This topic is locked from further discussion.
I checked it...the shots there are not native resolution/direct feed like you claimed.
At this point you are just picking and chosing what you want to believe is real. Like I said, they COULD be bullshots, but to outright say they are bullshots is a pretty butt hurt move when GOW3 produced ingame graphics that looked like bullshots in 2010...this game comes out in 2013. If you still want to calim that these HAVE to be bullshot and what a console CANT I will just show something that proves you wrong.
Some things you're forgetting. ND and Sony Santa Monica are not the same devs. and also ND are notorious for spreading bullshots to try sell their games. 3 uncharted's later you'd think people would learn.
I can accept this line of logic.
And like I said they *could* be bullshots...but he is outright saying they HAVE to be bullshots and what CAN'T be done...that is what I am disputing.
I'm basing my previous "bullshot" statements on personal,first hand experience with many PS3 exclusives,and knowledge about visual design in general,as well as the fact that PS3 is a severely aged piece of hardware at this point,unable to pull out a graphical jump like that one posted in those original pics...
Do you honestly see PS3 suddenly becoming capable of outputing real time supersampling AA,a thing that can severely affect performance even in high-end PCs in some games when used,like Witcher 2?
Witcher 2's "Ubersampling"=supersampling AA,just so you know,that's why it affects performance so much,it's a highly effective AA method...
Have you missed it?
Or is the source not accurate enough for cow standards? :lol:
Check this video in 720p too:
As I said,game looks great,but nowhere near as good as supersampled bullshots...
I checked it...the shots there are not native resolution/direct feed like you claimed.
At this point you are just picking and chosing what you want to believe is real. Like I said, they COULD be bullshots, but to outright say they are bullshots is a pretty butt hurt move when GOW3 produced ingame graphics that looked like bullshots in 2010...this game comes out in 2013. If you still want to calim that these HAVE to be bullshot and what a console CANT I will just show something that proves you wrong.
Played GOW3(and UC2,and many other PS3 games) on a 1080p screen,looked nowhere as good as those bullshots often thrown around is SW.First hand experience.Few great looking locations in Hades,but aside from that,the game is visually pretty inconsistent,some levels look great,some look just plain mediocre,like that [spoiler] labyrinth where Hera dies [/spoiler]
Go ahead,show me the thing that proves me wrong.If you're succeful,I'll admit it,as I said,I take no personal stake or angle in this discussion,as I own neither of the consoles atm.Used to own a PS3,but got stolen.Didn't bother replacing it...
Your explanation of some experience you claim to have had doesn't mean much here. You were talking about what couldn't be done and so on and so on. Sitting here trying to downplay GOW3 doesn't help your agument when claiming what can't be done. If GOW3 didn't exist you might have a point, making excuses doen't help. Besides, you are questioning the screenshots here,but in your curious explantion of an experience you had with GoW3 you said you played the game. You are questioning a screenshot's validity.
Let me tell you that what you said about playing GOW3 doesn't change the fact that direct feed shots of GOW3 are indeed real/non-bullshots and challenge if not totally destroy the notion of what you said can't be done.
[QUOTE="parkurtommo"] Even though they clearly aren't. that would be like ps3 owners being jealous of gears...Davekeeh
I understand the whole fanboy wars thing and to show off exclusives but they don't even put any effort behind it anymore, it's just *post screens out of nowhere* with nothing to write about or anything like that
Fake pics also lie to consumers
LOL graphics. I'm mostly interested to see how the AI will work. Both friendly and not so friendly. Wonder how scripted their behaviours are and if u'll be fooled by it (at least if u play along a little). It can go either way I feel like. Sushiglutton
I agree. They are promising this dynamic AI system that changes on the fly all the time and it can either be just that and be wonderfully dynamic and VERY impressive or it will be far more scrpited than people think or expect and will be it's downfall.
But my money os on it being the former from what I've heard
I checked it...the shots there are not native resolution/direct feed like you claimed.
At this point you are just picking and chosing what you want to believe is real. Like I said, they COULD be bullshots, but to outright say they are bullshots is a pretty butt hurt move when GOW3 produced ingame graphics that looked like bullshots in 2010...this game comes out in 2013. If you still want to calim that these HAVE to be bullshot and what a console CANT I will just show something that proves you wrong.
Played GOW3(and UC2,and many other PS3 games) on a 1080p screen,looked nowhere as good as those bullshots often thrown around is SW.First hand experience.Few great looking locations in Hades,but aside from that,the game is visually pretty inconsistent,some levels look great,some look just plain mediocre,like that [spoiler] labyrinth where Hera dies [/spoiler]
Go ahead,show me the thing that proves me wrong.If you're succeful,I'll admit it,as I said,I take no personal stake or angle in this discussion,as I own neither of the consoles atm.Used to own a PS3,but got stolen.Didn't bother replacing it...
I agree that shot is in game and looks great when you're playing it but there are a LOT of incosistencies in GOW III and some horrendous textures in some places. The game can go from "Holy sh!t" to "wut?" in 5 minutes
I checked it...the shots there are not native resolution/direct feed like you claimed.
At this point you are just picking and chosing what you want to believe is real. Like I said, they COULD be bullshots, but to outright say they are bullshots is a pretty butt hurt move when GOW3 produced ingame graphics that looked like bullshots in 2010...this game comes out in 2013. If you still want to calim that these HAVE to be bullshot and what a console CANT I will just show something that proves you wrong.
