I've been frequenting this site for the greater part of 15 years and have taken a hiatus for the past 2 years. My fellow gamers, I feel that gaming is not what it used to be. We need to demand more of the companies who make the games we play! Halo 4 pizza? An FPS that is released yearly in the vein of Madden with an updated gimmick here and there and a $59.99 price tag? DLC pre-loaded on the disc and if not pre-loaded then spun out in 2 weeks by the development team and slapped with a 9.99-19.99 price tag? We cannot blame anybody but ourselves for the current state of the industry because we are feeding it! It's simple economics. If we continue to shell out money for these items, we are communicating our approval of these strategies. How can we blame a company for setting an endcap in a retail store with the newest FPS right next to a bag of Doritos and some Mountain Dew when that is the state of the market? Let's move gaming forward! We are a respectable and smart group of individuals who are excellent at problem solving and mastering the most complex virtual environments. We are at a crossroads my friends. On the one hand, we can move towards a path where gaming is used to solve societal issues such as the recent online game that provided us a chance to crack an actual virus. The other path is a dark and treacherous path where we shell out our hard earned money for games with immensley less value than previous decades. It is not surprising that on Time magazine's top 100 games of all-time only 2 were made past 2010. We hold the power to move the industry where we want it to go! We are the consumers and the companies will only sell what we buy! Which path will you take? (Only respectful, educated responses please).
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