It has never been the complete experience. You always needed a secondary console to compliment it. The PS1 had almost no shooters, while the N64 had Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. It didn't have a lot of multiplayer games, thus you needed an N64.
The PS2 only had TWO controller ports (WTH?), no hard drive, no ethernet, no first person shooters, no WRPGs... you needed an Xbox if you wanted the full gaming experience.
Sony tried to rectify the problem with the PS3 by making it a shooter console, but it fails on so many fronts. The Xbox 360 is the complete experience - every genre is represented with many standout titles. Even genres that were laughed at on consoles previously have found a home on the 360 (strategy games the most prominent example).
The Xbox 360 has t he chance to become the greatest console ever.
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