Killzone 3 is a video game exclusive to the PS3 that is set to come out February 22, 2011
SP: The game is supposedly a more massive experience of its predecessor, Killzone 2. It takes place right after the assasination of Visari. As you're looming over a snow capped mountain, the first trailer shows our main protagonist Sev, approaching a helghan enemy bunker. And then the madness BEGINS.
So appearantly there are two main organizations vying for power over the government-less planet of Helghan, and they have really creepy looking faces.
So far all we know about them is that one profits from the war economy byrunning the leading arms companyand the other was a top aid to the deceased Visari (if I am not mistaken). So far it has been said that the SP will have levels that are ten times bigger than levels in Killzone 2.
Multiplayer: So this is the place to be in the world of Killzone. Here is what we know so far for Killzone 3's multiplayer (via Killzone wiki)...
"The Killzone 3 multiplayer will have five positions each with six ranks and six abilities. The five posistions are the medic, the marksmen, the infiltrator, the tactician and the engineer. The multplayer will have far more ranks then Killzone 2 with a total of 45 and there will be over 100 medals to earn. The brutal melee system from the campaign will be used in the multiplayer. Exoskeletons like the one from Killzone 2 will be in the multiplayer as will jumpacks which will be featured in Killzone 3's campaign."
And here you go! Killzone 3 multiplayer vids!!!!! introduction) sniper gameplay) gameplay)
I know that the graphics are top notch but who knew the sound would be so amazing!!!!!That is probably the best sound work I have ever heard in a video game!!!!!
Graphics: So far Killzone 3 graphics have been amazing and astonoshing. 1up has even said "This may very well be the best looking game ever -- and it's even better in 3D." I guess according to hermits he is a PS3 fanboy too right? :lol:
Lem: But where are teh colors?
Gaming25: Here you Go...
UPDATE: Ok, I made this hype thread, but I do have some huge criticisms about this game. And it has to deal with how the things they have done to the Multiplayer. They started with a decrease (one fourths) of the amount of players in the game. I have no clue why they did that. There was never a problem with how many players in the game. One of the main things that was so great about warzone was that there was so much intense fighting going on, and so much was going on that many fans were in awe and were immersed into the game. Killzone 2 is about the hectic, intence struggle to overtake the other team. And for them to take out 8 players is ridiculous. And not to mention the fact that the maps are supposed to be bigger in this game. If they want to do matchmaking like the otherpopular FPS'sthen fine, but dont take out one of the main things that made Killzone 2 stand out, which was the player count.
Another thing that really irks me is the feedback I have been seeing from beta testers. It seems that my biggest fear has happened. According to many of the testersit didnt feel like killzone weight, but like a typical shooter and then added weight in them. There is a BIG difference. Halo has its identity with movement, COD has its identity with movement, and so does Battlefield Bad Company 2. Killzone 2 had that identity to it, but when you make it into an identity of other games (like some are saying about Killzone 3), and then just tag on weight to it, then what you have done is change the feel of the game. They shouldnt have changed how the weight felt. For example: Bad Company 2 has weight in it, but not the kind of weight that Killzone 2 had. What I am saying is that just because you have weight in the game, doesnt mean that it is automatically the killzone feel.
As I saw through the first wave of the MP videos, I saw these pop ups, and hearing about killstreaks, and first blood. And I am thinking, what are with these things? Do they add to the immersive experience. If those unnecessary and useless things werent needed in Killzone 2, why put them in now? I heard that those things were being looked at by GG and thats good.
BUT then you hear about stuff like floaty weight and no recoil????? Are you kidding me Guerrilla Games??? This just screams at me what is going on here. Guerrilla Games, we dont want the same type of shooters that are out there!!!!!!!! And then I hear about camping. Guerrilla Games, this feedback is breaking my heart
Basically it comes down to what a beta tester on the killzone forums said, they can either go allout COD/BC2 on us, or they can go back to doing things that worked so wonderfully unique for Killzone 2 and give us a game that feels like that Killzone 2 game that us fans love and has that great distinction from the rest of the shooters. Now they have a perfect time to do it, and I hope they use this time to their advantage, and cut all of the Call of Duty crap from this game.
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