Rental at the most. Learned from my mistake in KZ2. Miroku32Trust me, it's a different game. after playing KZ3 I can't go back to KZ2.
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It's middle of the line in terms of shooting. Battlefield spanks it in all areas and even Call of Duty's controls are less clunky. Pretty common belief around here.
you never played it, so quit troling
I'm trolling because I don't think your favorite game is the epitome of good shooting mechanics? :lol: i don't see killzone 3 in your played gameshave a lot of comedians on SW's today.
Killzone is the king of nothing, it cant even outsell call of duty 3.
Cows just need to give up hyping the Killzone series and let it die as it deserves to.
link to the terrible news...
I'm trolling because I don't think your favorite game is the epitome of good shooting mechanics? :lol:[QUOTE="PatchMaster"]
you never played it, so quit troling
-best console graphics
Probably the best for a shooter. Other PS3 exclusives rival it.
-brutal melee
Every shooter out there has melee now. A handful did executions and the like long before "brutal melee"
-tactical online MP
Ever played Battlefield or heaven forbid a sim like ARMA?
-fps cover system
Many shooters have this. KZ3 has cover in the campaign but not the multiplayerand rightfullyso because cover only really works in FPS's on PC.
You mean like inespionage games and even Gears have done for years? Hell, Vanquish and Bulletstormturned "slide" a real mechanic of late.
-split-screen campaign
There areshooters with 4 player online co-op
And this game has No good shooting mechanics? I want what you're smoking
Did I say the game was bad? No. I said it's nothing special. I guess those reviewers who'sscores averaged out to like 87% just didn't get it, huh? Totally the best shooter ever made. Hadthat 9.5 stolenfrom it I guess.
There ya go :)
[QUOTE="PatchMaster"]I'm trolling because I don't think your favorite game is the epitome of good shooting mechanics? :lol: i don't see killzone 3 in your played games You don't see it in mine either, and I've played enough of it to know I probably won't buy it.[QUOTE="hip-fire"]
you never played it, so quit troling
[QUOTE="PatchMaster"] I'm trolling because I don't think your favorite game is the epitome of good shooting mechanics? :lol:
-best console graphics
Probably the best for a shooter. Other PS3 exclusives rival it.
-brutal melee
Every shooter out there has melee now. A handful did executions and the like long before "brutal melee"
-tactical online MP
Ever played Battlefield or heaven forbid a sim like ARMA?
-fps cover system
Many shooters have this. KZ3 has cover in the campaign but not the multiplayerand rightfullyso because cover only really works in FPS's on PC.
You mean like inespionage games and even Gears have done for years? Hell, Vanquish and Bulletstormturned "slide" a real mechanic of late.
-split-screen campaign
There areshooters with 4 player online co-op
And this game has No good shooting mechanics? I want what you're smoking
Did I say the game was bad? No. I said it's nothing special. I guess those reviewers who'sscores averaged out to like 87% just didn't get it, huh? Totally the best shooter ever made. Hadthat 9.5 stolenfrom it I guess.
There ya go :)
-gears of war dont have slide
-yes I've play BC2 and KZ3 online blows it out of proportions
-No, no FPS out there have brutal melee system, only the generic knife and punch
-online split screen sucks, screen so small. 4 player split screen FPS? lol
-best looking console game, no denying that
[QUOTE="PatchMaster"]I'm trolling because I don't think your favorite game is the epitome of good shooting mechanics? :lol: i don't see killzone 3 in your played games I have tried KZ3 but no, I have not unlocked any trophies on my account. If anything what you should take away from clicking on my sig is that I'm not a troll, I've played my share of PS3 and I actually played KZ2 a good deal.[QUOTE="hip-fire"]
you never played it, so quit troling
-best console graphics
Probably the best for a shooter. Other PS3 exclusives rival it.
-brutal melee
Every shooter out there has melee now. A handful did executions and the like long before "brutal melee"
-tactical online MP
Ever played Battlefield or heaven forbid a sim like ARMA?
-fps cover system
Many shooters have this. KZ3 has cover in the campaign but not the multiplayerand rightfullyso because cover only really works in FPS's on PC.
You mean like inespionage games and even Gears have done for years? Hell, Vanquish and Bulletstormturned "slide" a real mechanic of late.
-split-screen campaign
There areshooters with 4 player online co-op
And this game has No good shooting mechanics? I want what you're smoking
Did I say the game was bad? No. I said it's nothing special. I guess those reviewers who'sscores averaged out to like 87% just didn't get it, huh? Totally the best shooter ever made. Hadthat 9.5 stolenfrom it I guess.