Played GOW3(and UC2,and many other PS3 games) on a 1080p screen,looked nowhere as good as those bullshots often thrown around is SW.First hand experience.Few great looking locations in Hades,but aside from that,the game is visually pretty inconsistent,some levels look great,some look just plain mediocre,like that [spoiler] labyrinth where Hera dies [/spoiler]
Go ahead,show me the thing that proves me wrong.If you're succeful,I'll admit it,as I said,I take no personal stake or angle in this discussion,as I own neither of the consoles atm.Used to own a PS3,but got stolen.Didn't bother replacing it...
Your explanation of some experience you claim to have had doesn't mean much here. You were talking about what couldn't be done and so on and so on. Sitting here trying to downplay GOW3 doesn't help your agument when claiming what can't be done. If GOW3 didn't exist you might have a point, making excuses doen't help. Besides, you are questioning the screenshots here,but in your curious explantion of an experience you had with GoW3 you said you played the game. You are questioning a screenshot's validity.
Let me tell you that what you said about playing GOW3 doesn't change the fact that direct feed shots of GOW3 are indeed real/non-bullshots and challenge if not totally destroy the notion of what you said can't be done.
Not a bullshot,looks good,but a single picture hardly proves anything,and I still wouldn't call it a bullshot level quality.As I said,some parts of the Hades level looked great,but many other levels didn't...
Here's another GoW pic,that proves my statement about the game's graphical inconsistency:
Lots of very plain and bland looking textures...
And I still stand behind my statement about those TLoU pics being bullshots.SSAA not possible on console hardware,especially not in games looking as advnaced(by console standards) as TLoU...
Played GOW3(and UC2,and many other PS3 games) on a 1080p screen,looked nowhere as good as those bullshots often thrown around is SW.First hand experience.Few great looking locations in Hades,but aside from that,the game is visually pretty inconsistent,some levels look great,some look just plain mediocre,like that [spoiler] labyrinth where Hera dies [/spoiler]
Go ahead,show me the thing that proves me wrong.If you're succeful,I'll admit it,as I said,I take no personal stake or angle in this discussion,as I own neither of the consoles atm.Used to own a PS3,but got stolen.Didn't bother replacing it...
I agree that shot is in game and looks great when you're playing it but there are a LOT of incosistencies in GOW III and some horrendous textures in some places. The game can go from "Holy sh!t" to "wut?" in 5 minutes
GOW3 does have some bad spots as does every game, but I was trying to prove a point...It can be done--again GOW3 is a 2010 game and TLoU is slatted for 2013. Screaming ":o they HAVE to be bullshots" seemed like kind of a butthurt cry to me since PS3 has shown to be able to produce graphics as impressive as this with fabulous AA quality.
They could be bull as of now no one can say for sure.
Played GOW3(and UC2,and many other PS3 games) on a 1080p screen,looked nowhere as good as those bullshots often thrown around is SW.First hand experience.Few great looking locations in Hades,but aside from that,the game is visually pretty inconsistent,some levels look great,some look just plain mediocre,like that [spoiler] labyrinth where Hera dies [/spoiler]
Go ahead,show me the thing that proves me wrong.If you're succeful,I'll admit it,as I said,I take no personal stake or angle in this discussion,as I own neither of the consoles atm.Used to own a PS3,but got stolen.Didn't bother replacing it...
Your explanation of some experience you claim to have had doesn't mean much here. You were talking about what couldn't be done and so on and so on. Sitting here trying to downplay GOW3 doesn't help your agument when claiming what can't be done. If GOW3 didn't exist you might have a point, making excuses doen't help. Besides, you are questioning the screenshots here,but in your curious explantion of an experience you had with GoW3 you said you played the game. You are questioning a screenshot's validity.
Let me tell you that what you said about playing GOW3 doesn't change the fact that direct feed shots of GOW3 are indeed real/non-bullshots and challenge if not totally destroy the notion of what you said can't be done.
Not a bullshot,looks good,but a single picture hardly proves anything,and I still wouldn't call it a bullshot level quality.As I said,some parts of the Hades level looked great,but many other levels didn't...
Here's another GoW pic,that proves my statement about the game's graphical inconsistency:
Lots of very plain and bland looking textures...
And I still stand behind my statement about those TLoU pics being bullshots.SSAA not possible on console hardware,especially not in games looking as advnaced(by console standards) as TLoU...
Oh lord, you said you would admit if you were wrong but you are sitting here trying to argue. Butthurt confirmed.
Cherry picking doesn't make the picture I posted any less real, now you are in damage control mode. You don't think the developer also chose the best shots to release to the public? I thought you didn't care but now you are reaching and back peddling. Why?
Oh and It aint got just one picture that look like you are free to continue the damage controlling.
GOW3 does have some bad spots as does every game, but I was trying to prove a point...It can be done--again GOW3 is a 2010 game and TLoU is slatted for 2013. Screaming ":o they HAVE to be bullshots" seemed like kind of a butthurt cry to me since PS3 has shown to be able to produce graphics as impressive as this with fabulous AA quality.
They could be bull as of now no one can say for sure.
That's fair enough but you also have to realise is that these are the kinds of posts people see and call you a fanboy sometimes. But at least you admitted it has its bad spots.
Your explanation of some experience you claim to have had doesn't mean much here. You were talking about what couldn't be done and so on and so on. Sitting here trying to downplay GOW3 doesn't help your agument when claiming what can't be done. If GOW3 didn't exist you might have a point, making excuses doen't help. Besides, you are questioning the screenshots here,but in your curious explantion of an experience you had with GoW3 you said you played the game. You are questioning a screenshot's validity.
