Ok, so I just got done playing 3 hours of MAG in beta form @ Sony's PAX event. And can answer all your questions about MAG.
First impressions:
This game is the real deal. Zipper is bringing it with MAG. Nothing about MAG says unpolished or half-assed. I played with 256 people at this event. (some there and others playing the closed beta).
So it was all running like the game would run (i.e. internet and not system linked) Gameplay never once lagged or were there framerate drops. The maps are huge but the HUD does a great job of letting you know where you need to go. Action is fast paced and at times very frantic sorry super tactical fans but this one ain't for you.
Guns were satisfying to shoot and easy enough but not so much that it reminded me of that certain other game (cod4) I was able to rack up a big number of kills (cuz I'm good like that). XP is awarded for a lot of actions. Everything from healing another teammate or reviving them to blowing up a door to an objective to fixing said door after its been blown up.
Teamwork will be crucial to this game. It is easy enough to defend a point but god help you if your squadmates arent working together while attacking. They're are vehicles in the game. That you can use to get closer (APC and Humvee). Also plenty of support tooks like chopper drops for spawn points, air strikes of the explosive variety and of the nerve gas kind as well.
Health doesn't regenerate at all in this game. Health can only be replenished via a syringe a la BFBC, another player, or a resupply cache.
Recoil is here folks, This isn't the spray and pray game like the other modern shooter, if you unload a clip on someone from 100 ft. you won't kill them or even come close. Luckily weapon mods make aiming easier as you unlock them.
Which leads me to my next point: The weapon upgrade and customization aspects are off the walls bonkers. Just about everything is customizable. 5 loadouts, and tech trees in each weapon class (assualt, close quarters, sniper, side arm) and additional perk like abilities. But it will take a long long time to unlock all of them as points are needed to unlock them and you earn only about a few points per level.
All in all MAG is really incredible, if you can get a key to the open beta here in a few weeks I highly recommend it. I can't say enough good things about MAG right now and Zipper.
Sorry for the long read, if I had to summerise I'd say MAG is a massively awesome game.
Go ahead and ask me anything. And I'll try to clear up anything.
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