@Bishop1310 said:
@draign said:
Why does Sony hate anti-aliasing? Could this be the difference between Sony and MS multiplats?
I've also heard that the X1 does a bit of a better job with AA.. not sure why but It won't only be sony's console that has trouble with it. AA is expensive and demanding even on high end computers. Personally I'd like to see games in 1080p on my x1 and ps4 then 800p with AA.. Or depending on how well Devs get with the upscaler on both consoles I could live with 900p upscaled.
Either way it's too bad we even have to have this discussion.. Microsoft and Sony should have done a better job in terms of hardware.. I would have paid $599 for a much more powerful console.
Where do you get that from.?
BF4 is horribly jaggified,so is AC4 the PS4 can run the same AA process the xbox one can,but do them better,MSAA is not the same as FXAA which is cheap and doesn't have the same effect,MSAA is demanding but give you better quality image.
In Fact in the 7850 in 1080p BF3 with FXAA the games runs at 64 FPS on Ultra quality,with MSAA X 4 it runs at 40 FPS with the same settings,a 24 FPS hit just by enabling MSAA X 4 instead of FXAA,so if they are choosing to go with it is because they care more about quality of the end product.
Just to give you an example the 7770 run BF3 on 1080p ultra quality with FXAA and get 41 FPS,so imaging a 24 FPS hit by MSAA X 4 on it,it would make game unplayable,the xbox one has basically the power of a 7770,little less in fact.
@draign said:
Why does Sony hate anti-aliasing? Could this be the difference between Sony and MS multiplats?
Who say sony hate AA.? In fact is you apply right now MSAA X 4 at xbox one games it would make basically all unplayable any game that is 30 FPS will drop like to 8 FPS,and any 60 FPS game will drop to like 36,games like BF4 which run mostly at 50FPS with spikes will run at 26 or less frames per second MSAA x 4 has a nasty hit to performance.
@chikenfriedrice said:
Too bad the PS4 isn't powerful enough to make that happen at 60FPS, after all that is the true definition of next gen gaming.
The xbox one can't even do it at 30...lol
1080p and MSAA X 4 is something you will not see on xbox one ever,unless the game is Pac man or asteroids..lol
@seanmcloughlin said:
Celebrating stuff that should be common in a 2014 video game. It' s nice and all but how long have these been an option in PC games?
But of course that doesn't matter until cows get a taste of it right?
Irrelevant when 95% of PC out there or way more can't even run BF4 with FXAA let alone MSAA X 4..
Yeah just like 720p vs 1080p is irrelevant when is PS4 vs xbox one,but when it was PC vs consoles it matter,you hermits are bunch of hypocrites many of you..
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