Let me tell you that what you said about playing GOW3 doesn't change the fact that direct feed shots of GOW3 are indeed real/non-bullshots and challenge if not totally destroy the notion of what you said can't be done.
Not a bullshot,looks good,but a single picture hardly proves anything,and I still wouldn't call it a bullshot level quality.As I said,some parts of the Hades level looked great,but many other levels didn't...
Here's another GoW pic,that proves my statement about the game's graphical inconsistency:
Lots of very plain and bland looking textures...
And I still stand behind my statement about those TLoU pics being bullshots.SSAA not possible on console hardware,especially not in games looking as advnaced(by console standards) as TLoU...
Oh lord, you said you would admit if you were wrong but you are sitting here trying to argue. Butthurt confirmed.
Cherry picking doesn't make the picture I posted any less real, now you are in damage control mode. You don't think the developer also chose the best shots to release to the public? I thought you didn't care but now you are reaching and beck peddling. Why?
"Not a bullshot,looks good,but a single picture hardly proves anything,and I still wouldn't call it a bullshot level quality."
Also,I proved my claim about GOW3 visual inconsistency.And Witcher 2 proves that SSAA isn't possible on console hardware(since even many high end PCs can't run it properly),which means those original pics still are bullshots,since SSAA is clearly present on them...
But fine,if it makes you feel better,you won,I'm butthurt,damage controling(about what,I wonder?),whatever...
GOW3 does have some bad spots as does every game, but I was trying to prove a point...It can be done--again GOW3 is a 2010 game and TLoU is slatted for 2013. Screaming ":o they HAVE to be bullshots" seemed like kind of a butthurt cry to me since PS3 has shown to be able to produce graphics as impressive as this with fabulous AA quality.
They could be bull as of now no one can say for sure.
That's fair enough but you also have to realise is that these are the kinds of posts people see and call you a fanboy sometimes. But at least you admitted it has its bad spots.
well I am a PS3 fan...I am defending PS3 against what looks like unproven negatives that resulted from butthurt.
If you defend/hype PC using logic and reasoning and not using double standards or down playing negatives that are relevant...are you a filthy Hermit? Or are you just a level headed gamer who perfers PC?
Not a bullshot,looks good,but a single picture hardly proves anything,and I still wouldn't call it a bullshot level quality.As I said,some parts of the Hades level looked great,but many other levels didn't...
Here's another GoW pic,that proves my statement about the game's graphical inconsistency:
Lots of very plain and bland looking textures...
And I still stand behind my statement about those TLoU pics being bullshots.SSAA not possible on console hardware,especially not in games looking as advnaced(by console standards) as TLoU...
Oh lord, you said you would admit if you were wrong but you are sitting here trying to argue. Butthurt confirmed.
Cherry picking doesn't make the picture I posted any less real, now you are in damage control mode. You don't think the developer also chose the best shots to release to the public? I thought you didn't care but now you are reaching and beck peddling. Why?
"Not a bullshot,looks good,but a single picture hardly proves anything,and I still wouldn't call it a bullshot level quality."
Also,I proved my claim about GOW3 visual inconsistency.And Witcher 2 proves that SSAA isn't possible on console hardware(since even high end PCs can't run it),which means those original pics still are bullshots,since SSAA is clearly present on them...
But fine,if it makes you feel better,you won,I'm butthurt,damage controling(about what,I wonder?),whatever...
(even if it is) WTF would GOW3 being inconsistant have to do with the native resolution pictures I posted being real????????????????????? Damage control FULL BLAST!!!
What you have "proved" is that you won't admit when you are wrong make excuses to cover up for knee jerk actions. You assumed I could't present anything from that's ingame on a similar level to make the suggestion that those TLoU pictures might be real. You were wrong. You really didn't have a back up plan.
lol look at what you are saying now..bu but GOW3 graphics are inconsistent lolwut. You should stop now.
Oh lord, you said you would admit if you were wrong but you are sitting here trying to argue. Butthurt confirmed.
Cherry picking doesn't make the picture I posted any less real, now you are in damage control mode. You don't think the developer also chose the best shots to release to the public? I thought you didn't care but now you are reaching and beck peddling. Why?
"Not a bullshot,looks good,but a single picture hardly proves anything,and I still wouldn't call it a bullshot level quality."
Also,I proved my claim about GOW3 visual inconsistency.And Witcher 2 proves that SSAA isn't possible on console hardware(since even high end PCs can't run it),which means those original pics still are bullshots,since SSAA is clearly present on them...
But fine,if it makes you feel better,you won,I'm butthurt,damage controling(about what,I wonder?),whatever...
(even if it is) WTF would GOW3 being inconsistant have to do with the native resolution pictures I posted being real????????????????????? Damage control FULL BLAST!!!
What you have "proved" is that you won't admit when you are wrong make excuses to cover up for knee jerk actions. You assumed I could't present anything from that's ingame on a similar level to make the suggestion that those TLoU pictures might be real. You were wrong. You really didn't have a back up plan.
lol look at what you are saying now..bu but GOW3 graphics are inconsistent lolwut. You should stop now.
Alright,you win about GoW,I admit it.I truly got sidetracked,and ahead of myself...
Some GOW3 scenes visually indeed match the pre-release bullshots,like you proved...
I still stand behind my statement about those TLoU pics being bullshots,though...
Can we at least agree to disagree on that part?
"Not a bullshot,looks good,but a single picture hardly proves anything,and I still wouldn't call it a bullshot level quality."
