So, lemmings and cows, you seem to be posting the same pictures that attempt to defame the Wii and dub it "last-gen". You know something? You're just lying to yourself. The Wii has some very good graphics, first-party and THIRD PARTY alike. Yes, even third party. Behold!
Super Mario Galaxy:
Super Smash Bros. Brawl:
No More Heroes (Third Party, developed/produced by makers of Killer 7):
For those of you claiming the Wii "Last-Gen":
1) Nobody expects the Wii's graphics to be Gears of War. Not even Sheep.
2) All consoles have games that look bad. Example? Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire (PS3) and Gun (360).
3) Everyone knows that saying that a PSP could do better than the Wii in graphics is an extreme hyperbole, so stop.
There you go. Now do us all a favor and enjoy your games.
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