[QUOTE="kansasdude2009"][QUOTE="Coyo7e"][QUOTE="kansasdude2009"][QUOTE="Hexagon_777"][QUOTE="Shoryouken"] it only has crap games
The only good games that I know of the top of my head are SMG and RE4 and thats a remake
Maybe I would think differently if I didnt live in europe since nintendo likes to screw with us and only give us crappy third party games and censored games
Maybe your Wii does but I guarantee you that if you buy good games for your Wii, it will have...good games.
A lot of gamers feel there are not many good games on the Wii. Half the games you list and tell me try I have 0 interest in.
I am sure games like Super Paper Mario are quality games, but they bore me to tears.
- Super Mario Galaxy - Platformer
- Metroid Prime 3 - First Person Adventure
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Action Adventure
- Zack & Wiki - Adventure
- Wii Sports - Sports
- Wario Ware - Party
- Trauma Center - Surgery Sim
- Super Paper Mario - Platformer/RPG
- Fire Emblem: RD - Stratagy RPG
- Resident Evil 4: WE - Action
- Medal of Honor: H2 - First Person Shooter
- Guitar Hero 3 - Music
- No More Heroes - Action
- Endless Ocean - Diving Sim
- Geometry Wars: G - Retro shooter
- Battalion Wars 2 - RTS/shooter
- Super Smash Brothers Brawl - Fighter
- + tons of VC titles!
Why bother with the damn list? My last comment should have let you know that we all know (here in SW) the games for each system. Do I really need to go over that list?
I will make it simple. RTS I play on my PC. Battalion wars may be good but why would I want to play that over a PC RTS? That is like picking the kiddy pool over the ocean.
I do not like party games and I have 0 interest in a surgery sim. VC I do not care a lot about because, well because been there done that. It is about new games for me. Wii sports, I dont dig on mini games either.
No More Heroes I like so far. That makes one. SMG I respect and enjoy, two. Zak and Wiki I am not interested in all that much. If I want action/adventure/shooter/RPG, any of those types of games are better represented on other systems.
All that is left Nintendo are first party titles and do not like Nintendo characters. IMO Link reminds me of a yard gnome. Mario the game is great Mario the character is a total hack.....
By why should I expect a talking advertisement to except what someone else thinks? The purpose of an add is to tell me what to think.
Exactly. Your opinon. You. Not the majority because apparantley 20 million people are actually happy with the games available for wii.
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