I bought giftcard at Gamestop and a couple of weeks later, I decided to return it (along with my original receipt) to get my cash back, and I was told that they couldn't give me a refund. I'm like, but it's a gift card that was never used. How can I not get my money back? I was told the "system wasn't taking it" and that was it.
I've always hated Gamestop and the only reason I bought a giftcard from there was because it was a present to someone who lives in an area where their only video game outlet is this wrestched chain (and the reason I was returning it was because they wanted money instead).
I don't know any other stores that won't give you your money back off a giftcard you purchased and are returning within the accepted time limit.
Beyond that, I've never cared for their policies, customer service and overall attitude. It's a shame that they control the direct video game selling market. So many people get scammed by them it's not even funny.
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