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These Are The Most Significant FPS Ever To Grace Gaming: 1. HALO - without this game, in 2001, who knows if the FPS genre would have been alive? Splendid controls, killer adventure, awesome graphics, orgasmic music... The List goes on... Halo is one of the most influential titles in modern gaming history. 2. HALF-LIFE - Half-Life introduced what it was like to play Single-Player campaigns and mixed awesome adventure, good physics and interesting characters with mystifying plot. 3. CS - this is another Valve game and made FPS popular (until Halo made them super mega successful), this is the most popular FPS, and along with Super Mario and GTA the most iconic and well-known games in the world. 4. DOOM/WOLFENSTEIN - these were awesomely great for their time and the first ones and easily among the most important with super controls. 5. CALL OF DUTY - this is very casual and noob-friendly but mixes awesome MP with amazing campaign and flawless system perks, controls, graphics etc. 6. KILLZONE 2 - best exclusive FPS ever for PS3. Good graphics, nice controls (not always, though), good characters, nice physics, good war feeling, good MP. Easily the best. 7. CRYSIS - this is the most astounding game in the grapics department, Heavy Rain, LMAO? Crysis has a whole of nice feeling with great adventeris feeling and cosy play in the darkness with great physics (hitting down trees, houses etc.) Agree/Disagree? Killzone 2 is the emperor of PlayStation 3 FPS shooters. Call of Duty is the leader of casual, noobified first-person shooters. Half-Life is the Lord of single-player first-person shooters on PCs or consoles. Crysis is the king of graphically impressive FPS. Counter-Strike is the king of PC FPS, most popular. Halo is the almighty God of all first-person shooters and the father of the MODERN FPS gaming. Doom/Wolfenstein were the first FPSs. Missed some? :) This is an official list, so tell me if there are any important ones missed that did a lot to the genre.SchoolThingill give you my newest post since like 1 year i havent posted. obvious troll is SO fuc***** obvious, Halo, in NO way or form could end in that list, for fps. not even a top 100 list.
I was consaiderting it, but came to the conclusion that it didn't do anything ground-breaking to the genre.Goldeneye should be on that list. The first great console FPS that I ever played.
mine was doom :PGoldeneye should be on that list. The first great console FPS that I ever played.
[QUOTE="shadow_hosi"][QUOTE="mog34"]mine was doom :P Doom wasn't great on consoles. it wasn't very different from the pc version, just no console commandsGoldeneye should be on that list. The first great console FPS that I ever played.
I know Halo was important for console FPS history, but consider this one the most important FPS of all time? That's just ridiculous. Where's Quake, System Shock, Unreal Tournament, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, and the best FPS of this generation, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?
ill give you my newest post since like 1 year i havent posted. obvious troll is SO fuc***** obvious, Halo, in NO way or form could end in that list, for fps. not even a top 100 list. You are wrong, he means the most important as in influental. halo made all the following popular in FPSers: 1) Limited number of weapon pick-ups. 2) Regenerating health (shields technically but copied as health in other games) 3) Warthog like vehicles IMO Half-life is the most influential though because it made these popular: 1) Sensible weapon placement (in other words weapons weren't floating on pads anymore, they were where you'd expect to find them, i.e. bodies, gun lockers) 2) Story told from FP view. 3) Better AI with different foes having different behavior 4) Level design enhancements.[QUOTE="SchoolThing"]These Are The Most Significant FPS Ever To Grace Gaming: 1. HALO - without this game, in 2001, who knows if the FPS genre would have been alive? Splendid controls, killer adventure, awesome graphics, orgasmic music... The List goes on... Halo is one of the most influential titles in modern gaming history. 