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Why bother with the damn list? My last comment should have let you know that we all know (here in SW) the games for each system. Do I really need to go over that list?
I will make it simple. RTS I play on my PC. Battalion wars may be good but why would I want to play that over a PC RTS? That is like picking the kiddy pool over the ocean.
I do not like party games and I have 0 interest in a surgery sim. VC I do not care a lot about because, well because been there done that. It is about new games for me. Wii sports, I dont dig on mini games either.
No More Heroes I like so far. That makes one. SMG I respect and enjoy, two. Zak and Wiki I am not interested in all that much. If I want action/adventure/shooter/RPG, any of those types of games are better represented on other systems.
All that is left Nintendo are first party titles and do not like Nintendo characters. IMO Link reminds me of a yard gnome. Mario the game is great Mario the character is a total hack.....
By why should I expect a talking advertisement to except what someone else thinks? The purpose of an add is to tell me what to think.
Battalion wars is quite unlike alot of RTS games. Have you tried it? It's actually alot of fun! That's like saying pikmin isn't worth trying becasue it's an RTS on a console.
As for the rest of your post, that's fine. It's your opinion that you won't enjoy said games.. noone can argue that(though if you haven't actually played said games, and with an open mind, you can't be sure you wouldn't like them). I have no problem with it, as long as you don't try to tell me that a game is crap, or a system, if you haven't played them and fairly judged them. Fair enough, right?
[QUOTE="darklord888"][QUOTE="kansasdude2009"][QUOTE="darklord888"]I have to agree the Wii is a bad console. The controlls really aren't that great, they get kind of annoying after a while. Really the only good thing about it was SMG and the fact I'll probably get a profit from selling it.
It's a shame because I loved the Snes, N64 and GCN. Oh well maybe next-gen.Coyo7e
how can the controls get annoying when each game has a different control set-up?
Also, have you tried Metroid Prime 3, Zack and Wiki, or Medal of Honor: H2?
Anyone who suggests the Wii has the best FPS controls, or even very good fps controls.... well /facepalm.
Don't even bother trying to debate that. You can lead a horse to water but you can not make it drink.
:lol: i know remember how sheep said that the wii would be the best console for Fps'?? then came along a game called call of duty 3.......
Anyone who suggests the Wii has the best FPS controls, or even very good fps controls.... well /facepalm.
Don't even bother trying to debate that. You can lead a horse to water but you can not make it drink.
I gotta say, that's pretty weak.
Maybe I should start saying "don't bother debating with me, because my opinion is right." I could own everybody.
[QUOTE="Coyo7e"][QUOTE="kansasdude2009"][QUOTE="Coyo7e"][QUOTE="kansasdude2009"][QUOTE="Hexagon_777"][QUOTE="Shoryouken"]it only has crap games
The only good games that I know of the top of my head are SMG and RE4 and thats a remake
Maybe I would think differently if I didnt live in europe since nintendo likes to screw with us and only give us crappy third party games and censored games
Maybe your Wii does but I guarantee you that if you buy good games for your Wii, it will have...good games.
A lot of gamers feel there are not many good games on the Wii. Half the games you list and tell me try I have 0 interest in.
I am sure games like Super Paper Mario are quality games, but they bore me to tears.
Why bother with the damn list? My last comment should have let you know that we all know (here in SW) the games for each system. Do I really need to go over that list?
Iwill make it simple. RTS I play on my PC. Battalion wars may be good but why would I want to play that over a PC RTS? That is like picking the kiddy pool over the ocean.
Ido not like party games and I have 0 interest in a surgery sim. VC Ido not care a lot about because, well because been there done that. It is about new games for me. Wii sports, I dont dig on mini games either.
No More Heroes Ilike so far. That makes one. SMG I respect and enjoy, two. Zak and Wiki I am not interested in all that much. If Iwant action/adventure/shooter/RPG, any of those types of games are better represented on other systems.
All that is left Nintendo are first party titles and do not like Nintendo characters. IMO Link reminds me of a yard gnome. Mario the game is great Mario the character is a total hack.....
By why should I expect a talking advertisement to except what someone else thinks? The purpose of an add is to tell me what to think.
Exactly. Your opinon. You. Not the majority because apparantley 20 million people are actually happy with the games available for wii.
At what point did I imply it was anything other then that? At what point did I say the Wii was the worst console ever made?
I was just responding to the list that gets vomited up, for every console, every now and then.
I am just suggesting that some of the wii hate comes from hate for the fans and not the console.
20 million people are happy with the games available? what kind of lame response is that. I guess I do not count even though I own and LIKE the Wii.
I own and like and still think the game list sucks, deal with it. Or just keep flaming. Call us all fakeboys.
Oh, you live in Europe?
