the biggest damage and misunderstanding here is that in the assumption of a revolution.I've mentioned this many times but ill say it again.
Innovation lies with the developer and so ultimately it is the out puts that matter not the inputs. Inputs matter in terms of efficency and ease of excuting the set outputs.a revolution in the wii lies with the non gamer because the ease and simplicity.however I don't think any serious gamer hear would pay much attention to their controller about 1 or 3 hours in to the game.usually the object is to learn the game-play mechanics soon as possible so you can start interacting with the game(i.e outputs). at which point the novelty of the controller is almost forgotten!! infact sometimes the wiimote was horrible and I preferd the standard gamepad or keyboard.
so my point here is the main attraction of the wii, which is the controller, is idealy revlolutionary to the non-gamer. but for someone who has played games a lot, 250$ is not worthwhile.why? becasue its hardware isn't evolved enough to be called next gen.
It hasn't got the power to make larger,realistic graphicaly beautiful games like X360,PS3
It hasn't got enough power to have very smart A.I.
It hasn't got enough power to render as many enemies or objects of interaction as the PS3 or the X360
It lacks freedom in developing as well, due to low resources
It suffers from lack of solid online multi player
oh before I get flamed and told how graphics and physics aren't as important as gameplay, I ask you how will the gameplay be any more outstanding when clearly a simple change in controller isn't a revolution unless you've never played games before.The day nintendo makes a game other than another rehash of their old series, the day nintendo creates something truly unique especialy customized for the wiimote.Then I will give them credit as of being revolutionary.Hopefully that day isn't far
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