There ya go :)
-gears of war dont have slide
-yes I've play BC2 and KZ3 online blows it out of proportions
-No, no FPS out there have brutal melee system, only the generic knife and punch
-online split screen sucks, screen so small. 4 player split screen FPS? lol
-best looking console game, no denying that
You slide in gears.[QUOTE="TintedEyes"][QUOTE="PatchMaster"] I'm trolling because I don't think your favorite game is the epitome of good shooting mechanics? :lol:i don't see killzone 3 in your played games You don't see it in mine either, and I've played enough of it to know I probably won't buy it. So basically both of you guys havent played it.Ravensmash
You don't see it in mine either, and I've played enough of it to know I probably won't buy it. So basically both of you guys havent played it. I played it and think it's average. Come at me bro.[QUOTE="Ravensmash"][QUOTE="TintedEyes"] i don't see killzone 3 in your played gamesTintedEyes
-best console graphics
Probably the best for a shooter. Other PS3 exclusives rival it.
-brutal melee
Every shooter out there has melee now. A handful did executions and the like long before "brutal melee"
-tactical online MP
Ever played Battlefield or heaven forbid a sim like ARMA?
-fps cover system
Many shooters have this. KZ3 has cover in the campaign but not the multiplayerand rightfullyso because cover only really works in FPS's on PC.
You mean like inespionage games and even Gears have done for years? Hell, Vanquish and Bulletstormturned "slide" a real mechanic of late.
-split-screen campaign
There areshooters with 4 player online co-op
And this game has No good shooting mechanics? I want what you're smoking
Did I say the game was bad? No. I said it's nothing special. I guess those reviewers who'sscores averaged out to like 87% just didn't get it, huh? Totally the best shooter ever made. Hadthat 9.5 stolenfrom it I guess.
There ya go :)
-gears of war dont have slide
-yes I've play BC2 and KZ3 online blows it out of proportions
-No, no FPS out there have brutal melee system, only the generic knife and punch
-online split screen sucks, screen so small. 4 player split screen FPS? lol
-best looking console game, no denying that
Everything you said there points to you never having played Gears. I'd call BS on the Battlefield comment as well but everyone's entitled to their opinion.
MP demo?
Which I played a lot of and had fun with - but it didn't stand out for me.
I brought Bulletstorm instead which was probably a more unique experience (although it's being traded in for DA2 :P)
There ya go :)
-gears of war dont have slide
-yes I've play BC2 and KZ3 online blows it out of proportions
-No, no FPS out there have brutal melee system, only the generic knife and punch
-online split screen sucks, screen so small. 4 player split screen FPS? lol
-best looking console game, no denying that
Everything you said there points to you never having played Gears. I'd call BS on the Battlefield comment as well but everyone's entitled to their opinion.
You've never play killzone before FACT. Gears dont have sliding system, Vanquish does. oh so you never even play Geow also? Owned
[QUOTE="lowkey254"]Are you showcasing how the PS3 has pretty cool games? I'm not sure what you're asking. Do you not see the uc2 looks better than kz3 "debate"? Other than colour use, I don't see a major difference. I actually see jags in the foliage in UC2. Either way, I'm still seeing to pretty awesome games.[QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"]
kz3 demo MFDOOM1983
I'm not sure what you're asking. Do you not see the uc2 looks better than kz3 "debate"? Other than colour use, I don't see a major difference. I actually see jags in the foliage in UC2. Either way, I'm still seeing to pretty awesome games. What in must look better:evil:[QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"][QUOTE="lowkey254"] Are you showcasing how the PS3 has pretty cool games?
You don't see it in mine either, and I've played enough of it to know I probably won't buy it. So basically both of you guys havent played it. I think we've both shown we know what we're talking about. I'm not gonna try to prove myself to someone who's sig yells "cow doing damage control"[QUOTE="Ravensmash"][QUOTE="TintedEyes"] i don't see killzone 3 in your played gamesTintedEyes
Battlefield BC2 does the squad based multi-player much better[QUOTE="TintedEyes"]So basically both of you guys havent played it. I played it and think it's average. Come at me bro.[QUOTE="Ravensmash"] You don't see it in mine either, and I've played enough of it to know I probably won't buy it.MFDOOM1983
I never said you didnt play it, I was wondering why people who havent even played the game are talking about it like they have.
Agreed. Especially the SFX and design.Bad Company 2 destroys Killzone 3 in every department and if the PC version is to be considered this includes GFX and SFX too.
KZ3 obliterates BC2's lack of AA & motion blur. KZ3 also obliterates BC2 at hit detection, & obliterates the "RUSH mode" in BC2 with the incredible "operations" in KZ3 which also has cutscenesBad Company 2 destroys Killzone 3 in every department and if the PC version is to be considered this includes GFX and SFX too.
I played it and think it's average. Come at me bro.[QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"]Battlefield BC2 does the squad based multi-player much better[QUOTE="TintedEyes"] So basically both of you guys havent played it.
I never said you didnt play it, I was wondering why people who havent even played the game are talking about it like they have.
