We have heard much about KZ2, but i think the real story is the sales figures for Madworld (66K) and House of the Dead Overkill (45K). Mad world especially was hyped as "the Great Hardcore Hope" by many here, but as we have seen it has both fialed to deliver score wise and sales wise. This is an insight into the Wii in itself, showing that not only are the games targeted at a non-casual audience getting more anfd more thin on the ground, the third party ones just aren't selling well. This could been seen to be a pretty sound indicator of future games of the same type.
Games such as the Rail shooter itteration of Dead Space (the original of which also had pretty poor sales) and the Conduit (which seems to be so frequently under fire in recent preveiws) will most likely go the same route. 45K is a pretty poor showing, especially considering how few 'Core' games the wii has had this and last year. Games like Okami also failed to make an impression as a unit shifter.
Third parties have been critcised on this board for not making more of the Wii, but with these kind of sales can you blame them?
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