2. HALF-LIFE - Half-Life introduced what it was like to play Single-Player campaigns and mixed awesome adventure, good physics and interesting characters with mystifying plot. 3. CS - this is another Valve game and made FPS popular (until Halo made them super mega successful), this is the most popular FPS, and along with Super Mario and GTA the most iconic and well-known games in the world. 4. DOOM/WOLFENSTEIN - these were awesomely great for their time and the first ones and easily among the most important with super controls. 5. CALL OF DUTY - this is very casual and noob-friendly but mixes awesome MP with amazing campaign and flawless system perks, controls, graphics etc. 6. KILLZONE 2 - best exclusive FPS ever for PS3. Good graphics, nice controls (not always, though), good characters, nice physics, good war feeling, good MP. Easily the best. 7. CRYSIS - this is the most astounding game in the grapics department, Heavy Rain, LMAO? Crysis has a whole of nice feeling with great adventeris feeling and cosy play in the darkness with great physics (hitting down trees, houses etc.) Agree/Disagree? Killzone 2 is the emperor of PlayStation 3 FPS shooters. Call of Duty is the leader of casual, noobified first-person shooters. Half-Life is the Lord of single-player first-person shooters on PCs or consoles. Crysis is the king of graphically impressive FPS. Counter-Strike is the king of PC FPS, most popular. Halo is the almighty God of all first-person shooters and the father of the MODERN FPS gaming. Doom/Wolfenstein were the first FPSs. Missed some? :) This is an official list, so tell me if there are any important ones missed that did a lot to the genre.MORBID98
Killzone 2 wouldnt belong on that list. Halo would be there but much lower. Doom/ WOlfenstein/ Quake/Unreal/System Shock/Deus Ex/Half Life would all be higher on my list. I don't know if i would put Far Cry, Fear, or STalker on a list like that....they are impressive for the genre thoughjg4xchamp
Wait; an Action Adventure/RPG that is played in first person perspective is considered a FPS nowadays?
You put a lot of effort into it... but Halo? :lol: come on now. Brainkiller05Halo? Why not? There is no denying what it did for shooters on the console, and shooters entirely. You don't have to like it, but its impact is undeniable. Killzone 2 on the other hand, why? That game did NOTHING new for the shooter genre, at all.
I'd take off Crysis, Killzone 2, and and Call of Duty, and I'd replace them with
Quake, and Goldeneye
So my list would be something like.
1. Doom/Wolfenstein - for basically inventing the genre.
2. Quake - Brought to light online gaming for fps
3. Goldeneye - For advancing the fps genre on consoles. Earlier fps games were on consoles, but they were just the simple 2D ones like Doom.
4. Half Life - For introducing the story-driven fps. Truly a great game.
5. CS - For nearly perfecting the competitive, online fps.
6. Halo - For truly standardizing online console gaming imo. Other games were online first, but this game created a boom, and since Halo 2 no fps game should come without online multiplayer on consoles.
Killzone 2 wouldnt belong on that list. Halo would be there but much lower. Doom/ WOlfenstein/ Quake/Unreal/System Shock/Deus Ex/Half Life would all be higher on my list. I don't know if i would put Far Cry, Fear, or STalker on a list like that....they are impressive for the genre thoughjg4xchamp
Actually it does, its one of the FPS exclusive to PS3.
Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, Goldeneye 007, Unreal, Half Life, System Shock 2, Thief: The Dark Project, Starseige: Tribes, Perfect Dark, Deus Ex and Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast are the most influential FPS games in the history of the modern FPS genre.
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]Killzone 2 wouldnt belong on that list. Halo would be there but much lower. Doom/ WOlfenstein/ Quake/Unreal/System Shock/Deus Ex/Half Life would all be higher on my list. I don't know if i would put Far Cry, Fear, or STalker on a list like that....they are impressive for the genre thoughRadecSupreme
Actually it does, its one of the FPS exclusive to PS3.
