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[QUOTE="Bgrngod"]I made a blog post awhile back complaining about Black Box getting canned. THAT would have been a great deal.
I ended up getting Orange Box on black friday for $25 at Best Buy. I've been happy with it so far.
TF2 needs more maps though.
PC version has over 50 custom maps released. Sucks to own OB on 360...
Good thing I have it on PC.
Yea, I dont get the hype. So BF2 should get an award today for costing less than 20$ and being one of the most fun MP experiences available? How about that unreal anthology where they give you UT2004, Unreal 2, original UT, and original Unreal with the expansion for 40?
The only new parts of the Orange Box are Ep2, Portal, and Orange Box, none of which make up a complete game unlike all of the other combo packs out there. Their graphics aren't amazing and the gameplay, besides Portal feels dated. Together, sure, they can make up a whole game. With the 3 dated HL parts making the single player, and TF2 makin up the MP.
The only real part of the "game" I enjoyed was Portal, but I beat that in about 3 hours. I already went through HL2 and Ep1, so Ep2 felt kinda "been there don thatish." TF2 couldn't compare to even CSS (I know many will disagree but just my preference. Loved the art style tho.) I should've just bought Portal on Steam.
But unlike me, for those who havent for some bizarre reason gotten into the HL series, I would definitely recomment the OB.
Hmm, I think I'll go write a review.
Playing through Half-Life 2, Ep 1, and Ep 2 should take you a good 15 hours, besting out GeoW by 50% in length. The multiplayer can get old, but then, so did GeoW's after only maybe 5 hours of gaming. On top of that you get Portal, the best 2 ~ 3 hours of gameplay you can get this generation.
Now, 360 owners *raved* about GeoW last year, and I agree, it's a great game - this is *also a great game* mixed with a fun puzzle title. No matter how you dice it, there's something for everyone and a big wad of gaming all on one disc.
[QUOTE="Bgrngod"]I made a blog post awhile back complaining about Black Box getting canned. THAT would have been a great deal.
I ended up getting Orange Box on black friday for $25 at Best Buy. I've been happy with it so far.
TF2 needs more maps though.
PC version has over 50 custom maps released. Sucks to own OB on 360...
How do the maps stack up next to the initial ones? I'm really excited for TF2, so I hope they're good.
you should of taken more time too think before you posted all this garbage.I am sooo tired of people saying that the Orange Box is a GREAT DEAL. "Oh wow!! 5 GAMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!!!" You can't beat that!!" It isnt 5 FULL games. The only entire game on there is Half Life 2.....Ok.....
Half Life 2: The entire game is on here with "updated" graphics.....but still looks a little dated FULL GAME
Half Life 2 Episode 1: EXPANSION of Half Life 2
Half Life 2 Episiode 2:EXPANSION of Half Life Episode 1
Portal: Have nothing negative to say about this one. Awesome Addicting is very short. Can easily be beaten in a day or two.
Team Fortress 2: Some people might enjoy this but it got old to me VERY VERY fast. And it's also a pretty shallow multiplayer. You only get a couple game modes.
It isnt 5 full length games. I'm not a huge Half Life I gave this a rental and Portal is my absolute favorite in this package. Portal is awesome but, being that the game is too short and Slob Newell being an annoying fat, disgusting pig.....$60 just doesnt cut it.
[QUOTE="NerdMan"][QUOTE="Bgrngod"]I made a blog post awhile back complaining about Black Box getting canned. THAT would have been a great deal.
I ended up getting Orange Box on black friday for $25 at Best Buy. I've been happy with it so far.
TF2 needs more maps though.
PC version has over 50 custom maps released. Sucks to own OB on 360...
How do the maps stack up next to the initial ones? I'm really excited for TF2, so I hope they're good.
The Custom Maps are way better than the games own maps.
There are a huge variety of maps
The CustomMaps are way better than the games own maps.
There are a huge variety of maps
Awesome, can't wait.
It's a good deal, but I have to partially agree.
If you were already a PC gamer and a Half-Life fan, you've most likely played two of them a bunch already.
Portal is only TWO HOURS LONG, and I also find it a little overrated.
As for Episode 2, I beat it in 4-6, but it was easily one of the coolest expansions ever.
Still, TF2 has a ton of value, which compensates for it.
1.) You're basically telling me you don't care if the added playtime between Half-Life 2, Episode 1, and Episode 2 is more single player content that most shooters out there if the Episodes aren't technically full games.
2.) And trust me, your not liking Team Fortress 2 doesn't mean other people won't. It doesn't mean other people won't get hours upon hours of playtime from it.
