So we can compare the differences in power between the consoles. When someone says "console graphics king" that instantly means they're acknowledging Crysis as the king of everthing. Everyone with half a brain knows that PC is and will always be the graphics king. I mean, you can literally upgrade the thing on a monthly basis assuming you can afford it. Consoles have locked in hardware, so it only makes sense to compare them to eachother. And the reason this usually comes down to a 360/PS3 war is simple, the Wii just cannot keep up with the other 2.
There are cows here who will say that U2 looks better then Crysis and to them I point a finger and laugh.
Anyways the whole point of the thread. Saying we can't have a console graphics king because Cows argue about the PC/360 games being multiplat is simply stupid. Graphics kings is not a comparison of games, but rather the power of each system. Yes, it's just a battle for second place. But it's still nice to know which console has the better looking exclusives.
I know this thread is going to be about 99% people simply ignoring this post and saying I'm an idiot, then saying I'm a cow, then saying we can't have one or the other. But whatever, to the people who do read this, hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say.
Put bluntly:
Console graphics king is a comparison of one console to another moreso then about the games. Since, as we all know, you don't play graphics, you play games.
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