[QUOTE="Lanfeix"]You dont know the differnce between a CPU and GPU do you? wii mote use up CPU not GPU. SgtWhiskeyjack
No, I'm happy with that, but try running a GPU without a CPU. We'd all be able to run Crysis with a P2 233MHz and a 8800GTX if they didn't work hand in hand, therefore if CPU power is being used heavily by the wiimote then the GPU's needs are being sacrificed.
I can almost assure you that Nintendo was considering that possibility during the development of the console, seeing as how they have the following assets we as normal gamers do not:
1.) Experts in their particular field to crunch the numbers on every last detail in terms of overall performance.
2.) Knowledgable and critical testers which can pin-point the tiniest of problems within the first few minutes.
3.) Hundreds of millions of dollars to perfect the technology in every way imaginable, in order to match their vision.
Now, while I'm not a very tech-oriented guy, I'll have to call you out on this due to the fundamental flaws in your comments:
1.) You say yourself that you are not an expert, and have limited knowledge on the subject, which is the opposite of those who developed the machine.
2.) You speculate this off of very little information, seeing as how the console's only been on the market a limited amount of time and its selection of games is small.
3.) Having only seen one or two games that really utilize the potential of the device and the hardware, it makes this sort of statement rather flimsy.
In other words, I'm saying you're wrong. Not because you're stupid, there's plenty of room to speculate, but because the resources at Nintendo's disposal and their experience with the hardware far outweighs your own. The Wiimote and how it interacts with the system is the selling point of the console, so I'd like to think that they worked out every last kink before putting the system on store shelves.
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