Also,I proved my claim about GOW3 visual inconsistency.And Witcher 2 proves that SSAA isn't possible on console hardware(since even high end PCs can't run it),which means those original pics still are bullshots,since SSAA is clearly present on them...
But fine,if it makes you feel better,you won,I'm butthurt,damage controling(about what,I wonder?),whatever...
(even if it is) WTF would GOW3 being inconsistant have to do with the native resolution pictures I posted being real????????????????????? Damage control FULL BLAST!!!
What you have "proved" is that you won't admit when you are wrong make excuses to cover up for knee jerk actions. You assumed I could't present anything from that's ingame on a similar level to make the suggestion that those TLoU pictures might be real. You were wrong. You really didn't have a back up plan.
lol look at what you are saying now..bu but GOW3 graphics are inconsistent lolwut. You should stop now.
Alright,you win about GoW,I admit it.I truly got sidetracked,and ahead of myself...
Some GOW3 scenes visually indeed match the pre-release bullshots,like you proved...
I still stand behind my statement about those TLoU pics being bullshots,though...
Can we at least agree to disagree on that part?
Yes, let's both agree that Casharmy won.[QUOTE="Rocker6"][QUOTE="casharmy"]
(even if it is) WTF would GOW3 being inconsistant have to do with the native resolution pictures I posted being real????????????????????? Damage control FULL BLAST!!!
What you have "proved" is that you won't admit when you are wrong make excuses to cover up for knee jerk actions. You assumed I could't present anything from that's ingame on a similar level to make the suggestion that those TLoU pictures might be real. You were wrong. You really didn't have a back up plan.
lol look at what you are saying now..bu but GOW3 graphics are inconsistent lolwut. You should stop now.
Alright,you win about GoW,I admit it.I truly got sidetracked,and ahead of myself...
Some GOW3 scenes visually indeed match the pre-release bullshots,like you proved...
I still stand behind my statement about those TLoU pics being bullshots,though...
Can we at least agree to disagree on that part?
Yes, let's both agree that Casharmy won.Well,nothing wrong with losing an argument.Can't win'em all...
You know what, you're actually the winner, Rocker because admitting you lose an argument is extremely rare, not only in SW but also in real life.
Yes, let's both agree that Casharmy won.[QUOTE="Sun_Universe"][QUOTE="Rocker6"]
Alright,you win about GoW,I admit it.I truly got sidetracked,and ahead of myself...
Some GOW3 scenes visually indeed match the pre-release bullshots,like you proved...
I still stand behind my statement about those TLoU pics being bullshots,though...
Can we at least agree to disagree on that part?
Well,nothing wrong with losing an argument.Can't win'em all...
You're now the winner for admitting you lost. Congrats.[QUOTE="casharmy"]
"Not a bullshot,looks good,but a single picture hardly proves anything,and I still wouldn't call it a bullshot level quality."
Also,I proved my claim about GOW3 visual inconsistency.And Witcher 2 proves that SSAA isn't possible on console hardware(since even high end PCs can't run it),which means those original pics still are bullshots,since SSAA is clearly present on them...
But fine,if it makes you feel better,you won,I'm butthurt,damage controling(about what,I wonder?),whatever...
(even if it is) WTF would GOW3 being inconsistant have to do with the native resolution pictures I posted being real????????????????????? Damage control FULL BLAST!!!
What you have "proved" is that you won't admit when you are wrong make excuses to cover up for knee jerk actions. You assumed I could't present anything from that's ingame on a similar level to make the suggestion that those TLoU pictures might be real. You were wrong. You really didn't have a back up plan.
lol look at what you are saying now..bu but GOW3 graphics are inconsistent lolwut. You should stop now.
Alright,you win about GoW,I admit it.I truly got sidetracked,and ahead of myself...
Some GOW3 scenes visually indeed match the pre-release bullshots,like you proved...
I still stand behind my statement about those TLoU pics being bullshots,though...
Can we at least agree to disagree on that part?
Wow Rock...respect. kind of speachless on the above.
Also, "agree to disagree" nah, you might have misunderstood me. I am not arguing that the shots aren't bull, I am saying we can't say for sure...and let me tell you if GOW3 didn't exist I would not have even challenged your claim about those being bullshots.
Thre was another ACE up my sleeve if you were going to keep arguing but It's all cool now, GOW3 isn't the only PS3 game to be doing impressive AA right now and infact there has been an analysis done and it supposedly exceeds GOW3.
Not fighitng anymore just shareing...Beyond two souls...this is an actual shot of ingame graphics no bull. So even if TLoU shots are bull PS3 has still shown that is indeed capable of pulling of graphics and AA of that calibur, it wan't s a fluke. Those were the grounds of my argument, NOT that the shots of TLoU absolutely weren't bull...but that we can't say for sure that they are.
You know what, you're actually the winner, Rocker because admitting you lose an argument is extremely rare, not only in SW but also in real life.
I was actually thinking the same thing. Most people on here would just continue to go on and on using double standards and making hypocritical excuses until you just get tired of resonding to the stupidity of their round tree argument process.
I was perpared for the same thing here but ol Rock might not be in the same category as those guys I'm thinking of.
(even if it is) WTF would GOW3 being inconsistant have to do with the native resolution pictures I posted being real????????????????????? Damage control FULL BLAST!!!