3.)The only arguments you've been able to pull up are: Half-Life 2 is old, Episode 1 and 2 aren't full games, Portal is short, and you don't like Team Fortress 2. But add all that together, and you still get one hell of a lot of content. Even if you don't like Team Fortress 2 and don't care that Episodes 1 and 2 add more playtime since they're basically expansions. Half-Life 2 still holds up well enough today anyway; if its being old is truly the only thing you can come up with then that shows how great a game it is.
[QUOTE="NerdMan"][QUOTE="Bgrngod"]I made a blog post awhile back complaining about Black Box getting canned. THAT would have been a great deal.
I ended up getting Orange Box on black friday for $25 at Best Buy. I've been happy with it so far.
TF2 needs more maps though.
PC version has over 50 custom maps released. Sucks to own OB on 360...
How do the maps stack up next to the initial ones? I'm really excited for TF2, so I hope they're good.
well said:lol:
its more then worth the money
Half-Life 2: 10-12 hours and one of the best fps games ever, hands down
Episode 1: 5-6 hours. pretty good, slow at parts, but good
Episode 2: 6-8 hours. excellent, amazing battles. amazing story. again, has its slow moments, but when it picks up...:D
Portal: 3 hours. amazing all around. just great
Team Fortress 2: Until you get bored. yea you can lose interest kind of quick since everybody plays the same 2 maps, not that there were many to begin with. but the mods make it nice. played a modmap one night where it took 2 1/2 hours for one team to score. wasnt a giant map, but a good stalemate map. you had to work for it. some of the stock maps are too easy.
Orange Box is amazing. and the funny thing is, even though HL2 is 3 years old, almost 4, its still better, especially in story, and better looking then many of todays games. it far surpasses halo 3 in every way.
Maybe look at the individual prices for these things and then tell me $60 isn't a great deal.I am sooo tired of people saying that the Orange Box is a GREAT DEAL. "Oh wow!! 5 GAMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!!!" You can't beat that!!" It isnt 5 FULL games. The only entire game on there is Half Life 2.....Ok.....
Half Life 2: The entire game is on here with "updated" graphics.....but still looks a little dated FULL GAME
Half Life 2 Episode 1: EXPANSION of Half Life 2
Half Life 2 Episiode 2:EXPANSION of Half Life Episode 1
Portal: Have nothing negative to say about this one. Awesome Addicting is very short. Can easily be beaten in a day or two.
Team Fortress 2: Some people might enjoy this but it got old to me VERY VERY fast. And it's also a pretty shallow multiplayer. You only get a couple game modes.
It isnt 5 full length games. I'm not a huge Half Life I gave this a rental and Portal is my absolute favorite in this package. Portal is awesome but, being that the game is too short and Slob Newell being an annoying fat, disgusting pig.....$60 just doesnt cut it.
Because games like Heavenly Sword and Gears of War are obviously worth $60 in terms of how much gameplay we get out of them. :roll: (no offense, both are great games, just annoyingly short)
Say what you want, but it's undeniable that Orange Box packs more content that A LOT of games currently out. Especially if somehow you've never played Half Life 2 or Episode 1.
HL2 - a classic, full lengthed game, not to many things wrong about this classic other than Water Hazard.
HL2 Ep 1 - Short, doesn't move the story much in the HL universe nonetheless same rock solid gameplay throughout.
HL2 Ep 2 - The best Half Life has ever been, Valve found the sweet spot between intense gameplay, pacing, puzzles and telling a great story, about half the length of most FPS games.
Portal - While only 3 hours to me it felt like the right length, any longer would have made the game feel repeditive and shorter the game would have felt like a demo, funny narrative with a bit of Half Life nostalgia, crazy but dexterous puzzles
Team Fortress 2 - A tonne of depth to the gameplay other than shoot the guy in the face. The modes that are there are customely made for each map so they all feel right, there is like 12ish maps in TF2, not six since both Hydro and Dustbowl have like three maps in it and more are coming from Valve, and I'm just going to go out on a limb and say I like it more than Halo 3s multiplayer:D
Either way you look at it The Orange Box is the best deal of the year.
its more then worth the money
Half-Life 2: 10-12 hours and one of the best fps games ever, hands down
Episode 1: 5-6 hours. pretty good, slow at parts, but good
Episode 2: 6-8 hours. excellent, amazing battles. amazing story. again, has its slow moments, but when it picks up...:D
Portal: 3 hours. amazing all around. just great
Team Fortress 2: Until you get bored. yea you can lose interest kind of quick since everybody plays the same 2 maps, not that there were many to begin with. but the mods make it nice. played a modmap one night where it took 2 1/2 hours for one team to score. wasnt a giant map, but a good stalemate map. you had to work for it. some of the stock maps are too easy.