Yeah, I wouldn't want a Wii if I lived there as well to be honest.
But I think the Wii is good, here in North America.
[QUOTE="Coyo7e"]Anyone who suggests the Wii has the best FPS controls, or even very good fps controls.... well /facepalm.
Don't even bother trying to debate that. You can lead a horse to water but you can not make it drink.
I gotta say, that's pretty weak.
Maybe I should start saying "don't bother debating with me, because my opinion is right." I could own everybody.
There really is no point. I really think that would show a distinct lack of experience from whoever said that. It is that clear to me they are not.
I feel for sad for you Wii owners, suckered in to the hype of innovation.
Luckily I have more console experience in my gaming repertoire to not be so easily duped.
u must be the man around the ladies :roll:
[QUOTE="Coyo7e"][QUOTE="darklord888"][QUOTE="kansasdude2009"][QUOTE="darklord888"]I have to agree the Wii is a bad console. The controlls really aren't that great, they get kind of annoying after a while. Really the only good thing about it was SMG and the fact I'll probably get a profit from selling it.
It's a shame because I loved the Snes, N64 and GCN. Oh well maybe next-gen.SaintsRowSam
how can the controls get annoying when each game has a different control set-up?
Also, have you tried Metroid Prime 3, Zack and Wiki, or Medal of Honor: H2?
Anyone who suggests the Wii has the best FPS controls, or even very good fps controls.... well /facepalm.
Don't even bother trying to debate that. You can lead a horse to water but you can not make it drink.
:lol: i know remember how sheep said that the wii would be the best console for Fps'?? then came along a game called call of duty 3.......
uh, you were just getting mad at some guy in another thread about acting like an ignorant fanboy.. then you make a comment like this? Come on, just becasue you hate fanboys doesn't mean you have to stoop to their levels(unless.. you are a fanboy?)
Why would you think it a smart idea to judge the control scheme a console can provide based on a single game; and one that didn't impliment it terribly well?
But, for the record, medal of honor heroes 2 controls amazingly well. It really does. If you have a wii, or access to one, it's definitly worth a try. Just don't forget you can adjust sensitivity and the dead zone(which i highly recomend you do).
[QUOTE="--ProtoMan--"][QUOTE="Coyo7e"]Anyone who suggests the Wii has the best FPS controls, or even very good fps controls.... well /facepalm.
Don't even bother trying to debate that. You can lead a horse to water but you can not make it drink.
I gotta say, that's pretty weak.
Maybe I should start saying "don't bother debating with me, because my opinion is right." I could own everybody.
There really is no point. I really think that would show a distinct lack of experience from whoever said that. It is that clear to me they are not.
[QUOTE="fiscope"]I feel the same way. I haven't touched my wii in weeks, after SMG I have nothing to play on it. I hope can finally make it a worthy purchase.TalesofRaGnArOk
Haha, c'mon thats still funny even if tons of people have already said it
lmao:lol: who would have thought that would still be funny
I would like to play fighters online. Can I do that on Wii? Nope, after all this time they still cant get a good third-party support to make the game nor can they get their terrible online ssytem up an ready. Other systems can do it with ease, but for Nintendo, smething I was able to do on Xbox 1 (Mortal Kombat online with voice chat) cannot be done on Wii in 2008. I really think Nintendo is a piece of crap sometimes.
Same with sports games and a ton of other genres. Other companies like MS, Sony and the PC can do things they've been doing for a long time. Nintendo comes along acting all hot thinking it controls the room, and it cant even do things that are expected of systems in this day and age.
Why bother with the damn list? My last comment should have let you know that we all know (here in SW) the games for each system. Do I really need to go over that list?
I will make it simple. RTS I play on my PC. Battalion wars may be good but why would I want to play that over a PC RTS? That is like picking the kiddy pool over the ocean.
I do not like party games and I have 0 interest in a surgery sim. VC I do not care a lot about because, well because been there done that. It is about new games for me. Wii sports, I dont dig on mini games either.
No More Heroes I like so far. That makes one. SMG I respect and enjoy, two. Zak and Wiki I am not interested in all that much. If I want action/adventure/shooter/RPG, any of those types of games are better represented on other systems.
All that is left Nintendo are first party titles and do not like Nintendo characters. IMO Link reminds me of a yard gnome. Mario the game is great Mario the character is a total hack.....
By why should I expect a talking advertisement to except what someone else thinks? The purpose of an add is to tell me what to think.
A talking advertisement? >_>
Honestly, several gamers don't even know what is on the Wii. If your not into Nintendo Characters, Surgery Sims, Party games, Adventure titles, and everything else on that list besides NMH and SMG... then I'm really sorry. But the fact remains... there are some amazing titles on the Wii.
