I've just played this game for around 11 hours and I can say that this game is probably the greatest game I have EVERÂ played, and this is coming from a SONY-hater, so it must definitely be great.
The graphics demolish every xbox 360 exclusive's graphics combined 10 times over. The story is unrivaled by any of the immature, childish 360 exclusives (Gears of War lol...). The presentation is superb. The gameplay was surprisingly good.
However, when all is considered, you realize that a game of this magnitude must have taken quite a bit of money to produce. Where did SONY find the money to fund this project? How many sales will it get? Higher than Halo or CoD? I don't think so. At the end of the day, the Last of Us is barely gonna make a profit, and that's why innovative, great games like the Last of Us are unsustainable. They are cancerous to the gaming industry, as they encourage low-profit, creative game content that soak up money.
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