Minimum FPS is not the same as 97 percentile.
Is that using TAA? Because that’s an extra 2.5% performance drop. The SLI benchmark from them doesn’t use TAA.
And last but not least, that’s not a FOunders Edition. The Founders Edition can be had for $440, every other 1070 is over $510
Where did you get that they turned off TAA in the SLI benchmark? They simply said TAA was enabled with Ultra.
Also lol @ the Founder's Edition comment. You really are getting desperate. Nobody buys that piece of crap any more.
97% percentile is the lowest 3%. A lot more representative than using the lowest 0.1%. benchmark you keep using is using SMAA and not TAA like consoles in the 4k Benchmark. says 2.5% performance increase switching from TAA to SMAA
The MSI Gaming X 1070 is 6% faster than a GTX 1070 Founders Edition
These numbers above suggest that a X1X at 4k is 8.5% faster than a 1070 Founders Edition at 4k, But we still have the rest of the settings below to look at.
X1X Settings are below for the following assets:
Shadow: X1X uses High ( says 6% performance increase dropping from Ultra to Lowest Setting from Ultra)
Environment: X1X Uses High ( says 13% performance increase dropping to Lowest Setting from Ultra)
Geometry: X1X uses High (PC says 4% performance increase dropping to Lowest Setting from Ultra)
Volumetric Fog: X1x Uses Low (PC Gamers says 3% performance increase dropping to lowest Setting from Ultra)
Terrain: X1X Uses Low (PC Gamers says 1% performance increase dropping to lowest Setting from Ultra)
That leaves performance right about on par with a GTX 1070 FE, and that's only if we're discrediting Techpowerup for whatever reason.
I do belive Techpowerup went above and beyond to try and stress test the GPU, not unlike Digital Foundry did in the X1X video. (They did not perform the same stress test for PC video)
Techpowerup got 25.6 FPS AVERAGE, and states that the newest drivers give a 5% performance boost. 25.6 FPS + 5% boost = 26.9 FPS AVERAGE
Techpowerup uses a GTX 1070 FE (for the record)
Seriously stop with this Xbox One X having the power of a 1070. It is a $500 box that has a graphics card that mimics the 580. It will never and I mean never touch the power of a 1070 and guess what that is okay. It was never attended to compete against a $500 video card. No way in hell Microsoft could of sold a box that could match the power of the 1070 with everything else they included and keep the price at $500. What you do get is a decent spec machine that can't be built in the PC space for the same price. They built some nice hardware and we should just all enjoy it for what it is.
But everything I just wrote proves it does.. in fact OP is now admiring as much...
Come on man. Even if one game performed better then a 1070 does not mean the GPU in the system is as powerful. Even though in this game I am not seeing it. A lot of that comes down to the programmers and how they optimize for a game. That does not mean the GPU in the X is a match or more powerful then a 1070. Common sense should kick in here and tell you that. You are really setting up yourself for failure if you believe the X's GPU is as powerful as a 1070 just saying.
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