[QUOTE="IgorVitaly"][QUOTE="carljohnson3456"][QUOTE="IgorVitaly"] It doesnt mather if he meet or failed to meet his expectations, tapped is tapped. He says he tapped the Cell to its limits, then he did. He is a dev you are not simple as that!carljohnson3456
Ok then dont expect Gears of War 2 to look any better than Gears of War 1. Epic said it. They are devs and you are not!
"We pushed the 360 to the limits," Gears of War QA manager Preston Thorne told Siliconera at last night's Hollywood launch party. While obviously an inflammatory remark, there could be some truth to the statement. After all, it was Epic that allegedly convinced Microsoft to bump up Xbox 360's RAM to 512 MB -- and Epic still maintains that 256 MB would not be enough to run Gears in its current state.
So does that mean PlayStation 3 couldn't handle the game? When asked, Preston skillfully dodged the question, but implied the answer was "no."
I dont, I expect them to put their resurses in use in a more optimized way. To put the polygons where it mathers and have better edges vs texture alignment etc.Hey check out what he says about GEoW2! ;)
"Cliff: It's sheer hard work, a lot of practice, having artists that are smart with where they spend their polygons and just getting the most out of the 360. Because it's not as if the 360's getting any better, it is what it is; a fixed platform. The mountain needs to go to Mohammad in this instance."
Ok, but they once said they pushed the 360 to it's limit... much like Kojima said about the cell or whatever he said. But Epic is managing a way to improve, dont you think PS3 devs could do the same?
There's always room for improvement. PS2's best looking game didnt come until 6 or 7 years into it's lifespan - God of War 2.
Tapped is tapped but they can use the resources differently. Making it look a bit better with less so to say. Like CoD2 with its 8000 polygon characters vs CoD4 6000 polygon characters. I think al lwill say the CoD4 characters look better. So better use of the power avaialble but tapped is tapped. Its now a mather of a distribution question for the processing power.
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