halo and gears of war arethe only 2 games keeping the xbox 360 alive imo. if they were both sony exclusives then xbox 360 would be dead.
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Nice opinion. I love my 360 and dont really like Halo at all. Gears is great though. But if you owned a 360 you would find there is alot more games that are fun to play. MS has more than those exclusives and dont forget the 360/PC games that are also fun to play.
I bought a 360 for Halo 3 and it was a pretty smart decision. I've beaten all of the PS3's exclusives (ok, most of them) over the course of a few weeks. But Halo 3 has kept me playing it for years now.
Nope its all about the 1000+ $1 exbox indie games! I have 60 of them! Made by regular people. It was the best idea ever. If only Nintendo and Sony were so cool with their fans to allow great homebrew.
I already have a PC, PS3 and Wii, and today I bought a 120gb 360 Elite ($215), and not for GeoW or Halo, since I don't care for either of those games. The XBLA is fantastic, I love the custom soundtracks being available whenever I want, I don't have to worry what platform a cool new game is going to be on and I can play co-op with my friends/family that have Xboxs. As far as exclusives that I want, its pretty much just Alan Wake, but now I can borrow 360 games instead of having to buy them all, since I'm the only PS3 owner I know.
Since you brought the Ps3 into this what about Fable..Forza.Splintercell.Mass Effect..x-com..crackdown..Alan wake ..Banjo...... lost odyessey......command and conquer..viva pinata....new crysis game..metro 2023.....nintey nine nights2.........X-Box Live....CROSS GAME CHAT!!! espn...netflix without using a disc.....indie games....kinect.....shall I continue.JamaniKinect looks awful, the indie games are mostly crap but some are only garbage, Netflix with or without a disc is equally great, XBox Live & cross game chat come with an additional price, Ninety-Nine Nights 2 is a sequel to a bad game, viva pinata is a niche game for people that don't like fun, most people are still waiting for a true Banjo game, Alan Wake is disappointingly short, X-Com isn't even out, Mass Effect was FAR better on PC. Yes, please do go on....
[QUOTE="Jamani"]Since you brought the Ps3 into this what about Fable..Forza.Splintercell.Mass Effect..x-com..crackdown..Alan wake ..Banjo...... lost odyessey......command and conquer..viva pinata....new crysis game..metro 2023.....nintey nine nights2.........X-Box Live....CROSS GAME CHAT!!! espn...netflix without using a disc.....indie games....kinect.....shall I continue.hellhundKinect looks awful, the indie games are mostly crap but some are only garbage, Netflix with or without a disc is equally great, XBox Live & cross game chat come with an additional price, Ninety-Nine Nights 2 is a sequel to a bad game, viva pinata is a niche game for people that don't like fun, most people are still waiting for a true Banjo game, Alan Wake is disappointingly short, X-Com isn't even out, Mass Effect was FAR better on PC. Yes, please do go on.... I can do the same to the ps3 library...so what are you saying..topic creator said there isnt no games so I gave him games that are not on the ps3 case closed..
[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"]naw I think you are thinking about the wii or something. nah the wii had quite a few good games at launch...it was the ps3 that had few worthwhile games in its first 2 years or so.wasn't it the ps3 that didn't have a game really worth owning for near 2 years or so?
[QUOTE="Jamani"]Since you brought the Ps3 into this what about Fable..Forza.Splintercell.Mass Effect..x-com..crackdown..Alan wake ..Banjo...... lost odyessey......command and conquer..viva pinata....new crysis game..metro 2023.....nintey nine nights2.........X-Box Live....CROSS GAME CHAT!!! espn...netflix without using a disc.....indie games....kinect.....shall I continue.hellhundKinect looks awful, the indie games are mostly crap but some are only garbage, Netflix with or without a disc is equally great, XBox Live & cross game chat come with an additional price, Ninety-Nine Nights 2 is a sequel to a bad game, viva pinata is a niche game for people that don't like fun, most people are still waiting for a true Banjo game, Alan Wake is disappointingly short, X-Com isn't even out, Mass Effect was FAR better on PC. Yes, please do go on.... Move looks awful,the psn games are very rare and the one that you do find can be played on the psp or 360,Netflix with a disc isn't as good,Psn+ comes with a price equall to xbox live but with way less features,Uncharted 2 is a sequel to a bad game,Heavy rain is a niche game for people that don't like fun,most people are still waiting for a true multiplayer game,God of war 3 was super duper short,Gran turismo is still not out,Bayonneta was far better on the 360.Yes please do go on....
