oo man.. a journalist with a lot of friends eh? haha.. btw man. ur pen and paper r not rele ur friends! (just opening ur eyes even more!)
Mmk, you caught me. I'm not rich. Mommy and daddy aren't stuck up snobs. In fact, both mommy and daddy have been laid-off from their jobs and I'm the only one in my house with any income at all. While I'm definitely not poor, I have what I have and am thankful for God for all of it. Because everything I own hasn't been handed to me, I actually appreciate what I have.
Now, I can sit in your shoes where you probably sitting comfortably, having mommy and daddy waiting on you hand and foot, catering to your every need. But I have one simple question for you:
If you're so rich, why don't you have an Xbox?
I can already predict your reply: "y wuld i wnt a bad cnsle? i hve teh bst in teh ps3," so I dare you to give me 3 reasons why you don't have one. If you do, I will accept you as being whatever it is you think you are. If you can't, you're officially my **** (:lol:)
As for insulting me on my dreams and friends. I'm not going to let that slide. I work hard for what I do, and know my life isn't centered around journalism. I still manage to have two jobs, be on the school newspaper, the track team and hang out with my friends without sacrificing one bit of happiness. If you really are rich, you obviously are trying to hide your insecurities by making fun of those less fortunate than you. I don't care if you are joking or not, but saying stupid ****ing **** like "god must luv u less" will not ****ing pass with me. If there's one thing I hold dear in life it's my faith, and if you mock me for it, or tell me God doesn't love me because other people are richer than me, you can enjoy an eternity in hell.
Don't take this any further than you already have with me. I'm holding back so much and would kick your ass if we were face to face. But of course, you feel like a man because I can't do anything to you over the internet. Trust me, bro. I'm usually calm, but you're pushing me waaay to far.
And this may not be the most coherient post ever, but whatever. It's easier to understand than that ****ing gibberish you're speaking
ooo man.. i think a huge bullet just went up ur sorry ***.. did i rele hurt ur feelings... hahaha.. ooo man.. just go in a corner and think ur life all over again.. cuz clearly as a journalist, u have enough time to post an essay on a gaming site.. shows how valuable ur family r friends r to u!!.. n all dis crap u just wrote dude, i ddin't even bother reading. u just wasted a solid 10 min of ur life on a complete stranger. so please rethink ur life poor boy.. god loves u.. dont worry about that.. oo man.. hahahaha
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