I have just finished the game, and I am still in shock. With the amount of hype surrounding the game, I was a little skeptical especially with an 8 from GS. I finally can rest assured, the game delivered on all fronts. I don't think I have been captivated by a game like that since FFX, and for GS, shame on you, it's a straight 10.
I can talk for ages but if there is one thing that is done better beyond the reach of any other video game ever, then it is the characters, just for the first time, I actually cared for every single one of them. The game transcended to a whole new level of story telling that really captivated me from start to finish without any compromise to the perfect game play.
One more thing, it's a msg for ND, please abandon the sinking ship that's uncharted and invest in TLOU2 ASAP, it's the real deal.
Note: I haven't played the Left Behind yet, nor the multiplayer.
Update: So I finally finished the left behind DLC, I really enjoyed it, the last battle was so hard that I ended up using everything I got, it was literally the final bullet for the final guy.
However, I was really upset about that controversial scene, I was very confused. I think they should have left this topic out, but they had like 2 hrs DLC to explain why Rilly was important for Elli, so they said " f*** it, let's put that scene in".
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