[QUOTE="Jamani"]Since you brought the Ps3 into this what about Fable..Forza.Splintercell.Mass Effect..x-com..crackdown..Alan wake ..Banjo...... lost odyessey......command and conquer..viva pinata....new crysis game..metro 2023.....nintey nine nights2.........X-Box Live....CROSS GAME CHAT!!! espn...netflix without using a disc.....indie games....kinect.....shall I continue.hellhundKinect looks awful, the indie games are mostly crap but some are only garbage, Netflix with or without a disc is equally great, XBox Live & cross game chat come with an additional price, Ninety-Nine Nights 2 is a sequel to a bad game, viva pinata is a niche game for people that don't like fun, most people are still waiting for a true Banjo game, Alan Wake is disappointingly short, X-Com isn't even out, Mass Effect was FAR better on PC. Yes, please do go on....
Nothing worse than a indie game hater. You will never get the brilliance of homebrew. 2 or 3 dudes working together to make a game for us for $1 is what great ideas are made of. At least Ms helps the average joe like that dream a little easier. Those game (like the amazing Miner dig deep and Zombie Estate deserve our 80 Ms points! Long live the indie game (I guess Sony fan boys never dreamed of making anything so you would not understand)
No, just no.halo and gears of war arethe only 2 games keeping the xbox 360 alive imo. if they were both sony exclusives then xbox 360 would be dead.
Kinect looks awful, the indie games are mostly crap but some are only garbage, Netflix with or without a disc is equally great, XBox Live & cross game chat come with an additional price, Ninety-Nine Nights 2 is a sequel to a bad game, viva pinata is a niche game for people that don't like fun, most people are still waiting for a true Banjo game, Alan Wake is disappointingly short, X-Com isn't even out, Mass Effect was FAR better on PC. Yes, please do go on....[QUOTE="hellhund"][QUOTE="Jamani"]Since you brought the Ps3 into this what about Fable..Forza.Splintercell.Mass Effect..x-com..crackdown..Alan wake ..Banjo...... lost odyessey......command and conquer..viva pinata....new crysis game..metro 2023.....nintey nine nights2.........X-Box Live....CROSS GAME CHAT!!! espn...netflix without using a disc.....indie games....kinect.....shall I continue.mojito1988
Nothing worse than a indie game hater. You will never get the brilliance of homebrew. 2 or 3 dudes working together to make a game for us for $1 is what great ideas are made of. At least Ms helps the average joe like that dream a little easier. Those game (like the amazing Miner dig deep and Zombie Estate deserve our 80 Ms points! Long live the indie game (I guess Sony fan boys never dreamed of making anything so you would not understand)
Lol, by what bizarre stretch of the imagination am I Sony fanboy? Most of the Indie games ARE complete garbage. That doesn't mean that some aren't gems. But the brillance of the great games just makes the trash look even worse.[QUOTE="mojito1988"][QUOTE="hellhund"] Kinect looks awful, the indie games are mostly crap but some are only garbage, Netflix with or without a disc is equally great, XBox Live & cross game chat come with an additional price, Ninety-Nine Nights 2 is a sequel to a bad game, viva pinata is a niche game for people that don't like fun, most people are still waiting for a true Banjo game, Alan Wake is disappointingly short, X-Com isn't even out, Mass Effect was FAR better on PC. Yes, please do go on....hellhund
Nothing worse than a indie game hater. You will never get the brilliance of homebrew. 2 or 3 dudes working together to make a game for us for $1 is what great ideas are made of. At least Ms helps the average joe like that dream a little easier. Those game (like the amazing Miner dig deep and Zombie Estate deserve our 80 Ms points! Long live the indie game (I guess Sony fan boys never dreamed of making anything so you would not understand)
Lol, by what bizarre stretch of the imagination am I Sony fanboy? Most of the Indie games ARE complete garbage. That doesn't mean that some aren't gems. But the brillance of the great games just makes the trash look even worse.Your posts bashing indie games sadden me
Reasons I'd buy a 360 off the top of my head.
Banjo Kazooie, Kameo, Gears of War 1, Geometry Wars, Forza 3, Bayonetta, Snoopy Flying Ace, Shadow Complex, Alan Wake, Rez, Tales of Vesperia, Ikaruga (just so I don't risk ruining my hard copy of it)
That's 12 reasons for me.
However, the reasons I'd buy a PS3 are as follows
Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Fat Princess, Demon's Souls and probably ModNation Racers.
