Nintendo hasn't expanded the market as much as they like to think considering that 250$ system has sold less than 9 millions not even the half of what the gamecube sold and considering that the Wii is not intended to have a long lifespan on the market I can see the imminent downfall of Nintendo looming on the horizon, a massive killer sales slump maybe or perhaps a killer blow by the competition ( 360'S Halo3 , Kz2 Ps3 , 360's Mass effect , Ps3's FFXIII,360's Forza , Ps3's GT, PsHome) lets check out the following points:
1) The System was almost maxed out at launch with zelda and will be totally done with ssbb
2) Worldwide labeled as "kid's console"
3) lacks variety on it's library
4) Does not have an appealing online service compared to Xlive and PSN
5) Most of it's franchises died long ago ( I meanthey re no longer atractive to gamers Mario, Super Smash B , Mario Party)
6) Labeled as the home of remakes
7) Considered by respected anilystsand most of Gsusers as the console thatthreats theindustry itself with it's low graphic standards and shallowgames.
8) New controller last gen Hardware that will be absolutely obsolete very Soon.
9) Along with all the Faddish qualities it lacks a decent third party support (Many 3rd party Devs make downgraded multiplats and Party games for it , very few are making big hitter projects )
I encourage you to consider the points depicted in herein and post your coments, is the Wii's self-manufactured failure imminent?
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