They seem to have played the beta and/or sp demo. Both provide ample opportunity to spend time with the gunplay.[QUOTE="PatchMaster"]
-gears of war dont have slide
-yes I've play BC2 and KZ3 online blows it out of proportions
-No, no FPS out there have brutal melee system, only the generic knife and punch
-online split screen sucks, screen so small. 4 player split screen FPS? lol
-best looking console game, no denying that
Everything you said there points to you never having played Gears. I'd call BS on the Battlefield comment as well but everyone's entitled to their opinion.
You've never play killzone before FACT. Gears dont have sliding system, Vanquish does. oh so you never even play Geow also? Owned
Evidently you didn't click on my sig. Give it a go. I've probably played more KZ2 than you and I guarantee I've played more Gears than you.
Are we talking about the same thing?You seriously don't think Gears has a slide to cover mechanic?
[QUOTE="TintedEyes"][QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"] I played it and think it's average. Come at me bro.MFDOOM1983
I never said you didnt play it, I was wondering why people who havent even played the game are talking about it like they have.
They seem to have played the beta and/or sp demo. Both provide ample opportunity to spend time with the gunplay.In a demo where you don't even get all of the guns to see how the different guns play. And they were talking about more than the gunplay anyway
They seem to have played the beta and/or sp demo. Both provide ample opportunity to spend time with the gunplay.[QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"][QUOTE="TintedEyes"]
I never said you didnt play it, I was wondering why people who havent even played the game are talking about it like they have.
In a demo where you don't even get all of the guns to see how the different guns play. And they were talking about more than the gunplay anyway
Graphics, melee system, online, slide mechanic and gunplay?[QUOTE="hip-fire"]
Everything you said there points to you never having played Gears. I'd call BS on the Battlefield comment as well but everyone's entitled to their opinion.
You've never play killzone before FACT. Gears dont have sliding system, Vanquish does. oh so you never even play Geow also? Owned
Evidently you didn't click on my sig. Give it a go. I've probably played more KZ2 than you and I guarantee I've played more Gears than you.
Are we talking about the same thing?You seriously don't think Gears has a slide to cover mechanic?
slide to cover and open space sliding are different. Just to clear that up for you both.[QUOTE="hip-fire"]
Everything you said there points to you never having played Gears. I'd call BS on the Battlefield comment as well but everyone's entitled to their opinion.
You've never play killzone before FACT. Gears dont have sliding system, Vanquish does. oh so you never even play Geow also? Owned
Evidently you didn't click on my sig. Give it a go. I've probably played more KZ2 than you and I guarantee I've played more Gears than you.
Are we talking about the same thing?You seriously don't think Gears has a slide to cover mechanic?
Slide into cover cant just slide without covering so it dont count
[QUOTE="TintedEyes"][QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"] They seem to have played the beta and/or sp demo. Both provide ample opportunity to spend time with the gunplay. MFDOOM1983
In a demo where you don't even get all of the guns to see how the different guns play. And they were talking about more than the gunplay anyway
Graphics, melee system, online, slide mechanic and gunplay? Haven't seen all the levels, havent used all the guns, havent even come close to seeing all of the online, what did the online demo have like one map?[QUOTE="PatchMaster"]
You've never play killzone before FACT. Gears dont have sliding system, Vanquish does. oh so you never even play Geow also? Owned
Evidently you didn't click on my sig. Give it a go. I've probably played more KZ2 than you and I guarantee I've played more Gears than you.
Are we talking about the same thing?You seriously don't think Gears has a slide to cover mechanic?
slide to cover and open space sliding are different. Just to clear that up for you both. Splitting hairs?KZ3 obliterates BC2's lack of AA & motion blur. KZ3 also obliterates BC2 at hit detection, & obliterates the "RUSH mode" in BC2 with the incredible "operations" in KZ3 which also has cutscenes Eh, from the demo I played Operations mainly. But it didn't feel revolutionary or anything, it was a MP with various objectives (mostly similar and done before in 2) with the addition of scripted cutscenes. It was amusing to see my character in a completely different part of the map though :P[QUOTE="NanoMan88"]
Bad Company 2 destroys Killzone 3 in every department and if the PC version is to be considered this includes GFX and SFX too.
KZ3 obliterates BC2's lack of AA & motion blur. KZ3 also obliterates BC2 at hit detection, & obliterates the "RUSH mode" in BC2 with the incredible "operations" in KZ3 which also has cutscenes[QUOTE="NanoMan88"]
Bad Company 2 destroys Killzone 3 in every department and if the PC version is to be considered this includes GFX and SFX too.
Hmm well I have aa and high rez options on my pc, also the hit detection was fixed in some patch long ago. As for operations being better than rush that is subjective but I would like to remind you that scorewise BC2 is superior as well as sales wise. (sold more on ps3 than killzone 3 in its first week)
Also Killzone 3 lacks destruction phyx and proper vehicles like BC2.