So 4-5 reasons. Now, MGS4 would probably be up there too, but I haven't played through all the games preceding it. I did buy some of them just so I'd have another reason to want a PS3 though.
tl;dr - Differing opinions.
Do you have gears of war 2?If not go buy gears 2 come online and let me pop a head shot on you for not buying or liking gears of war 2.Reasons I'd buy a 360 off the top of my head.
Banjo Kazooie, Kameo, Gears of War 1, Geometry Wars, Forza 3, Bayonetta, Snoopy Flying Ace, Shadow Complex, Alan Wake, Rez, Tales of Vesperia, Ikaruga (just so I don't risk ruining my hard copy of it)
That's 12 reasons for me.
However, the reasons I'd buy a PS3 are as follows
Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Fat Princess, Demon's Souls and probably ModNation Racers.
So 4-5 reasons. Now, MGS4 would probably be up there too, but I haven't played through all the games preceding it. I did buy some of them just so I'd have another reason to want a PS3 though.
tl;dr - Differing opinions.
ok TC most ppl have already listed a lot of reasons to own a 360 so i am just gonna say that Halo and Gears have more replay value than all the PS3 exclusives combined. Yeah i know i sound fanboyish but its the truth for me. I have both the PS3 and 360 and mostPS3 exclusives only last about a week for me while I am still playing games like Halo and Gears months after their release.
[QUOTE="mojito1988"][QUOTE="hellhund"] Kinect looks awful, the indie games are mostly crap but some are only garbage, Netflix with or without a disc is equally great, XBox Live & cross game chat come with an additional price, Ninety-Nine Nights 2 is a sequel to a bad game, viva pinata is a niche game for people that don't like fun, most people are still waiting for a true Banjo game, Alan Wake is disappointingly short, X-Com isn't even out, Mass Effect was FAR better on PC. Yes, please do go on....hellhund
Nothing worse than a indie game hater. You will never get the brilliance of homebrew. 2 or 3 dudes working together to make a game for us for $1 is what great ideas are made of. At least Ms helps the average joe like that dream a little easier. Those game (like the amazing Miner dig deep and Zombie Estate deserve our 80 Ms points! Long live the indie game (I guess Sony fan boys never dreamed of making anything so you would not understand)
Lol, by what bizarre stretch of the imagination am I Sony fanboy? Most of the Indie games ARE complete garbage. That doesn't mean that some aren't gems. But the brillance of the great games just makes the trash look even worse.You manage to completely miss the point of the indie game. Its not that they are better than the 60$ games they are 1$ the point of the indie game is that it does something really cool for the community where the player can make games for the system. By your line of thinking i get that you cannot realize why thats so cool but it really is. People can start here and use it as a spring board into the industy in some cases. Indie games are amazing. I realize that all that people that are narrow see is that they dont look as good as games that are 60 times more expensive, but if you really dwell on the concept its hard not to realize how cool the concept is. (and if you still cannot appreciate it then i just feel sorry for you.)
All 3 consoles are more than worth owning and they all have alot more than 2 reasons to own them.
[QUOTE="treedoor"]Do you have gears of war 2?If not go buy gears 2 come online and let me pop a head shot on you for not buying or liking gears of war 2.Reasons I'd buy a 360 off the top of my head.
Banjo Kazooie, Kameo, Gears of War 1, Geometry Wars, Forza 3, Bayonetta, Snoopy Flying Ace, Shadow Complex, Alan Wake, Rez, Tales of Vesperia, Ikaruga (just so I don't risk ruining my hard copy of it)
That's 12 reasons for me.
However, the reasons I'd buy a PS3 are as follows
Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Fat Princess, Demon's Souls and probably ModNation Racers.
So 4-5 reasons. Now, MGS4 would probably be up there too, but I haven't played through all the games preceding it. I did buy some of them just so I'd have another reason to want a PS3 though.
tl;dr - Differing opinions.genaroll
No, I didn't put it there because I played Gears of War 2 with a friend when it came out. I never played Gears of War 1.
