Im one of the biggest nintendo boosters out there and I have to agree with TC.
A wii game has to overcome the fact that it will never be graphically up to par with its competition. So yes, maybe mario is better than ratchet, but rachet is definitely graphically superior, and graphics is a category in determining GOTY. Not officially like in graphical components in game reviews, but it's part of the whole experience.
I would stress the wiis motion sensing advantage, but gamespot has demonstrated time and again that they are not impressed with it. They never go out and say that the wii is superior to its graphically powerful brothers in any way. They just say things like "the controls are handled well" or whatever. Plus, imo they have been underrating some wii games.
GC humiliated the ps2 and xbox in terms of racking in the GOTYs, but it got less love from gamers. Wii is the more popular system this gen, but it wont win GOTYs. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it
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