Oh dear, people please look up the details from Nintendo about battery life
With turning 3D off, turning WiFi off, putting brightness down to lower settings, and turning on power save mode, you could get up to 8-10 hours on 3DS games, even more with DS games
If you think the price is high, wait until the NGP is priced woah that's gonna be bad
Also, the one thing that will make the 3DS sell better, is games are going to sell better on the 3DS than the NGP
The PSP Go failed at getting mobile gamers into DD. Sony is clearly going to price NGP games at $40 to maybe $60 to download (it has PS3 power almost so I'm betting games are going to be more expensive)
Also, you probably won't get as many 4GB-8GB games on NGP as 3DS. Why? No one, I repeat no console gamers (not counting PC gamers) are going to want to download over 2GB or 3GBs over WiFi or 3G just to play a game for $40 that may end up not being what you wanted, but now you're out of $40 and can't resell the game at gamestop or craigslist
This will be the fatal flaw in this next generation of Handhelds, one company going with DD all the way, and the 3DS going with it part of the way
Both will be supported greatly during their first year, and during their second year too, but as the dust settles, developers will see that one customer base will not be buying as many games as the other one, and they will halt their support or slow it down a lot, just like during PSP/DS when PSP games began to not nearly sell as well as DS games
These reasons alone will make whatever trouble the 3DS is in, and believe it does have an up hill battle ahead of it, become the winner in the end
I doubt we ever see a NGP game break 10 million units sold, but if the 3DS is much like the DS, I'm willing to bet it may have dozens cross that mark before all is said and done.
I wouldn't be surprised if retailers like GameStop refuse to carry the NGP, why would they? They can't make much more than a few bucks off each unit since there is no physical software. I think people still want to buy games at stores and used, as they tend to be cheaper than the DD Sony has been offering on PSN up to date.
The PSP has sold 60 million, if you think the NGP will sell only 10 mil you're deluded and the NGP isn't download only.But I didn't know the NGP uses game cards, can someone give me a link I must have totally missed that.
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