Lol, by what bizarre stretch of the imagination am I Sony fanboy? Most of the Indie games ARE complete garbage. That doesn't mean that some aren't gems. But the brillance of the great games just makes the trash look even worse.[QUOTE="hellhund"][QUOTE="mojito1988"]
Nothing worse than a indie game hater. You will never get the brilliance of homebrew. 2 or 3 dudes working together to make a game for us for $1 is what great ideas are made of. At least Ms helps the average joe like that dream a little easier. Those game (like the amazing Miner dig deep and Zombie Estate deserve our 80 Ms points! Long live the indie game (I guess Sony fan boys never dreamed of making anything so you would not understand)
You manage to completely miss the point of the indie game. Its not that they are better than the 60$ games they are 1$ the point of the indie game is that it does something really cool for the community where the player can make games for the system. By your line of thinking i get that you cannot realize why thats so cool but it really is. People can start here and use it as a spring board into the industy in some cases. Indie games are amazing. I realize that all that people that are narrow see is that they dont look as good as games that are 60 times more expensive, but if you really dwell on the concept its hard not to realize how cool the concept is. (and if you still cannot appreciate it then i just feel sorry for you.)
All 3 consoles are more than worth owning and they all have alot more than 2 reasons to own them.
It had nothing to do with appearances. A lot of the games are just garbage. I understand and appreciate that it's probably someone learning the ropes of making games, but all the Dating simulators and How To Talk to Girls games are just sad. I've bought a few Indie games, and for $1, they're worth trying. But trying to find good indie games is like trying to find a diamond in a city dump using a pitchfork.[QUOTE="hellhund"][QUOTE="Jamani"]Since you brought the Ps3 into this what about Fable..Forza.Splintercell.Mass Effect..x-com..crackdown..Alan wake ..Banjo...... lost odyessey......command and conquer..viva pinata....new crysis game..metro 2023.....nintey nine nights2.........X-Box Live....CROSS GAME CHAT!!! espn...netflix without using a disc.....indie games....kinect.....shall I continue.genarollKinect looks awful, the indie games are mostly crap but some are only garbage, Netflix with or without a disc is equally great, XBox Live & cross game chat come with an additional price, Ninety-Nine Nights 2 is a sequel to a bad game, viva pinata is a niche game for people that don't like fun, most people are still waiting for a true Banjo game, Alan Wake is disappointingly short, X-Com isn't even out, Mass Effect was FAR better on PC. Yes, please do go on.... Move looks awful,the psn games are very rare and the one that you do find can be played on the psp or 360,Netflix with a disc isn't as good,Psn+ comes with a price equall to xbox live but with way less features,Uncharted 2 is a sequel to a bad game,Heavy rain is a niche game for people that don't like fun,most people are still waiting for a true multiplayer game,God of war 3 was super duper short,Gran turismo is still not out,Bayonneta was far better on the 360.Yes please do go on.... this is absolutely art. This is one of the funniest responses i have heard on a msg board. I have to agree though, it's seems more and more that the only thing that you can compare about the 2 consoles is just based on opinion. Both have strengths and weaknesses that the others strengths and weaknesses cancel out. I do think it's funny though, just HOW MANY cow's start Thread bashing the xbox/MS... I honestly can't find nearly as many lemmings doing the same, (although I know they do to)
halo and gears of war arethe only 2 games keeping the xbox 360 alive imo. if they were both sony exclusives then xbox 360 would be dead.
For me, I got5 reasons to own a 360
1.Halo Reach
2.Gears 3
3. Some of my friends had it.
4.Some multiplats thats mainly for multiplayer.
5. Splinter Cell, Alan Wake, many awesome exclusives.
[QUOTE="Jamani"]Since you brought the Ps3 into this what about Fable..Forza.Splintercell.Mass Effect..x-com..crackdown..Alan wake ..Banjo...... lost odyessey......command and conquer..viva pinata....new crysis game..metro 2023.....nintey nine nights2.........X-Box Live....CROSS GAME CHAT!!! espn...netflix without using a disc.....indie games....kinect.....shall I continue.hellhundKinect looks awful, the indie games are mostly crap but some are only garbage, Netflix with or without a disc is equally great, XBox Live & cross game chat come with an additional price, Ninety-Nine Nights 2 is a sequel to a bad game, viva pinata is a niche game for people that don't like fun, most people are still waiting for a true Banjo game, Alan Wake is disappointingly short, X-Com isn't even out, Mass Effect was FAR better on PC. Yes, please do go on.... just sounds like your trying to convince yourself. anyone who just enjoys great games KNOWS both consoles are awesome
halo and gears of war arethe only 2 games keeping the xbox 360 alive imo. if they were both sony exclusives then xbox 360 would be dead.
Plus all better quality multiplat games, plus Alan Wake, plus xbox live, plus plus plus. the ONLY reason to read this thread is to laugh at how pointless it is.
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