What are we guaranteed to get with the Playstation 4?
A well built reliabe machine.
Tons of great media capabilities.
Tons of first party high quality support.
Tons of third party high quality support.
Core gaming.
Casual gaming.
Online gaming.
+ All the gimmicks that come along. Motion controls, Eye toys. Augmented Reality. If it's wanted you know Sony will make it happen. They leave no piece of entertaiment behind.
What is guaranteed with the next Xbox? Nothing.
Halo probably? From a a dev that hasn't made a single game ever.
What else? Payed online fee's... By their sample size they'll be abandoning something half way through the generation, be it core gaming, or the whole console itself...
What are we guaranteed to get with the Wii U?
Mario, Zelda, Smash Bro's, the usual Nintendo first party quality goodness.
Gimmicks, Nintendo is also good with gimmicks.
That's pretty much it though.
So really, the playstation 4 is the only safe bet.
Where would you place your bets?
PS: Need to clear something up. THE PC IS THE UNDENIABLE MASTER OF ALL GAMERS. THere is not a single doubt of this in my soul, I simply don't defend the PC because of how much superior it is to petty consoles. Also becasue I don't think it fits into this discussion. THere is no next gen PC, PC is alway just owning it up.
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