What you have "proved" is that you won't admit when you are wrong make excuses to cover up for knee jerk actions. You assumed I could't present anything from that's ingame on a similar level to make the suggestion that those TLoU pictures might be real. You were wrong. You really didn't have a back up plan.
lol look at what you are saying now..bu but GOW3 graphics are inconsistent lolwut. You should stop now.
Alright,you win about GoW,I admit it.I truly got sidetracked,and ahead of myself...
Some GOW3 scenes visually indeed match the pre-release bullshots,like you proved...
I still stand behind my statement about those TLoU pics being bullshots,though...
Can we at least agree to disagree on that part?
Wow Rock...respect. kind of speachless on the above.
Also, "agree to disagree" nah, you might have misunderstood me. I am not arguing that the shots aren't bull, I am saying we can't say for sure...and let me tell you if GOW3 didn't exist I would not have even challenged your claim about those being bullshots.
Thre was another ACE up my sleeve if you were going to keep arguing but It's all cool now, GOW3 isn't the only PS3 game to be doing impressive AA right now and infact there has been an analysis done and it supposedly exceeds GOW3.
Not fighitng anymore just shareing...Beyond two souls...this is an actual shot of ingame graphics no bull. So even if TLoU shots are bull PS3 has still shown that is indeed capable of pulling of graphics and AA of that calibur, it wan't s a fluke. Those were the grounds of my argument, NOT that the shots of TLoU absolutely weren't bull...but that we can't say for sure that they are.
No need to go off on one again and posting more pics irrelevant to the topic
(even if it is) WTF would GOW3 being inconsistant have to do with the native resolution pictures I posted being real????????????????????? Damage control FULL BLAST!!!
What you have "proved" is that you won't admit when you are wrong make excuses to cover up for knee jerk actions. You assumed I could't present anything from that's ingame on a similar level to make the suggestion that those TLoU pictures might be real. You were wrong. You really didn't have a back up plan.
lol look at what you are saying now..bu but GOW3 graphics are inconsistent lolwut. You should stop now.
Alright,you win about GoW,I admit it.I truly got sidetracked,and ahead of myself...
Some GOW3 scenes visually indeed match the pre-release bullshots,like you proved...
I still stand behind my statement about those TLoU pics being bullshots,though...
Can we at least agree to disagree on that part?
Wow Rock...respect. kind of speachless on the above.
Also, "agree to disagree" nah, you might have misunderstood me. I am not arguing that the shots aren't bull, I am saying we can't say for sure...and let me tell you if GOW3 didn't exist I would not have even challenged your claim about those being bullshots.
Thre was another ACE up my sleeve if you were going to keep arguing but It's all cool now, GOW3 isn't the only PS3 game to be doing impressive AA right now and infact there has been an analysis done and it supposedly exceeds GOW3.
Not fighitng anymore just shareing...Beyond two souls...this is an actual shot of ingame graphics no bull. So even if TLoU shots are bull PS3 has still shown that is indeed capable of pulling of graphics and AA of that calibur, it wan't s a fluke. Those were the grounds of my argument, NOT that the shots of TLoU absolutely weren't bull...but that we can't say for sure that they are.
Yeah,I can agree with that...
We'll indeed know for sure on the release.If the game really looks as good as those original pics,that's great,more power to PS3 fans...
And true,Beyond Two Souls really looks stunning.TBH,games like that make me want to get a new PS3,loved Heavy Rain.This Gen,cannot find such experiences on the PC,sadly.Last similiar PC game was Indigo Prophecy,but that was last Gen...
Alright,you win about GoW,I admit it.I truly got sidetracked,and ahead of myself...
Some GOW3 scenes visually indeed match the pre-release bullshots,like you proved...
I still stand behind my statement about those TLoU pics being bullshots,though...
Can we at least agree to disagree on that part?
Wow Rock...respect. kind of speachless on the above.
Also, "agree to disagree" nah, you might have misunderstood me. I am not arguing that the shots aren't bull, I am saying we can't say for sure...and let me tell you if GOW3 didn't exist I would not have even challenged your claim about those being bullshots.
Thre was another ACE up my sleeve if you were going to keep arguing but It's all cool now, GOW3 isn't the only PS3 game to be doing impressive AA right now and infact there has been an analysis done and it supposedly exceeds GOW3.
Not fighitng anymore just shareing...Beyond two souls...this is an actual shot of ingame graphics no bull. So even if TLoU shots are bull PS3 has still shown that is indeed capable of pulling of graphics and AA of that calibur, it wan't s a fluke. Those were the grounds of my argument, NOT that the shots of TLoU absolutely weren't bull...but that we can't say for sure that they are.
No need to go off on one again and posting more pics irrelevant to the topic
damn man, I am just here to post. It was kind of an inside thing and sharing my reasoning for why I questioned him in the fisrt place, I think he deserved that.Besides it looks like there aren't too many people posting on the topic at all, going off topic isn't uncommong once a therad gets going here in SW.
You know what, you're actually the winner, Rocker because admitting you lose an argument is extremely rare, not only in SW but also in real life.
I was actually thinking the same thing. Most people on here would just continue to go on and on using double standards and making hypocritical excuses until you just get tired of resonding to the stupidity of their round tree argument process.
I was perpared for the same thing here but ol Rock might not be in the same category as those guys I'm thinking of.
I'll be honest,it was a very hard thing to do,even when you only need to press a few buttons on your keyboard...
Human nature and self-defense mechanisms,I guess.Swallowing one's own "pride" is a hard thing,even on the Internet,when the communication is impersonal...
I have high hopes riding on this game, I want to stealth through most parts and it should convincingly portray the horrors of a post apocalyptic world.
