I was at my friend's house yesterday playing Wii sports with him , his girfriend and his father, After a couple of hours my friend's father got drunk and started bothering Us all specially the poor girl the guy laughed at herlike a moron each time she missed in the golf game he wasnt very different with me eitherafter an hour of play he started insulting us all(even his son) he call me a lowlife , The Girl a B...! , And his son a worthless slacker , The he kicked me and the girl out of the room closed the door and started yelling atmy friend who was totally embarrased and scared after a minutethe drunkstarted crying saying that he had problems with his wife last night and because of that he wanted to kill himself and all... Suddenlyhe opened the door and went upstairs still moaning and locked himself in his room I said good bye to my friend who was very pissed at his dad and left to never come back...
I blame the Wiimore than the alchohol for that incident everyone gets overcompetitive when playing that thing
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