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My favorite instruction manual of all time is the Wario Land 4 one on the GBA. It was Wario talking the whole time and was pretty funny.
It's no secret, or surprise really, that as gaming evolves the instruction manual is becoming extinct. Gone are the days of 20+ pages of background, maps, items, character bios, and artwork. Remember that solid black Final Fantasy manual? A thing of beauty! Now if we're lucky we get 4 pages. I used to love buying a game as a young spud and building the suspense of the first-time play by laying down and reading over and over the manual. I remember an old Gemini game I had came with a comic book that actually had little tips and secrets embedded. Personally, I miss it. How do you guys feel about it? Should there be a renaissance of the instruction booklet?ydnarrewopBarely anyone read them before in the early 80's outward, instruction manuals were only relevant if there was a hint, a demo to another game, or if it had background information or story not in the original game. or Rayman. I mean there's only 1 freaking button the 30 page Atari manual was not necessary for this one puzzlegame. I was like WTF?hy the hell is this 30 pages?
I love reading Instruction booklets.
That is one thing I hated about Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D it was just one long piece of paper with writing on the front and back and it was folded five times.
They have been doing that forever. Were you gaming a lot a few gens ago, if not then that statement makes sense.I haven't read an instructional manual in probably 10 years. I did notice some publishers putting ads for their other games in game cases which annoyed me
[QUOTE="ydnarrewop"]It's no secret, or surprise really, that as gaming evolves the instruction manual is becoming extinct. Gone are the days of 20+ pages of background, maps, items, character bios, and artwork. Remember that solid black Final Fantasy manual? A thing of beauty! Now if we're lucky we get 4 pages. I used to love buying a game as a young spud and building the suspense of the first-time play by laying down and reading over and over the manual. I remember an old Gemini game I had came with a comic book that actually had little tips and secrets embedded. Personally, I miss it. How do you guys feel about it? Should there be a renaissance of the instruction booklet?dr-professionalBarely anyone read them before in the early 80's outward, instruction manuals were only relevant if there was a hint, a demo to another game, or if it had background information or story not in the original game. or Rayman. I mean there's only 1 freaking button the 30 page Atari manual was not necessary for this one puzzlegame. I was like WTF?hy the hell is this 30 pages? I enjoy the artistry of a good manual. To be honest I feel that a good manual adds to the overall experience.
I started to notice the disappearance of the instruction manuals when I bought sonc generations.
Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my copy is arriving tomorrow and I'm a lot less exicted
There's no online manual for the game either.
[QUOTE="BPoole96"]They have been doing that forever. Were you gaming a lot a few gens ago, if not then that statement makes sense.I haven't read an instructional manual in probably 10 years. I did notice some publishers putting ads for their other games in game cases which annoyed me
I must have never noticed. I've been playing games since the NES era though
Yeah those where the days. I love the box, book, clothe map, ect. that came with my Lunar Silver Star Story Complete. I intend to POP that harbour in my PS3 and replay it here soon.AmazonTreeBoaLOL my phone and it's auto correct. Bad boy, not harbour.
Instruction booklets were something I drooled over as a young kid when I was punished from watching T.V or playing video games. Now with in-game tutorials and the internet this pattern you've noticed only makes sense.
Though with games Like Zelda:SS if they could put some of that in the instruction booklet and not have to waste so much time on the intro explaining so much crap that anyone who's ever played a single other Zelda game already knows, that would be nice.
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