There are 2 things that we could argue about. 1) that you don't care about any of these games even when you might have not even played them. 2) You opinion is better than any Review
Well, I am here to say that it is ok that you have little interest in these games. But if you open your mind to the possibility that they could be good, you could realize that several people really enjoy their Wii's. But if your only going to base your argument off of your own opinion, then we will get nowhere. So, please know that the Wii does have great titles. Ok?
Also, I think that I should add in that I am enjoying my 360 much more than my Wii right now after I finished Mario Galaxy. But as soon as I can find NMH... i'll be set till brawl! ;)
I would like to play fighters online. Can I do that on Wii? Nope, after all this time they still cant get a good third-party support to make the game nor can they get their terrible online ssytem up an ready. Other systems can do it with ease, but for Nintendo, smething I was able to do on Xbox 1 (Mortal Kombat online with voice chat) cannot be done on Wii in 2008. I really think Nintendo is a piece of crap sometimes.
Same with sports games and a ton of other genres. Other companies like MS, Sony and the PC can do things they've been doing for a long time. Nintendo comes along acting all hot thinking it controls the room, and it cant even do things that are expected of systems in this day and age.
I agree with your stress over Nintendo's ancient ways. But Nintendo makes some of the best single player experiences in the market. So, as long as they continue to deliver... I'm ok with getting my online experiences with my 360.
it only has crap games
The only good games that I know of the top of my head are SMG and RE4 and thats a remake
Maybe I would think differently if I didnt live in europe since nintendo likes to screw with us and only give us crappy third party games and censored games
I live in Europe and I think differently. Have you actually bought games for your Wii? Metroid Prime 3, Twilight Princess, Super Paper Mario, Zack & Wiki, Trauma Center, Heroes 2 and so on. Not to forget all the fantastic Virtual Console games.
[QUOTE="Shoryouken"]it only has crap games
The only good games that I know of the top of my head are SMG and RE4 and thats a remake
Maybe I would think differently if I didnt live in europe since nintendo likes to screw with us and only give us crappy third party games and censored games
I live in Europe and I think differently. Have you actually bought games for your Wii? Metroid Prime 3, Twilight Princess, Super Paper Mario, Zack & Wiki, Trauma Center, Heroes 2 and so on. Not to forget all the fantastic Virtual Console games.
wtf? why do sheep and cows bother to name launches?, my god you guys say TP, cows say R:FOM, you dont hear lemmings say COD2 all the time and that was a fantastic game. geez cut it out already, those games are 2 years old
[QUOTE="SaintsRowSam"]:lol: i know remember how sheep said that the wii would be the best console for Fps'?? then came along a game called call of duty 3.......
No it was the critically acclaimed Red Steel. :D
:lol: that too
[QUOTE="c_smithii"][QUOTE="SaintsRowSam"]:lol: i know remember how sheep said that the wii would be the best console for Fps'?? then came along a game called call of duty 3.......
No it was the critically acclaimed Red Steel. :D
:lol: that too
Then there were these games called Metroid Prime 3, and Medal of Honor Heros 2. Not the best games ever but they do show that the Wii's FPS controls are getting better all the time... MUCH MUCH better, now if only there was a compelling game for these controlls...
Zack and Wiki, Super Paper Mario, BWii, Fire Emblem, Mario Strikers, Metroid Prime 3, No More Heroes, and Endless Ocean never came out? That's weird. In that case, you're absolutely right that the Wii only has crap games.
Zack and Wiki, Super Paper Mario, BWii, Fire Emblem, Mario Strikers, Metroid Prime 3, No More Heroes, and Endless Ocean never came out? That's weird. In that case, you're absolutely right that the Wii only has crap games.
You forgot to add Twilight Princess! While it may be a GC port on the Wii, the controls are fantastic. It is a total must-buy for EVERY Wii-owner.
[QUOTE="c_smithii"][QUOTE="SaintsRowSam"]:lol: i know remember how sheep said that the wii would be the best console for Fps'?? then came along a game called call of duty 3.......
No it was the critically acclaimed Red Steel. :D
:lol: that too
Yeah, and remember when Lemmings said that the 360 was capable of amazing physics and graphics, and along comes Gun and 90% of the 360's launch title lineup? Because you know how everybody instantly judges a console based on the launch software...
And Cows, consider this your lucky break, as I'm not mentioning a certain Gundam game on the PS3.
The fact that you just compared Battalion Wars 2 to a typical PC RTS (Starcraft, C&C, SupCom, etc) just goes to show that you may know the game is on the system, but you don't know what you're talking about.Why bother with the damn list? My last comment should have let you know that we all know (here in SW) the games for each system. Do I really need to go over that list?
