No denying it.
Not only is it the most talked about and hated/loved console on these forums(though 360 comes close in the love category), it is also the console that will have the largest impact on the next generation of consoles, and the ones after that.
They honestly had the name right the first time. The Wii is a revolution.
The Wii is also the most popular console, with all type of gamers.
Let me dispell some rumors:
Only children buy the Wii.
I bought the Wii, I'm 28. I love it personally, more than my 360. I am a Nintendo fan because I have nostalga for Nintendo and I love their games. People who like Nintendo games, buy the Wii. It's that simple.
The Wii has no good third party games.
Zack and Wiki, REUC, Both Trauma Centers, RE4, Guitar Hero 3, Madden, Tiger Woods, Spore(coming soon), ect. All these games are great, and RE4 is a AAA on gamespot. However, since we are now using Gamerankings, the Wii has a fantastic selection of AAA titles, much more than gamespot accords. Not to mention the plethora of first party titles already, or soon to be released, including a front running GotY candidate. No hardcore gamer can call himself hardcore, that doesn't at least want to check out SMG.
Also, as far as exclusives go, you'll be hard pressed to find a system better than the Wii, and this will, of course, prove itself true as more and more first party games hit the system.
The Wii sacrafices quality for cheapness.
The Nintendo games are just as well made, if not more so, than any games available for the other consoles. Also, the most important thing, the hardware itself is once again the most durable. Microsoft, reporting a new 3 year warrenty, the fact that all current 360s will eventually fail from fault soldering(see wikipedia), and a reported 30 percent failure rate for new systems. Sony seems to have finally built a quality machine, however, just from past instanced, I believe that since my Famicom is still working, my Wii might outlast my PS3. However, one thing is for sure, Nintendo has a certain qualty about its brand from a hardware perspective.
The Wii remote is a gimmick.
A gimmick implies that the remote is a trick, of sorts, to draw people in, and once the initial fun has worn off, the controller will cease to be useful. No, the controller is functional, and an integral part to the gameplay of all major Wii titles. Love it or hate it, it is a main gameplay device, and is utalized in most, if not all games, shovelware or not, for the system.
The Wii itself is a fad.
See the sales figures lately? Fads die out. The Wii is the hottest toy(yes all consoles are considered toys) for 2 years in a row. A first. If its a fad, it is the longest lasting and most popular toy fad ever.
Nobody plays their Wii.
The attach rate for the Wii is growing by leaps and bounds. In North America, if you include Wii Play and NOT Wii Sports, then the Wii has an equal attach rate percentage to the 360. Since Wii sports is one of the most popular games for the system, it not being counted recovers the Wii Play fiasco.
The Wii has terrible graphics.
The Wii is capable of outputting double the graphical capabilities of the original Xbox, and has yet to hit its graphical celing. SMG runs at a smooth 60 fps, like most all Nintendo games, taking advantage of this power.
The Wii is a shovelware console.
The most popular and highest selling console always is. However, this is a good thing, because some of the third party developers it draws in, don't just make shovelware. Zack and Wiki is a good example.
The Wii has no good games coming out after brawl.
This post is long enough for me to be amiss if I listed them here. However, Mario Kart, No More Heroes, Fragile, Tales of Symphonia, Disaster Day of Crysis, Starfox, Crysis, Bully:SE, Punchout, and tons of other games are in the works, and there are some really good looking games that hardcore gamers, as well as softcore, can and will love, and plenty more unannounced. My current '08 most wanted Wii game list is 24 games long, while my 360 list has 12 games, but perhaps I'm a tad biased.
The propoganda on these forums is sometime horrible from sheep and sheep haters, but be smart enough to see through it. When people make posts with screens from in development games taken under grainy light and compare them to the best looking real screens from Gears of War, be intelligent enough to call them on it.
The age old argument and opinion back and forth on these forums is classic, but it doesn't make any popularly believed opinions true, and in most cases, they are often false.
I hope to meet all you Wii haters on the field of battle, and everyone get ready, the Brawl hits in february. Thanks for the read, or if you didn't read, thanks for the bump.
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