Pesonally I miss the way most shooters used to be. The ones where you were isolated, and roamed through a lot of tight corridors in fantastical environments, such as space stations, high tech complexes, or abandoned cities or ancient ruins. Games such as Quake II (N64), Half-Life (the original), GoldenEye 007, Perfect Dark, and the Turok series (on the N64).
I loved the days earlier in this decade in 2000 and 2001, playing all of the great shooters on the Nintendo 64 and the PSone. Those were the days. Don't mistake me, because there are lot of great FPS games now. However, I think that especially over the last 3 or 4 years, things have changed a little bit. I'm not too fond of the trend which has become almost a fad, of the "epic" shooters with big out door environments and a lot of hectic action. It seems like a lot of modern FPS games have taken from the Call of Duty series the chatoic battles where you fight with other soldiers. It feels like developers are trying to make these games more cinematic. I just hope that it doesn't always stay this way. I want my games to be fantastical, fun, and FEEL like a video game. I like some realism, though mainly in the context of a World War II game.
It's still there, though the "corridor" shooter is not nearly as prominent as it once was.
The classic games that I mentioned earlier had that special magic because you had that wondrous feeling when you played them. Will that ever return?
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