasing december 31.
I'll push my PS3 beside my 360 and call it a god dam liar, look at that how can the 360 run Crysis 2 better than you, I've been told countless times every year by Dev's that the PS3 is being pushed to the max, yet the humble 360 which dosen't keep boasting about how good its game look just sits there and destorys everything people have said about the PS3 form the very beginning
Indeed, comments about PS3 graphics are the laughstock of the internet right now after Crysis 2 looking so much better on 360 and better than anything on PS3 by miles
Lens of Truth seems to disagree. Definitely one doesn't look that much better than the other.
this game will be amazing. as will the team ico collection :D all it takes is a wonderful art direction and superb animation to make a fantastic looking game. SOTC looks better than most current gen games, really epic scale. thank god the HD version will fix the framerate :D
No it won't.[QUOTE="johny300"][QUOTE="PAL360"]
GOTY 2011 will be Skyrim, sorry ;)
Yup. It will be ME3.
but... that's not how you spell uncharted 3 :P
Great, i'm really excited for the game, even if they are "trying to push the PS3 to it's limits" (every dev always say de same :roll: ), but we barely know anything about the game, i know the final product will be good (hopefully) but i would like to know more instead of hearing more interviews that tell me nothing, i hope this game is presented in E3.
The game will not release this year but I am looking forward to when it gets an official release date.
nothing pushes limits further than V A P O R W A R E
Except if that "vaporware" proves to be one of the best games of this gen and a work of art when it does come out ;)
nothing pushes limits further than V A P O R W A R E
Except if that "vaporware" proves to be one of the best games of this gen and a work of art when it does come out
I really hope it does, shadow of the colossus is one of my favorite games, while ico was pretty good but it suffered from being early gen. for me personally i never like hyping any game (no matter how much love i have for its predecessor) until it's released.
nothing pushes limits further than V A P O R W A R E
Except if that "vaporware" proves to be one of the best games of this gen and a work of art when it does come out ;)
ummmm, yeah. Still waiting.
nothing pushes limits further than V A P O R W A R E
Except if that "vaporware" proves to be one of the best games of this gen and a work of art when it does come out ;)
ummmm, yeah. Still waiting.
Tsk Tsk, you should know better
lol It's been a while since I heard that.LIES!!!! we all know the cell has no limits
But yeah that game will be sick. With what they achived on the PS2 with SotC, LG is probably gonna be amazing.
Typical Sony bullshiit overhyping their games with unbelievable arrogance. You thought they would have learned by now that no one takes them seriously when they say
"It will blow everything that's come before out of the water and into outer space. Derp"
The only thing that this game will be pushing is the PS3's life cycle. Hopefully it will be released before Sony moves on to the next "Most amazing piece of hardware to ever grace Earth."
We are all pretty sure it will be: climb, climb, climb, fetch food, supplies, solve puzzle, repeat.
At this point are we still going to be impressed? Will it suffer from comparisons to uncharted's climbing mechanics or Dark Souls moodiness and atmosphere? I think really good games have established themselves too well while we've been waiting on this one. Not sure it will be able to handle harsh critics. I think it will be fine when judged by fanboys, but that's not how the entertainment world works.
You're right. The entertainment world works by first experiencing said game, and then making a judgement call.We are all pretty sure it will be: climb, climb, climb, fetch food, supplies, solve puzzle, repeat.
At this point are we still going to be impressed? Will it suffer from comparisons to uncharted's climbing mechanics or Dark Souls moodiness and atmosphere? I think really good games have established themselves too well while we've been waiting on this one. Not sure it will be able to handle harsh critics. I think it will be fine when judged by fanboys, but that's not how the entertainment world works.
[QUOTE="fadersdream"]You're right. The entertainment world works by first experiencing said game, and then making a judgement call. Pretty sure there's a lot of comparing the intended product to it's likely audience as well.We are all pretty sure it will be: climb, climb, climb, fetch food, supplies, solve puzzle, repeat.
At this point are we still going to be impressed? Will it suffer from comparisons to uncharted's climbing mechanics or Dark Souls moodiness and atmosphere? I think really good games have established themselves too well while we've been waiting on this one. Not sure it will be able to handle harsh critics. I think it will be fine when judged by fanboys, but that's not how the entertainment world works.
Well if there's a game that can show what the PS3 can do than it's this game. If it does come out that is.
The visuals look sub par so far though, so i doubt it
That's just silly. The graphics look extraordinary on it. To see each little feather on that creature move in a generated wind is amazing. The lighting and animations also look superb
I dont see why it cant, SoTC looked amazing for Ps2 hardware, seeing how this will come out near the end of this gen, I'm pretty sure it can max out the PS3 if it is not already been done so by UC3.Typical Sony bullshiit overhyping their games with unbelievable arrogance. You thought they would have learned by now that no one takes them seriously when they say
"It will blow everything that's come before out of the water and into outer space. Derp"
The only thing that this game will be pushing is the PS3's life cycle. Hopefully it will be released before Sony moves on to the next "Most amazing piece of hardware to ever grace Earth."
[QUOTE="Frostbite24"]I dont see why it cant, SoTC looked amazing for Ps2 hardware, seeing how this will come out near the end of this gen, I'm pretty sure it can max out the PS3 if it is not already been done so by UC3.Typical Sony bullshiit overhyping their games with unbelievable arrogance. You thought they would have learned by now that no one takes them seriously when they say
"It will blow everything that's come before out of the water and into outer space. Derp"
The only thing that this game will be pushing is the PS3's life cycle. Hopefully it will be released before Sony moves on to the next "Most amazing piece of hardware to ever grace Earth."
I don't think the system will be maxed out before the PS4 launches. Not even by TLG. Im not saying its all powerful or anything, Im just saying it won't be absolutely maxed out. Also there is more to its horsepower than visual fidelity. The AI code could push the hardware a long way on it's own
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