Looks alright. I'll probably pick it up when it's $10-$15 later this year. Dark Souls II would be the next best game on the horizon though.
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Looks alright. I'll probably pick it up when it's $10-$15 later this year. Dark Souls II would be the next best game on the horizon though.
Anyone who thinks this game won't be 15-20 hours minimum has rocks in their head. Yeah, it's an RPG, but I would be bummed if it was over 30 hours. For every Skyrim there should be a solid, tightly story driven experience. Matt and Trey have said they felt bad about cutting a lot of content out, which doesn't make it sound like a 6 hour game.
@R4gn4r0k: I hated turn based combat a lot as well but I got into persona which was my first turn based RPG and can't wait for this, I do believe this is obsidian and should have a good tool for tutorials and plus the humour which makes fun of RPGs it's a good balance but like before it may not be everyone's cup of tea :)
@Solid_Max13: The only games I've enjoyed that had turn based combat were the paper mario games. Those games had a great sense of humour so that was a lot for me to go through with them. Like this game seems to have as well, I think I'm going to bite the bullet and get it, but it's doubtful I'll get it on launch, as I have too many games to play already :p
I believe this game will be a must buy for South Park fans (like myself) so much hype here. Could care less about any other titles being released this month.
Really looking forward to this, but I'll wait for a sale depending on how long the game is.
From what I've heard on podcasts is 2 hours into the game and they hand't even completed more than 10% of the main story so we can assume at least 20-30 Hrs which is amazing!
If that's true, I'd probably pick it up full price.
Ugh, what is it with you SW people and campaign lengths? Is all that matters to you guys the length of the story? I guess I'm the only one who prefers quality over quantity. Rather spend 5-10 hours ENJOYING a game at its fullest and completing the entire story multiple times, than say, play 50-100 hours and still not complete it because its boring then give up 25% in the story.
I can't wait, Obsidian is the best rpg devs in the world for me and I am a South Park fan so this is day one! (already preordered).
Godsidian never dissapoints, outdid Biowire twice (KOTOR2 and Neverwinter Nights2) and out did bethesda (Fallout New Vegas), did the underrated Alpha Protocol and the best expansion pack of all time, Mask Of The Betrayer.
The south park writers with obsidian is a dream come true.
Is this a joke?
No,I don't think their joking.lol.Hyped over a kids game.lol.lol.:)
@the_bi99man: That's what the OP said. "Over a 6 hour adventure." Unless that's supposed to be a joke or something.
@turtlethetaffer: I said according to reports it doesn't seem like it will be a 6 hour adventure and more 20-30 that would be my guess from what many reports have said and a little bit of math, but that would be my guess.
I don't see what is so appealing about it really. Then again I haven't been following this game that closely.
I think you'd have to be a fan of the show and its type of humour to really hype the game
@Zassimick: I've been trying to do the same thing.There's too many games on my shelf I didn't finish, but South Park is definitely a day one buy unless it starts getting 5's.
The true 'next' best game comes out in 4 days and received a 4/10 from EDGE. Very disappointed by the scores so far but the original had the same all over the place reviews and i liked the game
@Zassimick: I've been trying to do the same thing.There's too many games on my shelf I didn't finish, but South Park is definitely a day one buy unless it starts getting 5's.
True that. If the game ends up just not being fun to play or incredibly broken I may consider holding off until it drops in price. But if it gets low scores because the humor of South Park doesn't click with many reviewers? I may just ignore them then. :P
I'm not feeling it. I grew out of South Park a while back. I hate how the game looks. The combat looks boring. Then here is Obsidian, the devs. I've given them so many shots. I can't be bothered to give them another, at least at full price. I'll get Thief and wait until DS 2 and Titanfall.
@foxhound_fox: its amazing that a comment not ment to piss someonenoff still manages to upset you.
No jimmies rustled here. Just pointing out the silliness of such a comment.
@foxhound_fox: its amazing that a comment not ment to piss someonenoff still manages to upset you.
No jimmies rustled here. Just pointing out the silliness of such a comment.
It's silly I do not like South Park anymore? Talk about being silly.
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