Orange Box is amazing. and the funny thing is, even though HL2 is 3 years old, almost 4, its still better, especially in story, and better looking then many of todays games. it far surpasses halo 3 in every way.
I beat Portal in an hour and a half, I'm really good at that game.
There are some really good ones out there. Science, Mach2, Lazytown, Toy Fort, Warpath (remake of an old TF map), and Castle are some notable ones. There's also a remake of the original ctf_well but with updated graphics that are really well done.Einhanderkiller
Great! ToB will be my first PC game in a long time, and this news excites me.
Off-topic: can anyone tell me what the buy No More Heroes campaign is? Is it supposed to be supporting games aimed at the "hardcore" demographic on the Wii?
you got the unreal anthology for $40? I got it for $20 like a year ago. Hell ebgames is giving that anthology away for free online if you buy UT3/Yea, I dont get the hype. So BF2 should get an award today for costing less than 20$ and being one of the most fun MP experiences available? How about that unreal anthology where they give you UT2004, Unreal 2, original UT, and original Unreal with the expansion for 40?
The only new parts of the Orange Box are Ep2, Portal, and Orange Box, none of which make up a complete game unlike all of the other combo packs out there. Their graphics aren't amazing and the gameplay, besides Portal feels dated. Together, sure, they can make up a whole game. With the 3 dated HL parts making the single player, and TF2 makin up the MP.
The only real part of the "game" I enjoyed was Portal, but I beat that in about 3 hours. I already went through HL2 and Ep1, so Ep2 felt kinda "been there don thatish." TF2 couldn't compare to even CSS (I know many will disagree but just my preference. Loved the art style tho.) I should've just bought Portal on Steam.
But unlike me, for those who havent for some bizarre reason gotten into the HL series, I would definitely recomment the OB.
Hmm, I think I'll go write a review.
I am sooo tired of people saying that the Orange Box is a GREAT DEAL. "Oh wow!! 5 GAMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!!!" You can't beat that!!" It isnt 5 FULL games. The only entire game on there is Half Life 2.....Ok.....
Half Life 2: The entire game is on here with "updated" graphics.....but still looks a little dated FULL GAME
Half Life 2 Episode 1: EXPANSION of Half Life 2
Half Life 2 Episiode 2:EXPANSION of Half Life Episode 1
Portal: Have nothing negative to say about this one. Awesome Addicting is very short. Can easily be beaten in a day or two.
Team Fortress 2: Some people might enjoy this but it got old to me VERY VERY fast. And it's also a pretty shallow multiplayer. You only get a couple game modes.
It isnt 5 full length games. I'm not a huge Half Life I gave this a rental and Portal is my absolute favorite in this package. Portal is awesome but, being that the game is too short and Slob Newell being an annoying fat, disgusting pig.....$60 just doesnt cut it.
compared to how much crap is released for 60 dollars today in the videogame industry, this game is a steal. And most people never had the opportunity to play HL2 before since there computers couldn't run it...
If you allready have HL2 and Ep 1, the it not so great. But if you don't then it's still good value.Marka1700For people like that, they can download The Black Box through Steam. Costs less and fills in the necessary gaps.
[QUOTE="Marka1700"]If you allready have HL2 and Ep 1, the it not so great. But if you don't then it's still good value.HuusAskingFor people like that, they can download The Black Box through Steam. Costs less and fills in the necessary gaps.
It costs more. I don't see how people who have HL2 and Ep1 already can complain about the Black Box being dropped. If the Black Box was still available, and cost $45, they'd buy it.
No, no. You're right. $60 is a rip-off. I prefer $50. What other game packages comes with three games and two expansions, regardless of length, in one package for $50 or $60? None.I am sooo tired of people saying that the Orange Box is a GREAT DEAL. "Oh wow!! 5 GAMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!!!" You can't beat that!!" It isnt 5 FULL games. The only entire game on there is Half Life 2.....Ok.....
Half Life 2: The entire game is on here with "updated" graphics.....but still looks a little dated FULL GAME
Half Life 2 Episode 1: EXPANSION of Half Life 2
Half Life 2 Episiode 2:EXPANSION of Half Life Episode 1
Portal: Have nothing negative to say about this one. Awesome Addicting is very short. Can easily be beaten in a day or two.
Team Fortress 2: Some people might enjoy this but it got old to me VERY VERY fast. And it's also a pretty shallow multiplayer. You only get a couple game modes.
It isnt 5 full length games. I'm not a huge Half Life I gave this a rental and Portal is my absolute favorite in this package. Portal is awesome but, being that the game is too short and Slob Newell being an annoying fat, disgusting pig.....$60 just doesnt cut it.
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