I certainly hope so. UC3 was straight up garbage.[QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"][QUOTE="silversix_"]this will be much better than Uncharted and its boring wall climbing.Wasdie
Wow. If it's not a 99/100 it's crap eh?
Gotta love gamers.
Definitely agree. I don't know anyone in their right mind can say UC2 is great while saying UC3 is terrible. They are practically the same, disappointing yes but garbage? Dear God gamers these days.
I have high hopes riding on this game, I want to stealth through most parts and it should convincingly portray the horrors of a post apocalyptic world.
[QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"] I certainly hope so. UC3 was straight up garbage. Swift_Boss_A
Wow. If it's not a 99/100 it's crap eh?
Gotta love gamers.
Definitely agree. I don't know anyone in their right mind can say UC2 is great while saying UC3 is terrible. They are practically the same, disappointing yes but garbage? Dear God gamers these days.
Yeah U3 was still a very well made game but it has major flaws and was a big let down coming from U2 but I would never call it a bad game outright. Only by comparison
Yeah U3 was still a very well made game but it has major flaws and was a big let downcoming from U2 but I would never call it a bad game outright. Only by comparison
Im sorry I disagree, UC2 is one of my favourite games of all time and UC3 gameplay wise met if not exceeded what I was expecting. The shipyard stage will go down in my top favourite gameplay moments. If there are major flaws then I would say in the story because the latter half doesn't really go anywhere.
Yeah U3 was still a very well made game but it has major flaws and was a big let downcoming from U2 but I would never call it a bad game outright. Only by comparison
Im sorry I disagree, UC2 is one of my favourite games of all time and UC3 gameplay wise met if not exceeded what I was expecting. The shipyard stage will go down in my top favourite gameplay moments. If there are major flaws then I would say in the story because the latter half doesn't really go anywhere.
The story is really why I didn't get pt.3. A plot that's based around teasure hunting isn't very compelling or exciting to me, before getting the game I didn't konw if that was all there was to the story or not. The game itself was fine, there was just no drive or motivation for me to keep playing.
That's one thing that TLoU has that sepeates it from UC and make me excited to see what it is because it has a back drop/story that could really push it over the top and make me WANT to play the game.
To me that was Uncharted 2's biggest flaw (even if well done) the drive behind the plot of the story wasn't compelling enough.
Yeah U3 was still a very well made game but it has major flaws and was a big let downcoming from U2 but I would never call it a bad game outright. Only by comparison
Im sorry I disagree, UC2 is one of my favourite games of all time and UC3 gameplay wise met if not exceeded what I was expecting. The shipyard stage will go down in my top favourite gameplay moments. If there are major flaws then I would say in the story because the latter half doesn't really go anywhere.
Yeah it's mainly in the story. The gameplay is the exact same but better melee so you can't really fault it. The story in U3 is allowed to be called bad, the overall game isn't bad but the story has so major pacing issues. It's clear when you play through it that it's either unfocused or very apparent they built the story around the set pieces like they said.
All their talk of this new female villain being more cerebral and in your head and she was barely even in the game and never went anywhere, not to mention her end was extremely anti cimatic and poorly written.
Yeah U3 was still a very well made game but it has major flaws and was a big let downcoming from U2 but I would never call it a bad game outright. Only by comparison
Im sorry I disagree, UC2 is one of my favourite games of all time and UC3 gameplay wise met if not exceeded what I was expecting. The shipyard stage will go down in my top favourite gameplay moments. If there are major flaws then I would say in the story because the latter half doesn't really go anywhere.
The story is really why I didn't get pt.3. A plot that's based around teasure hunting isn't very compelling or exciting to me, before getting the game I didn't konw if that was all there was to the story or not. The game itself was fine, there was just no drive or motivation for me to keep playing.
That's one thing that TLoU has that sepeates it from UC and make me excited to see what it is because it has a back drop/story that could really push it over the top and make me WANT to play the game.
To me that was Uncharted 2's biggest flaw (even if well done) the drive behind the plot of the story wasn't compelling enough.
It rarely ever is in games and is just an ends to a means. It's there because it has to be there.
This sounds so amazing, the new screens also look amazing. New graphics king confirmed! GOTY 2013 confirmed! Maybe even game of the gen? It's possible...
Listen 360 only owners, put aside your butt hurt jelly for just a minute and be honest with yourself, you want this game, you want to play this game, if this game was on 360 you know you would buy it and love it.
So why not save up some money and buy a freakin' PS3 already, are you that poor that you cannot save up a few hundred dollars? Serioulsy you are going to regret missing out on this game, it's guranteed. If your a gamer your going to need to play this.
The PS3 offers more than enough great exclusives to justify the purchase of one, but TLOU is a game you do NOT want to miss. Your going to hate yourself if you do forever. Don't knock it down, just admit it.
I wonder what game Lems will try to downplay this with and compare it to a totally different game like they do with Uncharted. Gears vs TLOU? LOL.
Yeah U3 was still a very well made game but it has major flaws and was a big let downcoming from U2 but I would never call it a bad game outright. Only by comparison
Im sorry I disagree, UC2 is one of my favourite games of all time and UC3 gameplay wise met if not exceeded what I was expecting. The shipyard stage will go down in my top favourite gameplay moments. If there are major flaws then I would say in the story because the latter half doesn't really go anywhere.
UC3 is the best in the series, hands down. It's story was more serious this time around, not just humor. There is much more drama and character growth, especially between Drake and Sully. People who say "it has no character dept" are full of sh!t.
