[QUOTE="magrappy"]Absolutly no loss at all, nintendo sold rare at the perfect time, and rare havnt produced anything good since.Bread_or_Decide
Sounds like sour grapes to me.
Too bad all those good scores prove you wrong.
Nintendo also lost Factor 5. I'm sure no sheep will admit that Lair looks awesome.
I'm a dedicated sheep and I have no problems congratulating Factor 5 on their incredible technical accomplishments with L.A.I.R. They're one of the few developers that have done something that expresses the advanced capabilities of Cell in a game.
Factor 5 wasn't owned by Nintendo, however. They were always an independent third party, and their forte is graphics and engine design. They're very technically focused, so it's not surprising that they aren't interested in the Wii hardware.
Rare, on the other hand, was 49% owned by Nintendo. Microsoft paid a very large sum of money for Rare, $280 million or so.
Rare hasn't even come close to earning that for Microsoft. Nintendo really got the best end of that deal financially, because Microsoft paid far more than Rare was worth. Game reviews don't really come into it.
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