Here's a guide on how to talk about a game you've never played as if you have played it, brought to you by the good folks at bias incorporated. We know we're right 100% of the time.
Exlusive games
Now first of all you have to answer one basic question, is the game on a system you are a fanboy of?
If yes and the average score of the game is 8.8 or better then sing praises of the game till the cows come home
If it's 8.0 to 8.7 just claim it's better than other similar games on the other systems.
Less then 8? Well pretend it's dropped off the face of the Earth or downplay the hype the game had.
If it's not for a system you own then you will have to find some way to criticize it (unless Valve makes it).
For criticism
Bias by genre- take the flaws of the particular genre the game is in and then spout those out as being an ever present annoyance in the game of your choice.
Is it an RPG? Then call it a boring grind-fest
Is it a linear action game? Then say it's only a good rental and is a yawn fest once finished (even if it has multiplayer)
If it's a FPS then call it generic (there's so many of them made it's bound to be generic sometime in the near future).
If the game's a sequel and it's similar to the original (or it has the phrase Dynasty Warriors in the title) then call it just a copy paste of the series. If it isn't, then say they sold the series out or say it's not as good as the original
If the game gets good scores call it overrated. If the game gets low scores call it overhyped.
Scan for flaws. No game is flawless so the best thing to do is to find what the general flaws are and pretend they are the most memorable features of the game, making sure to mention them over and over.
Too many cutscenes, call it an over scripted movie.
Too easy, call it granny's first [whatever genre it is]
Call it repetitive. To some degree every game is repitive so you can just call it repetitive without ever needing to specify. If someone questions you on it, accuse them of not knowing what repetitive means.
For praise
Be psychic-
It is never too early to crown something game of the year, best game of the generation or genre. Polish your cystal ball till it shines so brightly the light blinds you to anything else coming (or that has come out) in the next 10 years.
Ad populum is your best friend, if a whole bunch of people bought it or like it, it must be good, like Twilight for instance.
Invent reasons to judge the game by different standards
It's trying to do something different
It's giving it's own unique twist on the genre.
Repeat the back of the box-
List features the game has and pretend they're points in this favor. If a lot of games have them just add any random positive adjective in front of it.
For instance:
Good multiplayer
Deep character creation
Great online
Tons of weapons
Amazing Sound
1-2 player offline
rated M for mature
(uh you may want to cut the last two).
If all else fails accuse them of not ever playing the game.
For all other games
Just repeat what the general consensus is and no one will be able to tell.
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