[QUOTE="Hexagon_777"][QUOTE="Eponique"][QUOTE="True_Gamer_"] [QUOTE="Eponique"]I'm pretty sure console gaming is still more popular than PC gaming in the UK, just look at the sales charts, there were only about 2-3 PC games compared to 9 Wii games in the top 40. :?aliasfreak
That casts a serious doubt on peoples IQ...buying something thats £17 elsewere for £45...
Neh, the only reason I don't PC game is because it's too complicated.
How so?
Sorry for just jumping in, but I'll put in my 2 cents. The complicated statement applies to me as well, but for a different reason. I don't like having to know the specs of my computer or finding out what settings my games will run at. I like to pop a disc into my console and know what I am getting. I like to buy a console once and never have to think about how I could get better graphics if only I would upgrade my memory or graphics card.
To top it all off, I'm on a computer for far too long at work, and to add to the slight animosity I feel toward computers, I'm also the one people look to to fix their computers in my lab. To be clear, it's not because I'm some computer expert, I simply seem to know more than at least 2 of the other 3 people in there (or if I don't know, I'm willing to work at it to figure it out).
This site helps a lot when doing PC gaming. I was overjoyed when I came across it. It makes things incredibly easy.
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