I will make it simple. RTS I play on my PC. Battalion wars may be good but why would I want to play that over a PC RTS? That is like picking the kiddy pool over the ocean.
[QUOTE="PhoebusFlows"]I would like to play fighters online. Can I do that on Wii? N
An online fighting game? The fighting genre is one crafted amongst local play. That's like having Wii Play online.
You'll be able to do that soon, SSBB is online...
[QUOTE="Gunraidan"][QUOTE="PhoebusFlows"]I would like to play fighters online. Can I do that on Wii? N
An online fighting game? The fighting genre is one crafted amongst local play. That's like having Wii Play online.
You'll be able to do that soon, SSBB is online...
Exactly. He's getting all the milage he can out of this argument before it becomes invalid.[QUOTE="i_like_pizza"]Zack and Wiki, Super Paper Mario, BWii, Fire Emblem, Mario Strikers, Metroid Prime 3, No More Heroes, and Endless Ocean never came out? That's weird. In that case, you're absolutely right that the Wii only has crap games.
You forgot to add Twilight Princess! While it may be a GC port on the Wii, the controls are fantastic. It is a total must-buy for EVERY Wii-owner.
Don't forget SSX Blur, NiGHTS, Monkey ball, RE:UC and TC New Blood. But yeah beside all of thoses, it definitly only has crappy games.For me personally the Wii is a fine console.....i don't buy 20 games a year (more like 6) and the fact taht there are a bunch of horrible games out doesn't matter to me since im not going to be buying them.Console_Gamer93Now this is a gamer. Don't buy bad games. All you people who said wii has bad games, why are you looking at them anyway. There are great wii games but not alot. Every system has its shares of bad games
it only has crap games
The only good games that I know of the top of my head are SMG and RE4 and thats a remake
Maybe I would think differently if I didnt live in europe since nintendo likes to screw with us and only give us crappy third party games and censored games
the wii is nothing more than a gimmick iv'e been saying that since it's release
[QUOTE="Shoryouken"]it only has crap games
The only good games that I know of the top of my head are SMG and RE4 and thats a remake
Maybe I would think differently if I didnt live in europe since nintendo likes to screw with us and only give us crappy third party games and censored games
the wii is nothing more than a gimmick iv'e been saying that since it's release
Depending on how you define "gimmick," anything in the industry could be considered that. You say "gimmick" as if it's a bad thing, but the definition of that word actually isn't a terrible thing. Oh well. Haters will be haters.
[QUOTE="Shoryouken"]it only has crap games
The only good games that I know of the top of my head are SMG and RE4 and thats a remake
Maybe I would think differently if I didnt live in europe since nintendo likes to screw with us and only give us crappy third party games and censored games
the wii is nothing more than a gimmick iv'e been saying that since it's release
k, but the sixaxis isn't a gimmick right?[QUOTE="kansasdude2009"][QUOTE="darklord888"]I have to agree the Wii is a bad console. The controlls really aren't that great, they get kind of annoying after a while. Really the only good thing about it was SMG and the fact I'll probably get a profit from selling it.
It's a shame because I loved the Snes, N64 and GCN. Oh well maybe next-gen.darklord888
how can the controls get annoying when each game has a different control set-up?
Also, have you tried Metroid Prime 3, Zack and Wiki, or Medal of Honor: H2?
[QUOTE="patrickjw333"][QUOTE="Shoryouken"]it only has crap games
The only good games that I know of the top of my head are SMG and RE4 and thats a remake
Maybe I would think differently if I didnt live in europe since nintendo likes to screw with us and only give us crappy third party games and censored games
the wii is nothing more than a gimmick iv'e been saying that since it's release
Depending on how you define "gimmick," anything in the industry could be considered that. You say "gimmick" as if it's a bad thing, but the definition of that word actually isn't a terrible thing. Oh well. Haters will be haters.
I'm glad someone else mentioned this. The dictionary definition of "gimmick" is "an innovative mechanical contrivance". :| Not to mention, haters said the same thing about the DS.[QUOTE="Shoryouken"]it only has crap games
The only good games that I know of the top of my head are SMG and RE4 and thats a remake
Maybe I would think differently if I didnt live in europe since nintendo likes to screw with us and only give us crappy third party games and censored games
the wii is nothing more than a gimmick iv'e been saying that since it's release
Your admitting that your console of choice is being destroyed by a Gimmick? Makes your console seem kind of pathetic really...
*shrug* Sorry, guess you're just on the wrong side of the Atlantic. Come on over here to America. We've got No More Heroes, Medal of Honor Heroes 2, and cheeseburgers the size of your face. It's great.Hoffgod
But still it's only another 11 days till MOH Heroes 2 comes and and 32 until NMH so it's not like it's too long either, but yeah PAL wii's suck.
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