Metroid: Other M - 1UP Interview with Sakamoto (Metroid) and Hayashi (Team Ninja)
"When I brought the proposal to Team Ninja, I had no idea what their response would be. As we progressed through development, of course there were differences of opinion, but we were able to work through those and ultimately create something that's better than either of us could have expected. It's been a really collaborative, creative process, and I feel that the result is something that's very positive."
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Metroid: Other M - JOYSTICK interview with Sakamoto
"The games that I've been involved with in the Metroid series have been on the NES, GameBoy, Super NES and the GBA. I actually didn't have a lot of input on the Prime series. But when they're doing with Other M here, it's not so much a different universe, it's just a different part of the story. You can't say that there's no relation here; it's probably best to think of them as being in parallel in this world."
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"You'll likely be left wanting more of this exciting adventure, a testament to the invigorating quality of the smoothly executed shift in focus. People expecting Other M to conform to the elements that made Super Metroid and Metroid Prime ****cs may be disappointed at first, but stick with it. This is another great entry in the series, and a refreshing change of pace for the well-traveled bounty hunter"
9/10 WIRED
"Besides weaving a new story about Metroids, the adorable little horrendous evil superbeings, Other M is the story of Samus — who she is, why she became a bounty hunter, and what haunts her thoughts as she's prowling around abandoned planets jumping over pits of lava and shooting aliens. If you're a Metroid fan you'll appreciate it," - source
"Ultimately, though, Metroid: Other M ends up an incredibly intense and rewarding experience despite the small hang-ups. And it gets even when you've gone through the game and get the credit scroll, there's more to be found -- these extra pick-ups were clearly not needed to finish the game, but the skill required in getting them almost makes them as gratifying to score as the green stars were in Super Mario Galaxy 2"- source
"At first, I wasn't sure that Metroid: Other M would be a proper Metroid game or even a fun one, but as its action intensified over the course of the adventure, it didn't take me long to dismiss the second concern. As for whether or not it's Metroid ... I finished the game with a 45-percent completion rate, and I'm currently going back through the map looking for hidden Energy and Missile Tanks. You tell me." - source
"Guess what? The unlikeliest of developers has created a game that manages to encapsulate huge chunks of the series' traditions, even as it pushes it onwards in a slick new direction. Metroid has spliced its genes once again, and the results are typically fascinating." - source
"Most gamers will find more enjoyment in mocking the overacted, overwritten cutscenes than playing the game.(...) I experienced fleeting moments where it all clicked, and I saw glimpses of how great Other M could have been. But an hour or two of less painful gameplay can't make up for the bad design choices at this game's core." - source
2/5 G4TV
"So, is it all as soul-crushingly terrible as it sounds? Yes, yes it is *Hur-dur hur-hur*
The most satisfying part of the game came once the credit sequence rolled *hur-hur DURR*" -source
***Review links stolen from GAF***
GamesTM - 9/10
GameFan Magazine - 9.5/10
Wired - 9/10
Joystiq - 4.5/5
Worth Playing - 9/10
Famitsu Magazine - 9/9/8/9 for a total of 35/40
Nintendo Power - 8.5/10
IGN - 8.5/10
GameSpot - 8.5/10
Metroid-Database - 85%
Digital Chumps - 8.4/10
Eurogamer - 8/10
GiantBomb - 4/5
GamePro - 4/5
Kotaku - Text, no score, but very positive.
N-Sider - Text, no score, but very positive.
Games Radar - 7/10
Destructoid - 6.5/10
Game Informer - 6.25/10
G4TV - 2/5
***Exclusive DIGITALCHAMPS Gameplay Videos***
Metroid Other M - Landing on the bottle ship
Metroid Other M (Live action) TV ad
Sectors 1, 2, and 3. (Biosphere, Cryosphere and Pyrosphere)
Metroid Other M - E3 2010 Trailer
Metroid Other M - Story Trailer
Metroid Other M - Young and Naive Trailer
Metroid Other M - Gameplay Trailer
Metroid Other M - Interview by Gamespot
Exclusive Gameplay Trailer
Combat Trailer
Mother Brain Montage
Federation Trailer
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