If you look at all the PS3 exclusive compared to the Xbox360 exclusives, it's obvious that the PS3 exclusive blow away the 360 ones graphically.
Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 already looks superior to everything the 360 has to offer. Not to mention games that already game out such as Uncharted and MGS4 can only be done on PS3, because the 360's hardware has limitations that keep it from being able to produce the same kind of graphics PS3 can.
Look at games like Dead Space and Tom's Clancy End War that were built as for PS3 as the top platform. They look superior on the PS3.
The reason is because the developers are able to get AAx8 and AFx16 on PS3. While on the Xbox360 hardware is limited to AAx2 and the graphics chip on the 360 is not able to perform anismotropic filtering. So developers have to settle with bilinear filtering for the textures of the Xbox360.
Why do you think that no racing game on Xbox360 can touch Gran Turismo 5's visual or Uncharted's level of realism. Not to mention all the new games for PS3 from Team Ico, Konami and Namco, Capcom. I think that God of War 3 and other titles on PS3 will set the bar for next gen visuals next year. Almost every developer can confirm that.
you have to be kidding me.
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