[QUOTE="beganoo"]Again if you haven't beaten the game don't read it will totally spoli the ending for you.
At the very end wen I walked in the surgery room I didn't even think about it I went ahead and stabbed the surgeon right in the face.Thats how emotionally involved was with he charcters and wanted so save Ellie at any cost.
Anyway my question is was it ther a choise there. Could you just walk out or something and let them take her brain and make the vaccine ? Not sure..
P.S. Btw one of the best single player games I've ever played and legit candidate for game of this generation.Its just insane how good it is.Nuff said.
You're just a selfish as Joel then. I would've let Ellie be sacrificed for the benefit of everyone else. By choosing to save her you damn everyone else until someone else comes along that's like her, if they even come along. I just disliked his selfishness. He unjustly killed Marlene and lied to a suspecting Ellie. She saw right through his BS and gave him a chance to tell her the truth and he didn't. With that said, I loved the game. For it to get that response out of me is just awesome. I didn't even play it. I just watched it on Twitch because my PS3 left this world over a year ago. May it rest in peace.
Thats what so great and powerful about it.The right choise is clear as day but after this game I was like, f*ck it.Save Ellie.They must find another.Pretty much what Joel was thinking too. In any other game I would have wanterd to save the world but not in this one. Thats what makes it so human and emotional.Its great.I loved the ending.
Plus it wasn't selfishness but more like fatherly love.He didn't do it for himself but for her.
Also you did it the wrong way, you should have felt the strugle and tension by playing.
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