MGS 4: 10/10 > All 360 exclusives ever made
You might have a point... if this thread were about MGS4. But it's not, so...Then go complain to Ravensmash for bringing in Perfect Dark, until then you are still the biggest Killzone hater on SW. Haters gone hate
The TC decided that KZ3 was the "leader of the pack" are you suggesting its unfair or offtopic to compare other games to it? :lol: Whether anothe game is superior to a game which is better than KZ3 is moot.[QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"][QUOTE="TintedEyes"]Graphics, melee system, online, slide mechanic and gunplay? Haven't seen all the levels, havent used all the guns, havent even come close to seeing all of the online, what did the online demo have like one map?Graphics are consistent enough to say they are good after one level, outside of the few sci-fi weapons they behave similarly and nothing radically changes as you level up. You're just more effecient?In a demo where you don't even get all of the guns to see how the different guns play. And they were talking about more than the gunplay anyway
Wish I had just said this in the first placeKillzone 3 isn't even the unquestioned leader of it's own franchise.
[QUOTE="lowkey254"]slide to cover and open space sliding are different. Just to clear that up for you both. Splitting hairs? Well when I think of sliding I think of Vanquish; at will sliding without needing to go to cover. like sprinting for any other game.[QUOTE="PatchMaster"]
Evidently you didn't click on my sig. Give it a go. I've probably played more KZ2 than you and I guarantee I've played more Gears than you.
Are we talking about the same thing?You seriously don't think Gears has a slide to cover mechanic?
Haven't seen all the levels, havent used all the guns, havent even come close to seeing all of the online, what did the online demo have like one map?Graphics are consistent enough to say they are good after one level, outside of the few sci-fi weapons they behave similarly and nothing radically changes as you level up. You're just more effecient? yeah but These people still havent played the full game, regardless of your justifications for them.[QUOTE="TintedEyes"][QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"] Graphics, melee system, online, slide mechanic and gunplay?MFDOOM1983
[QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"]Graphics are consistent enough to say they are good after one level, outside of the few sci-fi weapons they behave similarly and nothing radically changes as you level up. You're just more effecient? yeah but These people still havent played the full game, regardless of your justifications for them. What they are critiquing doesn't require them to play the full game imo. Maybe if they were discussing the story and pacing.[QUOTE="TintedEyes"] Haven't seen all the levels, havent used all the guns, havent even come close to seeing all of the online, what did the online demo have like one map?TintedEyes
[QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"]Graphics are consistent enough to say they are good after one level, outside of the few sci-fi weapons they behave similarly and nothing radically changes as you level up. You're just more effecient? yeah but These people still havent played the full game, regardless of your justifications for them. I know how the game plays, I've spent many evenings on the MP demo. Story? I can't judge. How the guns shoot and general gameplay = I know.[QUOTE="TintedEyes"] Haven't seen all the levels, havent used all the guns, havent even come close to seeing all of the online, what did the online demo have like one map?TintedEyes
[QUOTE="TintedEyes"][QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"]Graphics are consistent enough to say they are good after one level, outside of the few sci-fi weapons they behave similarly and nothing radically changes as you level up. You're just more effecient?yeah but These people still havent played the full game, regardless of your justifications for them. I know how the game plays, I've spent many evenings on the MP demo. Story? I can't judge. How the guns shoot and general gameplay = I know. MP demo is different form the final gameRavensmash
I know how the game plays, I've spent many evenings on the MP demo. Story? I can't judge. How the guns shoot and general gameplay = I know. MP demo is different form the final game How so?[QUOTE="Ravensmash"][QUOTE="TintedEyes"] yeah but These people still havent played the full game, regardless of your justifications for them.TintedEyes
[QUOTE="TintedEyes"][QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"]Graphics are consistent enough to say they are good after one level, outside of the few sci-fi weapons they behave similarly and nothing radically changes as you level up. You're just more effecient?yeah but These people still havent played the full game, regardless of your justifications for them. What they are critiquing doesn't require them to play the full game imo. Maybe if they were discussing the story and pacing. critiquing gameplay and giving it a rating is something you need to play the full game to knowMFDOOM1983
While it's debatable that it's the best FPS, it is certainly not unquestioned. Just come onto SW to see that.
What they are critiquing doesn't require them to play the full game imo. Maybe if they were discussing the story and pacing. critiquing gameplay and giving it a rating is something you need to play the full game to know He played enough.[QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"][QUOTE="TintedEyes"] yeah but These people still havent played the full game, regardless of your justifications for them.TintedEyes
[QUOTE="TintedEyes"]critiquing gameplay and giving it a rating is something you need to play the full game to know He played enough. i dont think its nearly enough[QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"] What they are critiquing doesn't require them to play the full game imo. Maybe if they were discussing the story and pacing.MFDOOM1983
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