Also 10 Things you didn't know about The Order: 1886
Melee combat as you’ve never seen it before
Gunplay will obviously form a key component of The Order 1886′s gameplay, but close-combat melee encounters are every bit as integral to the experience. Developer Ready At Dawn is taking a fresh approach here, incorporating split second decision paths allowing fights to play out in a number of different ways. In the clip above Galahad goes for a knife, but it’s not the only way to tackle the situation…
“For melee, we’re leveraging some of the things we’ve learned in the past, even from the platformer days. We want to supplement ranged combat with something that players don’t expect. You’ll see more melee modes that will give you some complex options,” hints Creative Director Ru Weerasuriya.
High-concept weaponry that’s grounded in real science
While the weaponry at your disposal in The Order 1886 might seem out-of-this-world, every single design in the game is based on bona fide Victorian technology.
“The more you get to see of the weapons, you’ll realise that they’re actually not that outlandish or futuristic. They feel grounded,” Ru says. “We don’t twist the actual technology itself – what we twist is its use.”
A different take on cover combat
At its core The Order: 1886 is a third person action game, complete with cover shooting mechanics. While you might think you’ve seen these before, Ready At Dawn is putting its own twist on convention.
“Yes, there is cover as you might have seen in other games, but we’ve added traversal modes,” says Ru. “You’ll go seamlessly from ‘full cover’ into ‘soft cover’ as you move away from an object. Imagine you’re in cover, you’re shooting at something and you want to pop out. You don’t just stick your head up, right? You’d still stay low. So we’ve tried to build a bit more reality into the cover system.”
The Order don’t mess about
Expect combat to be brutal…
Gadgets are important as guns
Alongside an arsenal of weaponry that offers a huge array of combat options, you’ll also have a number of gadgets at your disposal. Here, Galahad is surveying Victorian London with a monocular in search of a fire fight.
“The Monocular was built for multipurpose use,” explains Ru. “We haven’t talked about all the different modes of gameplay in which it will be implemented, but what we showed in the latest demo is it being used as a looking glass, and to send Morse code. You can flash a signal to the airship to give your location.
“We have a lot of other devices like this that we’re trying to implement. Of course, there are always more ideas than we can fit into the game, so it’s a question of which ones will stick…”
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