The game’s hilarious, and I love the combat. I think if anyone is really bothered by its portrayal of violence, they’ve not witnessed real violence and suffering. There’s a WORLD of difference, and no matter how many times they call out their friend’s names, or how many times they comically gurgle and scream in their death throes, I cannot help but grin from ear to ear. I enjoy the violence so much that I play it in slow motion to pop off head shots and blow off limbs left and right and to watch the reactions, and I’m one who cannot stand to watch any gore videos that entail real suffering so I’m a wuss in this regard. And screw the dogs....I love watching them innocently wander into my trap mines.
Bring it all on, and I hope they go further in their next game.
What I can understand is the concern of someone who is mentally ill getting their hands on this and taking it to heart in not being able to see the distinction. I would also certainly not let my child play this. But in terms of how horrific this is to real violence? I still think there’s a LONG way to go.
If ND maintained this much smaller areas, they could focus on internal organs, gibbing and more impactful animations next gen in another game like last of us.
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