cant stop laughing at this. its so funny. Teh lemzors are teh reazons why teh game doesnt sell :(
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Ever wonder by blockbuster movies are released in the Summer, Thanksgiving, Christmas as opposed to the ides or March, Presidents day, or MLK day? Big media sells in the 2nd half of the year. M$ also knows this. That is why Halo was released in Sept and Gears (both) in November. CODs are also released late in the Year. There are actually very few big games that are not released during this time, except games that miss their schedule. I think this is what happened to KZ2.
"Lem" propaganda? Do you really think system wars has even the tiniest affect on game sales? Because it doesn't.
yea, i would have started like mini ads saying like it begins on some date or something and then like 2 weeks later (say if we started the mini ads from Start of Feb) they start showing off this ad that we see now and then show some gameplay wit some epic music in the background one week later. Sony should hire me :PSony should of had commercials that showed some actual gameplay, or they should have started their marketing couple of months in advance.
or maybe ps3 owners just dont buy a lot of games like 360 owners do? sales comparison shows that 360 owners buy a substantially higher amount of games. plus, killzone 2 isnt that great of a game beyond graphics. the sp is average and many games do the online much better.mtradr43lOL wut? ok i ll agre that the sp is average but it has one of the best MPs around, dare i say it, its better than cod 4 and halo in depth! :P
and given a demo to other people then just people who pre-ordered it... that was just plain stupid, demos are what makes you want to go pre-order it in the first placeSony should of had commercials that showed some actual gameplay, or they should have started their marketing couple of months in advance.
[QUOTE="mtradr43"]or maybe ps3 owners just dont buy a lot of games like 360 owners do? sales comparison shows that 360 owners buy a substantially higher amount of games. plus, killzone 2 isnt that great of a game beyond graphics. the sp is average and many games do the online much better.killa4lyfelOL wut? ok i ll agre that the sp is average but it has one of the best MPs around, dare i say it, its better than cod 4 and halo in depth! :P i wouldn't say it has more depth then halo, with forge and the matchmaking system, party system, halo is an incredibly communitity based game, easily set up matches, clan matches, every game is with random people or entirely controlled to just the way you want it. I just don't see much depth in the online for kz2 though, theres clans and classes but the classes don't really stand out like other games, bf2 comes to mind, and since no one has mic's on ps3's its tends to be spawn, shoot, die, spawn, shoot, die... etc, actually working with a team just doesn't really work with 32 people eiter. And then there's a lack of weapons in the online, why didn't all the more unique guns make it there
Well, the quality of the game isnt in question. It's a great game... I dont know how anyone can claim this game "isnt selling" when it's already topped a million. Sadly, I only know about 3 people who own KZ2, most of my friends with PS3s dont.TC said the ONLY reason, and he listed two.
Who's to say there aren't more?
Riddle me this....if Killzone 2 is such a bad game how come the lemmings are taking every opportunity to spread hate for it?
If it sells, it sells. Not that it's doing "badly" at all, but even if it sells below the anticipated numbers it'll hardly have any effect on the game. The online community seems large enough and you can always find games that are fully occupied so that's fine by me.
first off killzone isn't selling bad, it has sold over 1 mill. and I'm gonna bet it will sell close to if not over 2 mill by the end of april so please stop saying the game is selling badly. seriously what the hell man selling 1 mill use to be great thing now a game can sell 1 mill and still be considered a flop? Killzone can never and never will compete with halo so please let it go. Halo was the game that defined a console, xbox whole image was formed around halo just as nintendo has mario and sega had sonic. The thing about sony is it never had just 1 game/character that defined it's system it had multiple characters that you associated with it. Snake,Sackboy,Kratos,drake, Gran tourismo, jak&Dax, Ratchet&clank, Sly cooper and now we can add Killzone to that list. Even if it did sell as much as halo did it would never knock it off the podium that it is on and I wouldn't want it to. I'd rather have it on a stage part of a bigger show then to be expected to be the show.
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