:o http://www.meristation.com/v3/des_noticia.php?id=cw4721f98bd7e0f&pic=GENBabelfish Translation:Lately in the industry certain names are extended, that, as stars of Hollywood, are by single himself the sufficiently attractiveness for the public. Jade Raymond is one of them: their beauty, its charisma, and, mainly, their visionary form to understand the videojuegos have done that the expectations caused by their Assassin's Creed are more than justified.In this occasion the place chosen for so magna was the Circle of Beautiful Arts of Madrid presentation. Once there, Jade urged in introducing us to the process of development of the title and to the main characteristics of the same one. 'the objective that we put ourselves from the beginning was very clear: to redefine the sort of the action and the adventure ', clarified.Altair, protagonist of the game, will move by an enormous kingdom with three main cities: Acre, Jerusalem and Damascus. Its killer objective as will be to undo of the nine corrupt leaders who govern these large cities. This way, it will have total freedom in alive surroundings, full of people between whom it will have to mix itself with discretion. The scenes, as well as the historical context and great part of their personages, has been consulted with up to four experts making the most trustworthy possible their adaptation to the time.The producer exposed to us important that it was to foment the creativity of the player, leaving that it developed his own ****to him, and to create a worthy alive world of any overproduction. Three hundred people been have involved in the development, many of specialized them in other sagas of the company like Splinter Cell or Rainbow Six. The development has taken near four years for its conclusion.At the time of talking about to the use of the technology, Raymond left his intention very clear: 'what we wanted was to mix the artistic process with the design of levels, not to create a predefined way by which to develop'. For her, a rupture of the conventions in the videojuegos ones was necessary for a greater immersion, adapting it to the logic of the real life. 'For example, when we are running we did not think if we are going to jump. Simply we do it.', it explained.Finally, we saw the fragment of a mission in which we verified how to execute to an objective, William de Monferrat. Although three phases exist to locate each one - search of information, fled murder and -, we only saw the two last ones. They emphasized the variety of options to do it depending onwhich the one prefers that is to the controls.When finishing, in MeriStation we could speak once again with Jade so that it responded to our questions. You will next find it in our pages. While, you can see an extract of the interview in the video of the presentation. Assassin's Creed will appear for Xbox 360 and PS3 the 16 of November, being delayed the version of PC at the beginning of 2008. Whyd they show the PS3 version instead of the 360 version? :o Speculate!
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