Drake is also questioned on his motives this time and why he is so obsessed with this legendary treasure.UC3 also has more challenging puzzels and it's MP is packed with features (13 modes in all, around 15 if you count the bonus modes). It was also epic like awlays, but UC3 took it to a whole new level.
I can't wait for UC4, ND may be done with it for now but Sony still wants to keep the game series going. After all it's the best selling PS3 exclusive series this gen, so they want to make money. And it's one of the highest rated game series in history, period. In a top 10 list of best game series off all time, UC would be in it.
UC4 could be about Nathan Drake and Elena after they settled down with their lives and had kids, but maybe their kids get kidnapped by someone from Drakes or Sully's past. It could take place in America this time!
Having some MP is ok, just don't get in the way of SP, then i'm good.This game is going to be great. I just hope the MP rumors aren't true. If they're not then this is my second most hyped game of next year after SP:TSOT (Maybe tied with GTAV)
Yeah, Batman games AI are very good, but there are still many glitches and stuff (enemy ignore sound most of the time (unless you break something), making distraction working not the way it supposed to be), also, they're still predictable because reaction are scripted. Not saying this one will be much different, but hopefully it'll be better.I see nothing overly impressive here,just some PR talk...
"Living" inventory is nothing new,and all they said about AI being aware of each other can be applied to many games,like Batman Arkham Asylum/City...
There,AI is also aware of each other in many parts of the game,and will work together,split up and search for their missing companions.Enemies can also be panicked and become more trigger-happy as you take their friends out...
Why do you always try to convert lems to cows :-s? Just let them be, many of them are mature enough to know their own taste, they don't need someone (especially a cow) to tell them what to do. Some of them are exactly like you who has an xbox360 (in their case, PS3), but don't give a damn about it, you should at least understand that mindset lol.This sounds so amazing, the new screens also look amazing. New graphics king confirmed! GOTY 2013 confirmed! Maybe even game of the gen? It's possible...
Listen 360 only owners, put aside your butt hurt jelly for just a minute and be honest with yourself, you want this game, you want to play this game, if this game was on 360 you know you would buy it and love it.
So why not save up some money and buy a freakin' PS3 already, are you that poor that you cannot save up a few hundred dollars? Serioulsy you are going to regret missing out on this game, it's guranteed. If your a gamer your going to need to play this.
The PS3 offers more than enough great exclusives to justify the purchase of one, but TLOU is a game you do NOT want to miss. Your going to hate yourself if you do forever. Don't knock it down, just admit it.
I wonder what game Lems will try to downplay this with and compare it to a totally different game like they do with Uncharted. Gears vs TLOU? LOL.
You do realise those are bullshots right It looks great for a console game but nothing REALLY impressive.[QUOTE="parkurtommo"][QUOTE="jackfruitchips"] Holy crap. Those pics look awesome casharmy
lol, people have crazy standards for a PS3 game to be considered impressive. If this isn't impressive than I need to be alot more harder on games than I already am. I think this looks incredible.
This game is making the Hermits do damage control. TLOU looks just as good, and in some ways better, as some high end PC games out there. TLOU is right up there with PC witcher 2 and many others, but TLOU wins definatley in character graphics and animations.
There are other PS3 games that have done this,UC, GOW, KZ, all do the same, so does the upcoming GOWA. It's a testement to how powerful the PS3 is, you never, and will never, see any game on 360 look like those.
Not saying 360 games look bad, many look great, but PS3 games are in a league of their own, right up there PC in some cases. I know it's going to hurt 360 fanboys feelings, but it is the truth.
Of couse they will never admit it, but it's the truth. I bet if the game didn't announced for PS3 and you attached a PC logo on the pictures and videos, Hermits would be fooled.
[QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"]Why do you always try to convert lems to cows :-s? Just let them be, many of them are mature enough to know their own taste, they don't need someone (especially a cow) to tell them what to do. Some of them are exactly like you who has an xbox360 (in their case, PS3), but don't give a damn about it, you should at least understand that mindset lol.This sounds so amazing, the new screens also look amazing. New graphics king confirmed! GOTY 2013 confirmed! Maybe even game of the gen? It's possible...
Listen 360 only owners, put aside your butt hurt jelly for just a minute and be honest with yourself, you want this game, you want to play this game, if this game was on 360 you know you would buy it and love it.
So why not save up some money and buy a freakin' PS3 already, are you that poor that you cannot save up a few hundred dollars? Serioulsy you are going to regret missing out on this game, it's guranteed. If your a gamer your going to need to play this.
The PS3 offers more than enough great exclusives to justify the purchase of one, but TLOU is a game you do NOT want to miss. Your going to hate yourself if you do forever. Don't knock it down, just admit it.
I wonder what game Lems will try to downplay this with and compare it to a totally different game like they do with Uncharted. Gears vs TLOU? LOL.
I own all systems, most 360 owners only own a 360. Most of them had a PS2 last gen, they only went with 360 this gen because it was the cheaper system and they couldn't afford the PS3 launch price tag, either due to being little kids (most of the SW community) or being lower income adults.
They don't "prefer" 360 or it's games, they never had a choice, so they have to make due with what they got. That's why they are so angry and jealous of the PS3, because they are insecure about their system.
It's called post purchase rationlization, AKA buyers remorse Post-purchase rationalization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I just want people to buy TLOU, it's a game I believe in. I wish it was on 360 so everybody could play it, but alas it is not. So due to most 360 owners not being able to afford a PS3, they are missing out.