That doesn't make a bit of sense.ill give you my newest post since like 1 year i havent posted. obvious troll is SO fuc***** obvious, Halo, in NO way or form could end in that list, for fps. not even a top 100 list.[QUOTE="SchoolThing"]These Are The Most Significant FPS Ever To Grace Gaming: 1. HALO - without this game, in 2001, who knows if the FPS genre would have been alive? Splendid controls, killer adventure, awesome graphics, orgasmic music... The List goes on... Halo is one of the most influential titles in modern gaming history. 2. HALF-LIFE - Half-Life introduced what it was like to play Single-Player campaigns and mixed awesome adventure, good physics and interesting characters with mystifying plot. 3. CS - this is another Valve game and made FPS popular (until Halo made them super mega successful), this is the most popular FPS, and along with Super Mario and GTA the most iconic and well-known games in the world. 4. DOOM/WOLFENSTEIN - these were awesomely great for their time and the first ones and easily among the most important with super controls. 5. CALL OF DUTY - this is very casual and noob-friendly but mixes awesome MP with amazing campaign and flawless system perks, controls, graphics etc. 6. KILLZONE 2 - best exclusive FPS ever for PS3. Good graphics, nice controls (not always, though), good characters, nice physics, good war feeling, good MP. Easily the best. 7. CRYSIS - this is the most astounding game in the grapics department, Heavy Rain, LMAO? Crysis has a whole of nice feeling with great adventeris feeling and cosy play in the darkness with great physics (hitting down trees, houses etc.) Agree/Disagree? Killzone 2 is the emperor of PlayStation 3 FPS shooters. Call of Duty is the leader of casual, noobified first-person shooters. Half-Life is the Lord of single-player first-person shooters on PCs or consoles. Crysis is the king of graphically impressive FPS. Counter-Strike is the king of PC FPS, most popular. Halo is the almighty God of all first-person shooters and the father of the MODERN FPS gaming. Doom/Wolfenstein were the first FPSs. Missed some? :) This is an official list, so tell me if there are any important ones missed that did a lot to the genre.MORBID98
Halo wouldn't be in the top 100 FPS? Suspend me mods, but you're a ****ing idiot, and your post is more trollish than the topic creater.
Yes I love Halo. 2nd favourite FPS ever. (Goldeneye 1st)
I know its opinion but Half-life wasnt that good imo. 2nd one was better.
1. HALO - without this game, in 2001, who knows if the FPS genre would have been alive? Splendid controls, killer adventure, awesome graphics, orgasmic music... The List goes on... Halo is one of the most influential titles in modern gaming history.
Correction, "without this game, in 2001, who knows if the FPS genre would have been alive on console?", PC FPSs could evlove good without Halo....
ill give you my newest post since like 1 year i havent posted. obvious troll is SO fuc***** obvious, Halo, in NO way or form could end in that list, for fps. not even a top 100 list.[QUOTE="MORBID98"]
[QUOTE="SchoolThing"]These Are The Most Significant FPS Ever To Grace Gaming: 1. HALO - without this game, in 2001, who knows if the FPS genre would have been alive? Splendid controls, killer adventure, awesome graphics, orgasmic music... The List goes on... Halo is one of the most influential titles in modern gaming history. 2. HALF-LIFE - Half-Life introduced what it was like to play Single-Player campaigns and mixed awesome adventure, good physics and interesting characters with mystifying plot. 3. CS - this is another Valve game and made FPS popular (until Halo made them super mega successful), this is the most popular FPS, and along with Super Mario and GTA the most iconic and well-known games in the world. 4. DOOM/WOLFENSTEIN - these were awesomely great for their time and the first ones and easily among the most important with super controls. 5. CALL OF DUTY - this is very casual and noob-friendly but mixes awesome MP with amazing campaign and flawless system perks, controls, graphics etc. 6. KILLZONE 2 - best exclusive FPS ever for PS3. Good graphics, nice controls (not always, though), good characters, nice physics, good war feeling, good MP. Easily the best. 7. CRYSIS - this is the most astounding game in the grapics department, Heavy Rain, LMAO? Crysis has a whole of nice feeling with great adventeris feeling and cosy play in the darkness with great physics (hitting down trees, houses etc.) Agree/Disagree? Killzone 2 is the emperor of PlayStation 3 FPS shooters. Call of Duty is the leader of casual, noobified first-person shooters. Half-Life is the Lord of single-player first-person shooters on PCs or consoles. Crysis is the king of graphically impressive FPS. Counter-Strike is the king of PC FPS, most popular. Halo is the almighty God of all first-person shooters and the father of the MODERN FPS gaming. Doom/Wolfenstein were the first FPSs. Missed some? :) This is an official list, so tell me if there are any important ones missed that did a lot to the genre.Cicatraz_ESP
Halo wouldn't be in the top 100 FPS? Suspend me mods, but you're a ****ing idiot, and your post is more trollish than the topic creater.
LOL, butthurt? its okay man i just dont believe saying something like that of a game would make me an idiot, anyways halo is trash for easy going FPS players.Wolfenstein 3D
Dark Forces
Goldeneye 64
Team Fortress
Those are the important ones.
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