lemmings were those stupid animals in the same name game, who blindly walked on and on to their death no matter what , they were blind and deaf to reason
you have seen xbox fans criticizing various bad things of the 360,: memory cards, the existence of the core pack, pulling now another SKU etc
same with cows, many of them acknowledge sony numerous errores
how many times do you see sheep here admiting, ok its true nintendo hardware sucks royalty i cant believe what they did, yes the third party line up sucks, , i cant believe that the flagship title SSBB dont use the wiimote, why didnt put an HD!!!, time pass and games dont improve! all we get is ports ports and ports! indeed GC games look better than wii games!
when do you see sheep admiting stuff like that???? almost never! they always fight to the death looking for an excuse or twist to make it look like its a good thing
sheep must be by far the blindest fans ever, everything that nintendo makes its the best thing ever, hell.....they will even drink poison if it said "MARIO ARSENIC!" on the bottle
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