So what's going to happen is they are going to get butt hurt when the game comes out and get's a bunch of awards and they are going to bash and hate on it, simply because they can't play it. Instead why not buy a PS3 so they can play the freakin' game? It makes sense.
I can bet you if you offered most 360 only owners a free PS3 they would take it, hell I even bet that if you offered them to switch to PS3 from 360 with all of their multiplats and saves and friends going over, they majority of them would take that offer.
No one should miss out on this game, you will regret it if you do.
I own all systems, most 360 owners only own a 360. Most of them had a PS2 last gen, they only went with 360 this gen because it was the cheaper system and they couldn't afford the PS3 launch price tag, either due to being little kids (most of the SW community) or being lower income adults. - Source or it didn't happen.
They don't "prefer" 360 or it's games, they never had a choice, so they have to make due with what they got. That's why they are so angry and jealous of the PS3, because they are insecure about their system. - As I said above, there're people own PS3 just like you, yet they still bash on it like you bashing your xbox, how do you explain that?
It's called post purchase rationlization, AKA buyers remorse Post-purchase rationalization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I just want people to buy TLOU, it's a game I believe in. I wish it was on 360 so everybody could play it, but alas it is not. So due to most 360 owners not being able to afford a PS3, they are missing out. - And you know that how? It seems you are the one sufferingpost purchase rationlization here mate.
So what's going to happen is they are going to get butt hurt when the game comes out and get's a bunch of awards and they are going to bash and hate on it, simply because they can't play it. Instead why not buy a PS3 so they can play the freakin' game? It makes sense. - I'm curious about what you'll say about Halo 4; so far, your behaviour toward that game is the same as lems behavior toward this game.Deal with it, ps3 gamers don't HAVE to praise UC/TLOU.
I can bet you if you offered most 360 only owners a free PS3 they would take it, hell I even bet that if you offered them to switch to PS3 from 360 with all of their multiplats and saves and friends going over, they majority of them would take that offer. - this I would agree on, but still you know there're people who play nothing but Halo right?
No one should miss out on this game, you will regret it if you do.(oh no you don't)
Why do you always try to convert lems to cows :-s? Just let them be, many of them are mature enough to know their own taste, they don't need someone (especially a cow) to tell them what to do. Some of them are exactly like you who has an xbox360 (in their case, PS3), but don't give a damn about it, you should at least understand that mindset lol.[QUOTE="rjdofu"][QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"]
This sounds so amazing, the new screens also look amazing. New graphics king confirmed! GOTY 2013 confirmed! Maybe even game of the gen? It's possible...
Listen 360 only owners, put aside your butt hurt jelly for just a minute and be honest with yourself, you want this game, you want to play this game, if this game was on 360 you know you would buy it and love it.
So why not save up some money and buy a freakin' PS3 already, are you that poor that you cannot save up a few hundred dollars? Serioulsy you are going to regret missing out on this game, it's guranteed. If your a gamer your going to need to play this.
The PS3 offers more than enough great exclusives to justify the purchase of one, but TLOU is a game you do NOT want to miss. Your going to hate yourself if you do forever. Don't knock it down, just admit it.
I wonder what game Lems will try to downplay this with and compare it to a totally different game like they do with Uncharted. Gears vs TLOU? LOL.
I own all systems, most 360 owners only own a 360.Most of them had a PS2 last gen, they only went with 360 this gen because it was the cheaper system and they couldn't afford the PS3 launch price tag, either due to being little kids (most of the SW community) or being lower income adults.
They don't "prefer" 360 or it's games, they never had a choice, so they have to make due with what they got. That's why they are so angry and jealous of the PS3, because they are insecure about their system.
It's called post purchase rationlization, AKA buyers remorse Post-purchase rationalization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I just want people to buy TLOU, it's a game I believe in. I wish it was on 360 so everybody could play it, but alas it is not. So due to most 360 owners not being able to afford a PS3, they are missing out.
So what's going to happen is they are going to get butt hurt when the game comes out and get's a bunch of awards and they are going to bash and hate on it, simply because they can't play it. Instead why not buy a PS3 so they can play the freakin' game? It makes sense.
I can bet you if you offered most 360 only owners a free PS3 they would take it, hell I even bet that if you offered them to switch to PS3 from 360 with all of their multiplats and saves and friends going over, they majority of them would take that offer.
No one should miss out on this game, you will regret it if you do.
This is the same type of behavior seen in PC elitists,bashing other people,calling them poor,or stupid,or "not worthy" of owning a PC.Just because of a platform choice,and difference in opinion...
Can you provide any proof to back up those statements?
Also,the PYP thread showed us that many SW users in fact aren't "little kids",which makes that statement very questionable too...
While this applies to some SW fanboys,SW fanboys aren't a display of the overall gaming community.Does the enite 360 community get "butthurt" over a single PS3 exclusive?Does the entire PS3 community get "butthurt" over a single 360 exclusive?
A "living" inventory?
Whatevs,looking forward to it.freedomfreak
Of course, didn't you know ND were the first to create that? :P some people will think this I bet ya lol
Also it's nothing but BS PR talk and hyperbole from ND as usual. Next will be "It's only possible on the PS3"
A "living" inventory?
Whatevs,looking forward to it.seanmcloughlin
Of course, didn't you know ND were the first to create that? :P some people will think this I bet ya lol
Also it's nothing but BS PR talk and hyperbole from ND as usual. Next will be "It's only possible on the PS3"
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